Chapter 22

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"Damon..." Audrey was able to utter before she was completely conscious again. Her eyes opened and she looked around. She was in some kind of a house, lying on a sofa. Her head was pounding hard. Audrey groaned and got up from the sofa and searched for her phone on her pocket. There was no sign of it.

She heard a woosh right next to her ear. She jumped when she saw a man she didn't recognized. A deep frown made a crease between her brows as she took steps back, and he forward.

Audrey was afraid, and felt like she was somehow, weaker. The man got her to stop just by looking at her. He drew in a breath and studied her eyes.

"Where am I?" Audrey asked swallowing and shivering. The man sighed and placed his arm over to her neck.

"You are safe, not to worry. My name is Elijah."

He started smiling kindly and Audrey was able to smile herself, but soon frowned when the bloodlust was away.

"Why am I here? And why am I not feeling like a vampire anymore?"

"You never were. It was witch doings. They tried to kill you so my witch saved you, making you feel like you were a vampire for a while and fooling the witches thinking you are dead," Elijah explained to her and moved her chestnut brown curl behind her ear. "Of course the witches needed to bind you to something. A short perioded sire bond went on between you and Damon."

Audrey closed her eyes for a second and rubbed her temple. That explained a lot. "But why am I here? And where is here? I need to see Damon. I need to see him." She was getting nervous, and confused. Why was this Elijah here? Did he kidnap her?

"You will see your friends soon enough, firstly I need to talk."

Then a sudden realization hit over her and she swallowed with a frown. "This is about the curse isn't it?"

Elijah looked confused and he tilted his head. How could this 17 year old girl know about anything? But Audrey looked at him determined. She shook her head and glanced at the ceiling of the building quickly.

"I am the doppelgänger, aren't I? There is a reason I exist," Audrey looked at the man in the suit under her brows. Elijah's expression changed into a small smile as he nodded. Audrey raised her left shoulder and created a sarcastical face. "And I take it you are a vampire who wants to break the sun and the moon curse so that you wouldn't need to lurk in the night."

Audrey drew in a deep breath after explaining all that. She looked at Elijah with a smile and a raise of brows, "Did I do good?"

Elijah looked at her amused. How did she remind him so much of someone he used to know. The smile Audrey Gilbert was carrying was her own; no other doppelgänger had bearen that kind of smile mixed with smirk.

"Are you hungry, Audrey? You are a human after all, you need to eat," Elijah told her but Audrey didn't seem to take it. She folded her arms over her chest and arched her brows.

"So I am your captive?"

"For the moment, yes," Elijah nodded. Audrey sighed.

"Okay, I'm not wearing any vervain, so I don't think I am going to have any options. But the thing is that I haven't showered," Audrey said kind of awkwardly avoiding Elijah's amused eyes, "in like two or three days and I am smelly and I've worn these clothes for three days and my hair is greasy and I look terrible."

"What do you suggest?" Elijah raised his brow and waited Audrey's response. She smiled deviously and tensed herself.

"I have a few suggestions..." she started proudly.


"Oh my god," Audrey moaned as she took a piece from her steak. She had showered in a motelroom after Elijah had compelled her new clothes and makeup, and man it felt good to be clean. And human. Elijah was sitting opposite to her as she ate her steak.

"Are you soon finished?" Elijah asked leaning on the table.

"Why you need to go somewhere?" Audrey asked while stuffing her mouth full off food.

"In the matter of fact I do," Elijah said and straightened his tie. His phone was constantly buzzing and Audrey figured someone important was calling him.

"Does it have to do something with your phone's constant buzzing?" Audrey raised her brows and Elijah nodded whilst he looked out of the small cafeteria window. Audrey swallowed and quickly took the steak knife to her lap.

"Yes it does," Elijah frowned when he looked at his phone, and it made Audrey curious.

"Okay, I'm done," she said and psuhed her plate forward. There wasn't much food left on the plate anyways. Elijah started getting up and so did Audrey. He had his back towards her first, but soon turnt around. This was her chance. She quickly rose the knife and struck it through his abdomen. It caused gasps in the cafe, but Audrey didn't care. As Elijah was left there with a knife sticking out of his abdomen Audrey ran for the door. She stumbled out of the small cafe and glared the outside.

She started running to the street, where she almost got hit by a black mustang. The driver yelled inside the car, but Audrey ignored him by flipping him the finger and continued running across the street. She got to the otherside and her eyes found a payphone. Her feet were heavy, it was hard running as a human. It was starting to rain, as she got in the payphone. She had taken coins from her old clothes pockets and now put them in the payphone.

Her quick fingers dialed Damon's number, which she had memorized, and waited. The payphone felt disgusting against her cheek, and her hands were shaking.


"Damon!" Audrey was able to shriek.


"I'm in a town nearby Mys-". Her talking was interrupted by her own scream. Elijah's pissed off face stared at her outside the payphone. His pupils dilating he compelled Audrey to hang up. She wasn't able to resist. It was terrible. He felt so much more powerful than anyone else.

This power forced Audrey to walk out of the payphone and to face Elijah.

"Did you think it would be that easy?" he asked with blood all over his shirt. Elijah swiftly stroke her cheek. "I am an original."

"Screw you," Audrey said sassy, but received for that sass a slap on her cheek. It was hard, but she had gotten through worse. A rush of blood got to her cheek and she held it. Her doe eyes changed hostile as she stared at Elijah.

"I wanted to do this the easy way, but you forced me into this Audrey."

He grabbed her and a darkness came over.

She felt so vulnerable, so weak.

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