The Interviews

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Jason was watching the screen as each Tribute was interviewed by Caesar and stood on the pedestal behind him. Most of them were fake and couldn't be trusted. They all were trying to stop the Games. Finnick had the best idea of confessing his love to Annie. Jason knew exactly what he was going to say. "Next, say hello to the other brother and sister Victors. Johanna and Jason Mason!" Caesar exclaimed and the two walked out and were greeted by the cheers of the Capital. The siblings stood next to Caesar with false smiles and he seemed to notice. "We have seen a lot of tears here tonight." Caesar said. "But I see no tears in Johanna and Jason's eyes. Mason's, you are angry. Tell me why." "Well, yes, we're angry." Johanna said with a chuckle. "You know, we're getting totally screwed over here. The deal was that if we win the Hunger Games, we get to live the rest of our lives in peace. But now you want to kill us again. Well you know what? Fuck that! And fuck everybody that had anything to do with it!" "Johanna, Johanna, calm down." Jason said wrapping an arm around Johanna. "All right then." Caesar said awkwardly. "One woman's opinion. Anything you want to say Jason?" "Um, yeah." Jason said. "If it comes down to us. I'm not planning on walking out." The crowd gasped. "Do you mean if Johanna makes it to the finals with you. Are you planning to kill yourself?" Caesar asked. Jason chuckled. "Guess that's one way to put it." "Well that's touching." Caesar said. "And heartbreaking. Who's next?" So the two walked backstage and the Victors kept being interviewed till finally, it reached District 12. Katniss walked out with her escort fussing over her. Jason's breath was taken away. Katniss was stunning in her wedding dress. "Really? A wedding dress?" Johanna asked. "Snow made me wear it." Katniss said. Johanna and Jason walked up to her. "Don't worry. You look gorgeous." Jason said with a genuine smile and walked away while Katniss stared after him. Johanna smiled. "Make him pay for it." Johanna said. "And I won't tell lover boy that you have a thing for my little brother." "I don't..." Katniss started. Johanna just winked. (I'm skipping the interviews) By now every Victor was on the pedestal and everyone was chanting for the Games to be cancelled. One by one the Victors grabbed each other's hands. Then they raised them as a sign of unity. Then the lights shut off.

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