Four - Eating Disorder 🍂💫

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Picture credit: @gamerdads on Instagram.

Some relationships have a tough start.
Maybe the partners don't get along very well in the beginning of the relationship.
Or during the relationship, one of them changes into a different direction.
Some couples have to fight a tough problem first, before they can fully enjoy their time together. Something like an eating disorder or an addiction can take a huge toll on the relationship between the two partners.

So was it with Mark's new relationship.
He met a young woman a few weeks ago, and now, the two were dating.
The young woman was battling an eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, since she was a teenager.
This was a huge difficulty, but Mark showed patience and he listened to her, whenever she cried at night.

"Mark, I really can't do this!", she said, whenever they had dinner or lunch or breakfast.
And yes, Mark was still being supportive and he still listened, but when your girlfriend is dying next to makes you sad.
You can't really do anything, but watch and try to get her to eat.
And that made Mark really angry and depressed at the same time.

He was mad, that there was this disorder, killing his girlfriend.
And he was depressed, because he couldn't do anything. He couldn't force her to eat.
And she wasn't deathly skinny yet, she had a 16.5 BMI.

But as the week's passed, his girlfriend started to restrict her calories even more. She ate two pieces of an apple and drank water throughout the day.
Her weight dropped to 36 kg at an age of 26.
She got too weak to walk properly.

One night, when they had dinner, Mark had enough. He wanted to talk about everything that was going on.
"Sweetie, I know, that eating enough is hard for you, but you're killing yourself even more now. I can't sit here and watch you die anymore. I'm gonna get you into a hospital", Mark said.
His girlfriend's eyes lit up with fear.
"N-no! Please don't, Mark! I promise you, I'll get better! I swear!", she pleaded, very desperate.
"That's what you always say, tho", Mark said, sighing sadly.
"Well, I'm an adult! You can't just force me to go into a hospital!", Mark's girlfriend said, a bit louder than normal.

Mark was mad.
Not at her, but at the disorder.
"PLEASE BABY!! I BEG YOU TO STOP THIS!!", Mark screamed, more desperate than ever.
His girlfriend just shrugged. A few tears were dropping out of her eyes.

"If you don't at least try, our relationship won't have a chance!", Mark said, now crying.

"I guess, I'm damned to die then", Mark's girlfriend said.
Mark was heavily crying at this point.
"I just don't want you to die. You're my treasure", Mark sniffed, inaudible under his hands, which he had put over his face.

"I love you. And I will love you, even with this disorder between us. We will fight it together. I won't leave you", Mark said.
"Thank you for your love and patience, Mark. I will try my best, I promise. And if I die, I died trying to fight for my life. I'm already pretty far gone, Mark. Just so you know", Mark's girlfriend said.
Mark came over to her, lifted her up and sat down with her on the sofa.

The sofa was already pretty soft, but for his girlfriend, every surface was too hard, because she was so bony and emaciated.
"I will try to get better. I promise this time. I love you, babe", she mumbled into Mark's chest, who held her close.
"I love you, honey", Mark said, giving her a kiss on her forehead.
(Words: 616)

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