Falling For You

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 The walk back to the cottage was silent between the two. It wasn't because things were awkward or there was nothing to talk about, it was that Keith was so lost up in his head he couldn't speak. He was still too perplexed by the fact that Y/N was indeed a real person, treating him like he too was a real person, and the chance she'd given him. Singlehandedly, through one conversation and one song, Y/N had managed to force Keith to see himself in an entirely different light. She'd also made him realize that he was potentially catching feelings, but that didn't matter right now.

He felt valuable.

As they neared the porch, Keith stopped dead in his tracks. Through the large, open doorway and past the blowing curtains, Lance was sitting at the kitchen table with his head in his hands.

"How about I give you two a minute?" Y/N asked.

Even though he wanted to say no, run off into the forest and say Lance wasn't worth his time, Keith knew he had to talk to his friend. Something was causing Lance to act so strange all of the sudden, and he wanted to know the cause. Not only that, but he wanted to prove to Lance that he was making a real effort to be better friends with Y/N.

As he approached, Keith could see further inside. Shiro and Allura also sat at the table, focused on an upset, distraught Lance.

"Shiro is right, Lance. Y/N is a person, you can't control who she becomes friends with. Keith is a good guy, give them a chance." Allura said softly, trying to reassure Lance that the world wasn't going to implode if Y/N and Keith happened to become friends.

"He just—we can't let him get close to her!" Lance spat, throwing his hands in the air in frustration.

Shiro sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Why, do you like her? Are you jealous?"

Lance's face flushed and he began to blabber. "No! She's just—I don't know! Too good for Keith? He's ruthless and thoughtless at times and I know he'll hurt her! I don't want that."

"Too good?" Keith appeared from around the corner with tears welling in his eyes. "She's too good for both of us. Especially yourself right now."

"Keith, I didn't mean it like—"

"No, it's fine. Say it." He sat down at the table across from Lance, Shiro and Allura on either side of him. "Tell me about how I shouldn't be around Y/N because of how heartless and cruel I am."

For the first time, despite being angry and upset, Keith was in control. He wasn't yelling or throwing punches, he was sitting calmly, allowing himself to feel these emotions run through his body as he looked to Lance for an explanation. Maybe he was changing.

"Or, is Shiro right? Do you like her?" He asked.

Lance's entire demeanour sank. He crossed his arms over his chest and pouted. Keith could tell he was confused and upset and it made him feel pretty bad for Lance. Normally, he could care less how emotional Lance was being, but he truly did look conflicted.

"I don't like her...not like that. But she's my best friend other than you guys. I don't want her to leave me because of something stupid Keith does!" He muttered, sharply eyeing the dark haired boy across from him.

Shiro wished he could vanish. Being older, he'd already been through this teenage drama and wished he never had to witness it again. Yet, here it was, haunting him. "Look," He pressed his palms to the table firmly. "Maybe, you can both be her friend without killing each other?" His voice sounded like he was explaining how to use scissors to pre-schoolers.

"Besides, it's only one weekend, Lance. Keith can't do that much damage in a few days." Pidge added into the conversation, hardly audibly, as she continued to work away on the old radio.

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