To A New Adventure

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 It was finally summer. After ten long, arduous months, students were released from the Galaxy Garrison and free to finally do whatever they pleased. For a small group of students, that meant heading to the nearest house and crashing in the basement in hopes of escaping the heat of the sun. Everyone laid in silence, staring at the ceiling. It was the first day of summer, and they were already at a loss of things to do.

That was until Allura's father could be heard making his way down the stairs into the basement. "My, what are you all doing down here? It's beautiful outside!"

"Father, it's insufferable out there." Allura whined, rolling over onto her stomach and looking to the man with bright white hair.

"Hmm," He pursed his lips and sat down on the couch beside Shiro, looking around at Allura's group of friends. "Well, now, I wouldn't suppose anyone would be opposed to a weekend at the beach?"

Those few words caught Lance's attention, causing him to sit up. "Beach?"

Alfor nodded. "Has Allura not told you?"

The entire groups interest was now peaked and they all shook their heads.

"Father—I thought that was a secret?" Allura piped up nervously.

Alfor scoffed. "It was to be when you were younger. But, I believe you are more than responsible enough to take care of the cottage for a weekend."

"You sure about that?" Lance cocked a brow. "Allura has burnt her lunch—in the microwave, mind you—three times this year."

"Mmm, I will take that into consideration." Alfor giggled. "Assuming none of you have plans this weekend, why don't you allow Allura to show you to our cottage at the beach?"

"Wait, seriously?" Pidge gaped.

"Well, it is a long drive. Maybe it's not—" Allura began.

"Pleaaaaseeee Allura," Lance blabbered.

"Yeah," Shiro added in. "It'll be fun!"

Allura looked to her father shyly. She hoped he might offer her a way out of the situation, but the look in his eyes told her he was determined to make sure she and her friends spent the weekend at that cottage. Alfor had always done all he could to get Allura out with her friends, because otherwise she'd just stay home, and sometimes she really disliked him for it. But, maybe this trip would be fun. She just had to believe it would be.

"Alright," She sighed, and the moment she said it, her fathers eyes started gleaming. In that very moment, he also leapt from the couch, nearly taking Shiro with him, and racing up the stairs.

"I'll pack all of the supplies you'll need! Be ready to leave tonight as you could make it there before sundown!" He hollered, his footsteps thumping down overhead. Allura smiled at her friends sheepishly, but they were already all laughing and smiling, way too excited to settle down.

"Hey, uh—" Lance stood up, eyes darting around the room. "Would it be ok if I invited someone from my soccer team? She kinda, well, has no where to be this summer."

Everyone seemed to tilt their heads in question. They'd never heard of this friend of Lance's before, which was extremely surprising since he never stopped talking. Either there was a reason Lance had never mentioned her, or maybe she herself asked to never be introduced.

"I don't see why not?" Shiro shrugged, looking to Allura. "We'll have enough room between the two cars."

Allura nodded in agreement which sent Lance out the basement door and into the back yard, dialling a number in his phone.

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