That's How You Feel?

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Tour was finally over for Drake. It was something he enjoyed not just traveling but more as of meeting and seeing a bunch of new faces. It was also about giving his all into his platform and revealing his masterpieces to the world, more than being a rapper. The expectation for his whole career was to make music that his fans could relate to on their own personal level showing another side of affection. When Drake released music it was a gift for his fans, he didn't care about the music charts it seemed as if many did he wanted his fans to enjoy the music because many tended to focus on making sure it was at the peak. He wouldn't really say it was his fanbase partaking in the dilemma, it was chiefly other fanbases competing for their artist song to hit the top of the charts so they could compare leading songs for competition. For Drake the charts didn't matter to him because at the end of the day it was just clattered predicted numbers, music is more than a stream it was really taking the time to converge and realize the main theme, dept of the song but only real ones would know. It just becomes odd with calculating charts, because it meant people who payed attention to striving for a number one were mainly the ones who skipped over the whole message of an intake in music but then again it was a new era in the music industry things were starting to develop differently.

Life as a rapper wasn't hard if you loved doing what you're passionate for. Of course it came with lying blogs, females etc. The only hard part about having an on-going career was balancing time aside from your career and squeezing in time for the ones you loved the most. Drake on the other hand was in a relationship ... well somewhat of a relationship ... it was a rocky tole. After being Drake and transferring back to Aubrey ... Aubrey had somebody waiting for him at home at the end of the day. Onika his girlfriend they were irresistible to eachother but things changed drastically ... they were still in a relationship it didn't feel like one though, they had gone months without talking neither reassurance.

Since, Drake was back in town from tour he figured he would at least try to patch things up or see if they had still left off were they remained at. Drake had just hopped off his jet getting his bag and taking it to the truck it was midnight and he had just arrived back he figured Nicki would be sleep so instead him and the crew headed to the estate. While sitting back in his chair thinking ... Chubbs asked a question.

Chubbs - When you going to see Nicki.
Drake - First thing in the morning.
Chubbs - How you think she gone react it's been some long months.
Drake rubbed the tip of his nose before talking.
Drake - Man I don't even know ... it's been rough for us you know we haven't been seeing eye to eye lately but it is what it is.
Chubbs - How long has it been?
Drake - Atleast three months man.
Chubbs - Damn G that's along time ... you definitely have to sort that shit out before it takes a whole different turn. Well it already did but try to classify the problem.
Drake - I will bro.

With that being said they had arrived at the estate Drake got his things and took it to his room it had felt so satisfying to be in his own space. Once he got everything unpacked he laid on his bed picking up his phone he was about to text Nicki but he looked at the time, he just left it alone. He would have much time tomorrow he sighed and laid back drifting off to sleep.

The Next Day .....
Nicki's P.O.V .....
I had woken up pretty early today I had just got out the shower. Wrapping a towel around my wet head I went into my closet pulling out my matching lace bra and panty set I put it on while grabbing my red robe putting it on tying it around me. Walking back into the restroom I gently opened my drawer getting out my face gel, I poured some in my hand making sure to cover up my whole face. As I exited out the restroom I had got my phone off the night stand, walking down the steps going to the living room turning on the tv I adjusted the volume. I was getting hungry so I decided to cooking bacon & eat a little toast, as the bacon was still cooking I decided to get on Instagram scrolling down my timeline I liked a couple of pictures and I went up top and refreshed my feed I saw a post Drake made with the caption saying, "back home." Of course I wouldn't know if he was home there was just no communication with us I wasn't about to keep forcing something that wasn't working. Yes I thought about Aubrey ... it's just two different sides of him I saw Aubrey and the world saw Drake, I felt like he changed in our "relationship", wasn't even a relationship didn't even feel like one but that's something we will talk about later. 😊

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