Chapter 12

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Audrey opened her eyes and stared her bedroom ceiling. All that had happened was just so overwhelming she couldn't deal with all of that without a goodnight sleep. She yawned and stretched her hands.

"Time to get up sleepy head," Damon's voice called out. Audrey startled so much when she saw him smirking on the other side of the bed. She covered her face with her hands and grunted.

"Oh god," Audrey whispered. "You scared me."

"Sorry but today is Mayor Lockwood's memorial," Damon sat down on the bed and threw his legs on it. "You need to be there, remember?"

"Oh how could I forget. My ex-boyfriend's dad died and I need to be there to comfort him. And because of that doppelgänger Katherine I wasn't even able to sleep well."

"Aww, would you like me to help you to sleep?" Damon wiggled his brows. Audrey glanced at him with a tiny chuckle. He just smirked back at her and relaxed on her bed. Audrey sighed and got out of her bed. She walked over her wardrobe and lowered her top at the same time. Audrey glanced herself from the mirror next to her wardrobe. Then her eyes went to the rose colored armchair.

Audrey had layed two outfits there last night and she didn't know which one she was going to wear. The one with classy black long sleeved shirt and dark jeans with a leather jacket or the one with dark purple shirt, black jeans and a denim jacket.

"Okay I know I'm going to regret this but; which one? The one on the left or the one on the right?" Audrey asked and stared her clothes with a questioning face. She felt Damon speed next to her and measure the outfits.

"Definetely the one with the leather jacket," Damon smiled crookedly which made Audrey scoff.

"Okay so I'm going with the one you did not pick," Audrey looked at him under her brows. He shook his head playfully and crossed his arms over his chest. Audrey lowered her look and selected her next words carefully.

"So how was your kiss with Katherine?" Audrey asked and raised her eyes. Damon wasn't in her room anymore. She rolled her eyes with a tiny scoff.

"Of course," she sighed and started to take her clothes off to go to the shower. With her bra's and panties she walked to the bathroom, locked all the doors and turned the shower on. After taking all of her clothes off she stepped in. The water was warm and as it poured over her it made her skin shiver. Audrey shampooed her hair and body and let the water wash it off.

Sometimes Audrey thought that she should leave town. Maybe all the pain of losing her parents would go away. Maybe she would forget about the vampires, doppelgängers and everything. But she couldn't leave Elena and Jeremy, she would have to take them with her.

"Audrey! You ready?" She was woken from her thoughts by her littlebrother Jeremy.

"Yeah Jer, just a minute then I'm ready," Audrey yelled to her littlebrother.

Audrey sighed and closed her eyes. She didn't want to go to the Lockwood memorial, but she had to.

After she had showered she put a little bit of makeup on and dried and braided her naturally wavy hair. She put on the purple shirt, denim jacket and black jeans and a pair of boots. Audrey glanced at the clock on her nighttable.

"Oh shit," she whisper yelled and stormed to her wardrobe to grab her phone that was laying on it and ran out of her room. Then she stopped. Where could she get vervain? Audrey ran back in her room back to her wardrobe. It had a wooden jewelry-box on top of it. She opened it; it had jewels on the right said and a vervain flower on the left. Audrey grabbed it putting it into her pocket and left her room. She was happy to see Jenna's irritated face at the bottom of the stairs.

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