We're Sentient, We're Something

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 Lunch was an oven baked pizza. No one was complaining. However, despite how good tasting the pizza was, the atmosphere had turned sour. Everyone could vaguely taste it on the tips of their tongues, and it didn't take long to find the source of conflict. Lance and Keith sat across from one another at the table, staring one another down with vicious eyes. Everyone knew there must've been some unresolved conflict between the boys that they didn't want to meddle in.

Keith wasn't exactly mad at Lance. He just didn't like Lance sticking his nose into everything he did. Was it such a big deal he asked Y/N to hang out that Lance had to question it? It's not like Y/N was Lance's little sister and he needed to hang on the edge of everything she did.

Lance wasn't exactly mad an Keith, either. He just didn't like how Keith was being so friendly to Y/N out of the blue. Maybe Keith was telling the truth and he was just doing his best to make a new friend. But, Lance also knew Keith and didn't like the chances of Y/N getting hurt. She'd had a rough past couple of years with her family not wanting her to go to the Garrison. This summer wasn't easy because her home was too far away and she couldn't bare going home now that everyone had found out she'd gone behind their backs to get into the school.

Y/N was just enjoying her pizza, oblivious to the boys silent war. Everyone else knew Lance and Keith better, able to pick up on the little sings which said they were in a disagreement. But, Y/N had no idea wha to look for. Which, at this point, was either a good thing, or an awful one.

Exhausted, everyone spent the afternoon mulling around the cottage. Hunk found himself a hammock and fell into a deep sleep, Pidge was playing with and old radio, Shiro and Allura played cards and Lance, Keith and Y/N screamed over a game of Trouble. A simple, yet awfully addictive game. A game which seemed to only fuel the boys' duel between one another. Keith grumbled like a volcano ready to blow each time Lance sent one of his pieces back to the start, and Lance complained in Spanish anytime Keith did the same. If it weren't for Y/N there to neutralize the situation, there would have been a very loud argument between the boys. Instead of screaming at one another, all they could do was send each other harsh messages with their eyes.

"I'm bored," Lance blabbered as Keith won again. "Wanna play soccer?"

Y/N smiled and nodded, helping pack up the game before rushing to her room and grabbing the soccer ball. Lance chased her out of the front door, jumping off of the porch into the sand as they began kicking the ball around. The pair made some improvised goals in the sand with sticks and started a one on one game.

Keith couldn't help but see how happy they looked together. Yet again, he was envious. He wanted that with someone. Sure, he was friends with everyone here, but not on that level. He couldn't laugh until his stomach hurt and he cried with anyone here. But, with Y/N, he could see himself being like that. Being happy.

"Why don't you go play?" Shiro asked, brows furrowed.

Keith stood looking out the door and sighed. "I don't feel like it."

"Yes you do," Shiro muttered as he placed a couple of cards down on the table, making Allura gasp. "Go hang out. Maybe they can teach you a couple of soccer things."

Hang out. That was what Keith had asked to do with Y/N this afternoon, but Lance seemed to be preventing it. On purpose or not, he wasn't quite sure. Though, it was beginning to seem like Lance was trying to stand between them. That made his anger flare and he stomped outside into the sand.

"Hey, Keith! C'mon!" Y/N hollered out, kicking the ball in his direction. That was when he very awkwardly realized he didn't know how to play soccer very well. On occasion, he'd played little pickup games with his friends at the Garrison, but it wasn't like he could confirm the ball would always head in the direction he kicked it.

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