Grocery Store Fiasco

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 "Remind me again why you are driving?!" Keith hollered, gripping onto the back of Pidge's chair for dear life. Y/N held the soccer ball close to her chest, eyes wide and petrified. Pidge, well, was screaming. "You're awful and going to get us killed!"

"Calm, down, Kogane." Lance assured as confidently as he could. Though, his white knuckles on the wheel said otherwise. "I've got this. Remember? They call me the tailor at the Garrison for how I—"

"THREAD THE NEEDLE—BUT WE'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE WEAVING THROUGH TRAFFIC!" Pidge screeched as Lance rounded a sharp corner, sending everyone flying to the left. Y/N crashed into the window, Pidge nearly spilled into Lance's lap, and Keith toppled over right into Y/N's.

To avoid an awkward apology, or worse, Keith shot back up. "LAANCE!"

"It's ok!" Lance laughed nervously. "We're here!"

Everyone remained in the car, panting and holding onto anything and everything they could. Lance danced around in the parking lot, trying to catch Shiro, Hunk, and Allura's attention who sat parked a few metres away.

Y/N looked to Keith with wide eyes and he struggled to hold her eye contact, but he forced himself to hold on. Her eyes were bright with some kind of life Keith had never seen before and he found it beyond intriguing. She maintained the gaze as she began to speak. "Listen, I knew he was a bad driver..."

"But not that bad." Pidge finished Y/N's thought. Luckily for Keith, before things got too awkward, Y/N's gaze moved towards Pidge and the girls began laughing. Keith, for a brief second, caught himself staring at Y/N in admiration before he looked away timidly.

"No better way to get acquainted than a near death experience!" Lance sang, poking his head into car with Shiro at his side. "Right guys?"

"Right..." Shiro cringed at the sight of everyone's sickly faces and hands clenching the car. But, at least everyone was laughing. When they got out, Shiro approached the girl and held out his hand.

"Name's Shiro, nice to meet you!" He smiled and Y/N did the same back. Shiro was a tall, strong looking guy and Y/N was slightly intimidated at first, but his smile put her at ease. He seemed kindhearted, and was obviously patient because he was somehow friends with Lance.

The next person to approach was Allura, a tall and beautiful girl obviously older than the rest, just like Shiro. "And I'm Allura!"

"Nice to meet you," Y/N smiled. "Thanks for letting me tag along."

Before Allura could respond, another voice rang out and footsteps thundered behind her.

"Y/N?!" Hunk hollered out and ran at the girl, immediately taking her up in a suffocating hug.

"You two know each other?" Lance's face crinkled up in confusion as he looked between the unlikely pair.

"Yeah! We raid the kitchen at the Garrison together at night!" He laughed, ruffling Y/N's hair and she shoved him lightly. Everyone was slightly surprised, but Hunk was the easiest person on earth to get along with. And, when food was involved, friendship was inevitable.

"Who knew you were such a trouble maker," Lance crossed his arms and shook his head at Y/N teasingly.

It didn't take long before his focus shifted to an abandoned shopping kart and darted for it at the speed of light. Nearly tripping twice, he managed to bring it back to the group, a proud look on his face.

"Get in, Y/N. A special ride for our honorary guest!" He beamed.

"Looks like a death trap." She vetoed.

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