Empty Threats

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Keith had never felt so at home in his life. Never had he laughed so hard for so long. His cheeks hurt from smiling. He'd completely forgotten all of his insecurities. In the span of just a few hours, he had grown closer to Y/N than he ever thought possible. They talked between taking tries on the board, laughed at each others failures, and even skipped lunch just to stay out on the water a while longer. While Lance wasn't too happy with that, Shiro made sure he didn't interfere.

Everyone could see it, even Pidge. Keith had fallen hard. Everyone was also alright with it besides Lance. Keith was always so grumpy, so just seeing him smile all day wrenched everyones hearts in a good way. If keeping Y/N around meant having a happy Keith, they'd do anything. The fact that he got along with Y/N so well so quickly was a rarity for Keith and that was how everyone knew the relationship was meant to be.

"Knock me off and I'll kill you," Y/N snarled as she held her balance on the board, trying to see if she could remain upright whilst small waves lifted the board from underneath. The wind had died down and left the group with few rideable waves, but there was still plenty of fun to be had.

"I'd like to see you try." Keith smiled smugly and shoved the board with his hands a little.

"KEITH!" Y/N hollered. "You're dead."

"Empty threats," He rolled his eyes and swam underneath the board, hitting it from underneath sending the girl toppling off the side.

When she broke the surface, sputtering from the water, Keith threw his head back in laughter.

"Empty threats, huh?" She raised a brow and lunged forwards as quickly as she could, grabbing Keith's shoulders and dunking his head beneath the surface. She backed off, seemingly letting him go. That was, only for him to wipe the water from his face and be splashed repeatedly until surrender.

"Ok! I underestimated you!" He gave up and sighed in relief when the water stopped stinging his eyes. Laughing uncontrollably, he swam closer to the girl, seemingly drawn in by her bright eyes. It might have become an unforgettable moment if it hadn't been for a surfboard careening towards them which Keith caught in his peripheral vision.

"WATCHOUT!" Hunk screamed. He was gripping the board for dear life like a cat afraid of the water.

Keith didn't realize what happened until it was over. Y/N pushed him back into the water, sending him beneath a wave. When he came back up, blood was dripping down the side of Y/N's face, and yet she was smiling. Smiling. Laughing at Hunk as he was crying apologies, pleading for forgiveness, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Y/N had shoved him out of the way without even having hesitated. Keith added bravery and selflessness to his list of admirable adjectives for the girl.

"Hunk!" Y/N grabbed his shoulders and shook them violently. "It's ok!"

"But your face!" He blabbered. "I hit your face! OhmygodIdon'tknowhowithappenedI'mnevergonnafogivemyselfLanceisgonnakillme—"

"It's just my face," Y/N laughed. "Who cares?"

"I do..." Hunk whimpered.

"Stop being so hard on yourself." Y/N smiled. "What do you think, Keith?" Y/N looked to her friend who still appeared to be in a daze. "Think I'll get an epic scar?"

"I—Maybe?" He swam up to her and held her head in his hands, looking to the gash on her face. Luckily, it seemed small and looked like the bruising would be a bigger issue than the cut itself. "C'mon lets go get some ice."

Some kind of protectiveness washed over Keith and he grabbed Y/N's hand without question and dragged her towards shore. He laid out a towel and made her sit down and wait whilst he dug though Shiro's cooler of drinks for ice.

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