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iMessage .....
Onika: Hey my birthday is tomorrow do you mind watching my daughter? Sorry if I'm interrupting your plans. I tried to see if both of our moms could watch her but they are busy. 😬
Aubrey: Haha she is my daughter too Onika I have no problem with it. What time are you trying to drop her off? Or should I come get her?
Onika: I'll just bring her tomorrow on my way out.
Aubrey : 👌🏾 

Instantly Onika's mood changed. And Sherika, Candi, Thembi and Onika's Hairstylist noticed it.

Sherika- What's wrong sis.
Nicki- It's just Drake like I told him that I was heading out for my birthday tomorrow. And basically I was like our moms are busy so I need you to watch her. Then he goes she's my daughter too Onika. She said rolling her eyes.

Thembi - Well he is right Onika lately you been saying my daughter when it should be our daughter. But I see where he's coming from.

Nicki - Of course y'all would agree with him everyone's just, TEAM DRAKE. She said yelling.
Candi - Do you guys think y'all ever get back together?
Nicki - No.
Sherika- Why?

Nicki - Once a cheater always a cheater. Drake has embarrassed me multiple times in-front of the public eye, with females who are not even on my level and I'm not even being cocky. But nobody ever sees his wrongs because he's Drake before a cheater can change they have to overcome the issues that made them stray away which I'm saying is he never wants to take full responsibility for his actions he needs to understand the faults that pushed him to cheat. Sometimes the shit he says makes it seem like I pushed him to cheat when you have to blame your partner for your cheating your not going to change he needs to take full ownership and realize what he has done. He just think it's so easy for me to take him back no, I had done nothing but stay committed to him while he was cheating behind my back. Not only did it effect me but it effected our family especially Evelyn because she's always asking where he's at. I will never take the fact away that he's a great father because, that man goes to the moon and back for our daughter even when it comes to me. I just want him to see this doesn't revolve Onika and Aubrey anymore this is all about our daughter now and I'm willing to move forward with having a better friendship when it comes to parenting Evelyn.
Thembi - I feel you does Evelyn ever ask about her dad?
Nicki - Yeah all the time.
Sherika - What do you tell her?
Nicki - I just say Evelyn mommy and daddy live in separate houses. I definitely know why she asks where's my daddy because they're so close so when she notices he is not around she always starts to ask this is not an every other day thing she asks everyday. And I hate to just lie to her like that but she's at the age where she doesn't need to know all of that as long as me and Drake are cool there's no problem.

The girls continued talking while Nicki was getting her hair done.

Ronda (Hairstylist)- Ok so today I brought the black inches and blonde inches. Which do you prefer?
Nicki - Let's go blonde just to try something different.

Nicki's stylist Ronda was fixing up the final part of Nicki's blonde wig. When Evelyn had walked in Nicki knew she was getting into something because she was mad quiet.

Nicki - Ev mamma I figured you had gotten into my makeup.
She had eyeshadow and glitter all over her face.
Ev - Mommy is it cute.
Nicki - Yes it is hun.
Sherika, Thembi, & Candi - Niece you're crazy.
Ev - Mommy can I call my daddy.

Nicki looks at Sherika, Thembi and Candi, makes the I told you so face. Nicki opened the FaceTime tab dialed Drake's contact and gave the phone to Ev.

FaceTime ....
Ev - Hey daddy.
Drake - Hey babygirl who put all that stuff on your face?
Ev - I did daddy do you like it. She said smiling.
Drake - Hahaha yes babygirl but you don't need that.
Ev - Why.
Drake - Because you're beautiful without it.
Ev - Just like mommy is beautiful without it.
Drake - Hahaha yes.
Ev - Daddy I miss you can you come over today.
Drake - If only your mother is cool with it.

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