Chapter 18

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If anyone was good at being a vampire it was Katherine Pierce. When Katherine turned into a vampire it was the end of 1400s. Five hundred years of being a vampire had made everything in Katherine's life exciting. But being the doppelgänger made her life dangerous. Especially after she betrayed one certain vampire.

Audrey envied Katherine in a weird way. The girl knew how to make a mense and how to keep her emotions out of the way. Audrey didn't want to be emotionless but it would be so much easier. She couldn't shake the expression of Elena's face when Damon had grabbed her and taken her away. Just like he had promised.

Audrey moved her hand from the back of her neck to her daylight necklace. A small smile started to curl on her lips as the memory of the night that Damon gave her that crept into her mind. As the girl pulled her fangs out of her victim's skin she enjoyed the feeling of blood. The man seemed wobbly, but still alive. She didn't want to kill him.

"You took a few too many, passed out and you won't remember anything when you wake up," Audrey compelled the poor guy. She bit her finger and placed the blood over the wound so it could heal. The man walked out of the bathroom when Audrey turned to face herself from the mirror. She had gotten cleaner; only the sides of her mouth were dripping blood.

The door opened and Audrey let out a groan. "Why are you here I didn't kill anyone!" she said strongly. Damon crossed his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow.

"That guy barely walked out of here alive," he said in a judgy tone. Audrey knew Elena sent him in there because she was worried Audrey would flip her switch. On the contrary; Audrey had her feelings on more or less, sometimes she just didn't care.

"I was not about to kill him," Audrey rolled her eyes. "Okay maybe, I was on the edge but my plan wasn't to kill him."

"You're in luck because I'm coming over at your house tonight," Damon said with a crooked smile. He leaned onto the bathroom door as Audrey moved her eyes from the mirror to him. She frowned as wiped her mouth clean.


"Oh you didn't hear? I'm coming to Jenna's barbecue," Damon said looking smug. He wanted exactly that reaction from Audrey. Soon Audrey corrected her expression and looked at Damon from head to toe.

"Good, I could use a distraction," she said and sped to him, causing Damon's smirk only grow wider. Audrey smiled and moved her hands on his leather jacket collar. Damon didn't even flinch, okay inside he was itching to kiss her, but he couldn't. All he did was open the door behind him and start walking away. Audrey frowned when her charms weren't affecting him.

"I'll see you there!" he yelled to the girl who just stood inside the bathroom. Before the door got closed she walked out with a frown on her face. Wait what just happened?


Audrey was itching to see Damon. She stared at herself from the mirror from her bathroom. She felt nervous, but why did she feel that way? First, a werewolf was coming over to dinner and he could kill her, and secondly Damon. She heard the doorbell ring. It was Caroline. The new hearing really helped her; she avoided almost everyone who was worried about her. Caroline was one of them though she as well was a vampire.

Then she heard Damon's voice. Maybe she was wrong, maybe it was in fact him, who came inside. She raised her eyes and sped away from the bathroom. Being a vampire was so weird, and the overwhelming feeligs were just extra weird.

Audrey walked quickly the stairs down and saw Damon at the door. She stopped at halfway the stairs and just stared at him. He had peach cobbler in his hand which made her chuckle inside, but she didn't show it. Only thing showing was her shaky breathe and stare. Audrey looked so deep in his eyes she swore she could see him smiling behind that confusion.

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