Capture The Flag

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Lance, of course, woke early. So early it should've been illegal. He was the kind of person to fall asleep and wake with the sun. Even though he was tramping around the house and running around outside at 7 a.m., everyone else refused to leave their beds until at least 8:30.

Hunk and Allura helped an overly enthusiastic Lance prepare breakfast for everyone. And somehow, Hunk was able to make a classic pancake breakfast into a meal to die for that everyone ate in silence. It wasn't until Shiro finally broke the silence.

"So, what does everyone want to do today?" He asked, looking to everyone's tired faces.

Allura pondered for a moment. "I think it will be a little cold to be in the water today, but there's plenty of other fun things to do! There's a waterfall in the forest behind the cottage, plenty of room to play games on the beach, and I believe we have a few board games stored somewhere..."

"Ah!" Pidge squeaked. "Capture the flag!"

"The forest is perfect for it," Allura had to admit.

"Oooh," Lance liked the sound of capture the flag. "So what'll the teams be?"

"I want Y/N!" Pidge gripped the girls arm she sat beside and made her point very clear. "And...Lance and Hunk."

"Hey, then we're the team of three." Keith complained. Truthfully, he could care less what the numbers were, he just wanted to be on Y/N's team.

"Umm, yeah, but Shiro is worth like two of one of us so...It evens out." Pidge explained, rolling her eyes. Everyone had to agree with that statement because it was true. When it came down to basic skills like speed, strength and agility, Shiro was flying colours above everyone else.

Keith wasn't about to put up a fight in front of Y/N so he went along with it. Breakfast finished and everyone lounged around for a while. Slowly but surely they all got dressed, showered should they have needed to, and began to plot their plans of attack. Even though he should have been listening to his teammates, Keith couldn't help but look over to the others who were giggling, all hunched together in a circle discussing their plans. Y/N seemed to be fitting in pretty well so far, especially considering she'd just met the group yesterday.

While walking to their destination, Lance struggled to carry a conversation so he turned to last nights events. The pillow fight that ended in his annihilation. "You guys wanna rematch tonight?"

Pidge laughed to herself and sighed. "The probability of you beating us is beyond low, Lance. Why would you even try?"

"Because, this time Keith will be there to help me. Right Keith?"

"Uhh—" Keith darted his eyes around. "Sure."

"Say yes, or I'll tell them about how you kept sleep talking about Y/N." Lance warned, pointing a finger right in Keith's face. But, in a few seconds he dropped it, mouth falling agape at the realization of what he'd said.

Keith's mouth also fell open and his eyes went wide, pupils dilating. He could feel the heat rising his his face and his heart beating erratically against his ribcage, trying to escape. "I did not!"

Caught up in the moment, Lance couldn't help but argue back. "How would you know, mullet? You were sleeping!"

If it weren't for Y/N's laugher, Keith's fist likely would have ended up between Lance's eyes.

"Did I know? Talk about her in my sleep?" Keith whispered, his brows furrowed nervously, fists clenched.

Lance giggled to himself and pursed his lips. "Yeah. You were arguing with me at one point about having to carry something? I don't really remember. But it was hilarious."

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