Chapter 15

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The blood tasted like iron and hot garbage. Audrey had never tasted something so disgusting. She searched for something to grab on, to gain balance. Her eyes were just rolling, everything was dizzy. She tried to open her eyes to see something, but her eyes were already open. Then she felt something cold be placed on her lips. And a liquid was poured into her mouth, it was sweet and tasted good. Soon she was able to grab it and draw in more. Audrey opened her eyes and saw Damon pull his wrist back. Then she went unconscious. Her head dropped to the ground, creating a tiny wound on the back of her head.

"Where am I?" Audrey asked with a soar throat.

"You're in a hospital," a cold hand touched her cheek, but the voice was female. Audrey got her eyes open and saw brown curls fall over her forehead.

"Elena?" Audrey sighed and tried to get into a sitting position. The girl chuckled darkly and moved her face further away.

Audrey frowned and placed her hand on the side of her head, "Katherine."

The girl smiled devilishly and looked Audrey from head to toe. She looked behind her like to check that no one was storming inside the room. Katherine got a little closer and leaned on to the handrail that was on Audrey's left. Katherine smirked and stayed quiet for a while.

"The one and only," she said but scrunched her nose, "kind of."

"What are you doing here?" Audrey asked and raised her other brow.

"Thought I'd check up on my doppelgänger," Katherine's fingers went up the rail. Audrey made a short laugh.

"I thought you hated me."

"Why would I hate you? Though you look exactly like me, you are surprisingly not annoying. You aren't in love with Stefan, are you?" Katherine smiled widely. Audrey chuckled. Her throat was dry and soar. Her voice sounded like a smoker's, though she wasn't that, not any more.

"You want to say it's all about Stefan, but it's not, right? You're here for something else. The question is, what? What do you want?"

"I know you had vervain when I 'compelled' you the other day," Katherine said with a serious face. Audrey didn't have the energy to act scared so she just smiled tiny. "It kind of was a test that you passed."

"Yeah. So what is this thing about doppelgängers?" Audrey looked into Katherine's deep brown eyes, they were a bit deeper than hers. Though they both had amazing hair and bone structure. I guess they really were each other's mirrors.

"Don't worry about it," Katherine raised her hand on Audrey's head level and she moved her head bit back. In her surprise Katherine's hand stroked her hair before she pulled it away. "You need to get better. Between you and Elena, you're my favorite," Katherine whispered with a wink.

"You're probably the only one who thinks that. It's kind of ironic," Audrey tried to speak louder, but failed miserably. Katherine snickered and started to back down slowly, eyes still on Audrey.

"I don't think that's true Audrey. People do care about you, but enough that. This visit can be our little secret," Katherine smirked before swooshed away. Audrey turned her head to her right and looked at the drop. She was so sick of hospitals. When Audrey was little she got sick a lot, but after she turned 14 she started to get better. And for a few years only time when she got sick was when she had a flue.

Audrey's eyes started to slowly close and she drifted to sleep. She dreamed about her mother and father. The times she yelled at them, but apologized. She was always a daddy's little girl.

In her dream Grayson sat on the kitchel level, drank coffee and ate a sandwhich that Miranda, her mother, had made for him. Audrey and Elena ran to the kitchen laughing. Jeremy came after them, trying to stand up with his baby feet. Elena ran in circles giggeling and trying to pull Audrey with her. Audrey smiled widely but ran to her daddy. Grayson laughed when the little girl got to his feet. Grayson put his sandwhich back on the table and grabbed Audrey to his lap.

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