A Change Of Heart

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Keith knew he should have left last night. Knew he should have left Y/N there to sleep whilst he head back to his room. But, he didn't. He couldn't. And he was already regretting it.

The first voice he heard at dawn was the last one he wanted to hear. It was like an annoying, squawking, off-tune rooster who wanted to awaken the dead. If Keith didn't get out of the hammock before Lance saw him, he would be dead.

So, the shaggy haired boy did all he could to escape the hammock without waking the girl at his side, stumbling out into the sand. He snuck around the back of the cottage and was met face to face with Lance near the porch.

"What are you doing out here?" Lance crossed his arms and furrowed his brows. "You're never up this early."

"I uh—I was looking for Y/N! She's over there." He pointed to the girl who still lay in the hammock peacefully.

Lance eyed her. "Why's the hammock swaying so much?"

Keith froze, eyes going wide. "The wind!" He sputtered.

"What...wind?" Lance licked his finger, holding it up in the air and eyeing Keith suspiciously. "And why does she have the CD player? Didn't you have that last night?"

"I gave it back," Keith shrugged.

"Right," Lance began walking over to Y/N. "Except you didn't. She came into our room last night to grab it. I knew I wasn't dreaming!"

"Wait, Lance—I can explain." Keith reached out to grab his friend but missed.

"What's there to explain?" Lance asked before his eyes narrowed. "Wait...are you trying to defend Y/N for being a sneaky thief? One who just waltzes into their friends' bedroom at night to steal stuff? Even though I guess the CD is hers...but she stole it from you!"

"Nothing—" Keith muttered.

"Good," Lance snickered a little and went on his way to violently awaken Y/N.

Once he was out of earshot, Keith let out what he figured was the worlds loudest sigh of relief. He'd figured Lance's suspicions were based around the fact that the two of them had spent the night together in the hammock, not that he was after her for sneaking the CD player out of the room. Apparently Lance wasn't awoken by Keith's rampage out of the room, but was by Y/N's quiet mission.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN TELL ME TO SHUT UP IN MY SLEEP AND I WON'T REMEMBER?" Lance shouted just inches away from the girls face, but not in a malicious kind of way. The pair were laughing, shoving each other playfully as Lance struggled to fight for the CD player.

Once he obtained it, he sauntered back over to Keith and handed it to him proudly.

"Uhh, thanks." Keith mumbled, watching as Lance skipped off back towards the house happily.

Y/N made her way over to Keith, a smile still on her face from Lance's attack. "That was close."

"Yeah," He scoffed, beginning to make his way back to the cottage with the girl at his side. "Sorry about that, I shouldn't have—"

"It's fine." Y/N admitted. "After all, I was the one who fell asleep first."

Keith laughed lightly but didn't dare say anything. It wasn't because he was embarrassed or ashamed, it was because he feared how he truly did feel about last night. How he felt was content. Keith was never one to be happy, or one to be able to sit in silence and feel at peace. But, laying there with Y/N, doing nothing but staring up at the sky made him feel those two things wholeheartedly and without doubt. That scared him. They weren't feelings he was used to experiencing. And, whenever he did feel them, they were short lived or something awful always followed.

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