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I am slowly losing my vision because of the blood and my body is trembling on the ground. I muster all the strength I have just so I can clean my wounds and maybe, just maybe I can make it to save my life. Escaping is important but if I go out there with blood all over me then I will be dead for sure and so will all those police officers downstairs.

I run a soon as I was done. I start acting as if I am just looking to see who is at the door when I get the death glare of my life. If looks could kill, I'd be by the core of the earth. Anyways that death glare means I am gonna get killed if I am responsible for this and I immediately step back. "Hello dear, are you the one that called us?"they say kindly. And like an idiot, I say, "No of course not, why would I call." I shake my head profusely with my eyes wide open.  I must've been very unconvincing or something because what they say next scares the hell out of me. "Well then we are going to have to arrest the both of you because we don't know where this person is that called," one of them says rather bored. I am in shock. I am being arrested, but then again why am I shocked I just lied to an officer. Yikes

"Hands behind your back and anything that you say can be used against you in court," they say simultaneously. The officer gently pulled me along with him. I walk out the door and into the world I haven't seen in ages. The sun burns my eyes because I am not used to being in the brightness. I stare at all the colors I miss because all I ever see is brown walls. I am probably in his police car now. "Are you lying to us?" he asks me gently. "No, why would I lie,"I say nervously. Mostly because that man is still sitting next to me and if I give him a motivation to kill me he will make sure he does. It won't be a pretty death for me or these lovely officers in the front seat.

As soon as we stop, I am taken out of the police car and I go into the police station. In the interrogation room, I am sitting alongside a male police officer. "Ok, so now can you tell us the truth as to what happened,"he says gesturing to me. "Yes as long as that man is not here with me," I say nervously, showing my feelings for the first time in a long time. I notice the smell of coffee taking over the room and my stomach has to embarrass me by grumbling uncontrollably.

He starts to chuckle. "I'll get you something to eat but can you start talking please," he says while smiling. "Well it all started in the Middle East where I live,"I say sweetly. He chokes on his coffee. "What?! You live in the Middle East! Do you know where you are now?" he asks in surprise. "I don't know really,"I say clearly confused. "You're in America right now," he says trying to soften the blow as it were. I started to hyperventilate. "W-what, you're n-not s-serious right?"I ask but when I saw his expression I knew I was far away from home, sadly. I also found out that I was being lied to about my family, they are actually alive. It is a very bitter-sweet moment.

After two hours of sitting there and talking about my life story. The police officer asks the other officer who is interrogating the other man about more details. He also asks the research officers to find the guy I told him about. "So, sadly, we don't know where the man that originally kidnapped you is so you have to stay here till we find him and until we can have a court case," he says sadly. I want to cry but I couldn't it just wasn't in me anymore to be that kind of person anymore. I can't cry for things like family anymore. The chair beneath me squeaks as I try to get comfortable."I guess I can't do anything, but when will I see them,"I ask, hopefully. His expression looks glum as he seems to be thinking hard.

"I'm sorry but not for a long time like maybe more than a year. So we've decided to put you in with a foster family and they will pay for your schooling until grade 12. Your foster parents will take care of everything," he says kindly. "Ok, so when will I meet them?"I ask patiently as I stare at him. I notice he is more relaxed around innocent victims as he swings around on his chair. "Tomorrow, so today you'll have to stay at my house with my family and then I'll send you over there. Then after a week of getting to know them you have to start school at West Hills Academy,"he says kindly. I just nod this time not trusting my words to come out properly.

I will meet strangers tomorrow and I am not very good with that at all. I just feel an anxiety attack coming on like I had the first day I was kidnapped. That day, I had the worst torture of my life. Until I stopped crying out in pain and breathing heavily they wouldn't stop torturing me. It was terrible and, now,  I am stuck in this sad life for much longer time. I have to wait until this horrible man is found and tried before I can ever see my family again. I sigh deeply as I look at the white walls and carpeted floors of the police station. Person after person comes in handcuffed with a bleeding person trailing behind. Some come in with reporters flashing lights in their eyes and families mourning on their knees. "Ugh, I hate this place,"I mutter to myself.

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