Where'd You Find Her?

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Keith was on a high the rest of the day purely because of that song. He felt content. Just glad to be here with his friends instead of alone in his dorm at the Garrison. And the fact that there was someone here who shared his love for one single song made it all the better. Slowly but surely, he was realizing that it was alright to be himself every once in a while. Maybe, people would like him better that way and he'd have an easier time making friends if he was like that more often. Y/N was someone he wanted to become better friends with. She seemed fun, and like someone he'd enjoy spending time with. On top of all of that, he didn't feel so self-conscious around her anymore. The way Y/N looked at him gave him a feeling of transparency. It was like when she gazed at him, she wasn't scanning him over for flaws, but searching to understand him.

It was difficult for Keith to describe. But Y/N seemed so non-judgmental that he felt comfortable, which was an extremely rare thing for Keith. Something, in fact, he only felt when talking to Shiro.

As they came closer to their destination, everyone imagined an old, rundown, rickety shack to be this so called cottage. But, they were all far from being right. It was a small, well-kept, soft beige building, white trim lining the edges with a large front porch facing the ocean. Hammocks were strung between the trees that surrounded the cottage, and sure enough, there were the surfboards.

"Uncle Coran?!" Allura gasped, racing for the red-haired man with a moustache you only saw decades ago. Yet, he pulled it off. "What are you doing here?"

"Ah, just prepping the cottage for you and your friends! I had the day off!" He beamed, looking past Allura to her friends and waved enthusiastically.

"All of the beds are made and the place is clean! You kids have fun, and don't do anything your Uncle Coran wouldn't!" He waved a finger at Allura and giggled.

"Nice to se you again, Coran." Shiro shook the mans hand and cringed when Coran held on for way too long.

"You're most welcome!" He jumped around on the spot. "And who's this?" He questioned, looking right down at Y/N.

"This is Y/N," Shiro introduced her. "Lance's friend from the Garrison."

"CORAN!" Lance screeched, dropping his bags in the sand and racing for the man. Quickly, they performed a rather extensive secret handshake.

"You've grown, Lance! So has Keith." He scanned over both boys, this being the first time he'd seen them in nearly a year. The last time they'd seen Coran was when he crashed one of the groups video game tournaments a week before school began.

"Well, I best be on my way! But enjoy yourselves!" Coran skipped through the sand towards his vehicle and disappeared in a plume of dust. Lance smiled wide at Coran's extremely quick—and dangerous—departure, and everyone hoped he wouldn't try it the next time they left.

"Well," Shiro finally broke the silence. "Shall we head inside and get settled?"

Everyone nodded and made their way into the cottage.

Keith peered into one of the rooms, leaning against the doorframe. He then heard Y/N's laughter from the end of the hall and he tried to mentally prepare himself for what he was about to do. He was going to ask her to share a room. Easy. Simple. No problem.

It was harder than he thought it'd be.

The moment he raised his head and readied himself to spit out the words 'Y/N, wanna share this one with me?' He was crushed with defeat. The girl followed Pidge into the room across the hall and he watched as Y/N effortlessly climbed to the top bunk and threw her head into the pillow.

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