Taking The Chance

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It's been three months after the tragic event of Richmond. Too many lives were taken while Joan claimed she wanted to keep them save and alive. Clementine would frown thinking how Gabe lost his family. Bit by bit because of her. He never deserved it. Nobody did. Speaking of that, it's been so long since she spoke to her parents for the last time. And Lee...

Clementine's mind was a whirlwind full of everything. She wanted to forget about certain things but they wouldn't fly out of that whirlwind. Seems like they're stuck there forever.
The sky seemed so colorful for once. There were no clouds to be seen. Maybe she could search for AJ? She needed decent weather for her trip. Lord knows how far it would be from Richmond.

Then she decided to just go for it. This is her chance. As she started taking steps towards Javier Garcia the corners of her mouth moved a little. She smiled. Javi turned his head towards the sound of Clementines footsteps. "Hey there Clem, you seem happy." Javi smiled back at her. "Hey there Javi. I decided to go and find AJ. The weather seems good so it might be time to start looking for him." She explained. Then Javi responded "That's true and I don't think you should wait any longer. Be sure to be careful and take some food with you. Also would you mind telling Gabe about it?" "Thanks for understanding me, Javi. And yes I will. I was already thinking about doing that." Clementine seemed relieved. "I'll get you a backpack with some canned food." Javi offered. Clem gave him a smile while she went looking for Gabe.

Gabe was sitting at the fountain reading a comic book he found after rebuilding the walls with the other people who survived the tragedy. As Clementine walked towards him she realised that she was going to miss him but she helped Richmond recover and she could've found AJ in these three months. "Hey Gabe." Clem said. He immediately looked up. He seemed happy how she walked towards him out of the nowhere. "Hey Clem, what's up?" He asked her with a kind smile. Then she told him she was finally going to look for AJ after all this time. "Awh really? I understand you though, but will you come back to us, to Richmond?" His smile faded away. He seemed scared? "I think so, yes, but I have to find him first. I'm so worried about him, Gabe." She explained. Gabe nodded and said "H-How long will it take?" Clem noticed the stutter. "I'm not sure. I don't know how far away he is from us. Maybe he is somewhere else now."

Javi walked towards the two teenagers with a damaged backpack. "This should help you out." He told her. Gabe closed his comic book and stood up. He grew taller than Clementine. "Let's head to the gate." Javi told them while handing the backpack to Clementine.

Clementine felt a sad feeling creeping up in mind, telling her to stay with the Garcías. Gabe in particular. But why exactly? "Then I guess this is it." Javi's words woke Clem up out of her thoughts. "For now, yeah." That relieved Gabe but he still seemed sad. Then Clementine walked up to Gabe and gave him a hug. She heard him silently gasp. He hugged her back but he wasn't too confident. "Are you afraid?" Clementine asked him when she let go. "I'm just.. I don't know. I'm worried that you might not make it all alone. I know you made it this far being alone and all b-" That's when Javi cut him off. "I think you wanna go with her. You know, the how you're saying things." He gave Gabe some sort of look he didn't quite understand. "Are you sure about that?" Clementine asked him. Then he went for it. "Yeah. I can do it" He tried to say as confident as possible. Javi smiled and patted Gabe's back. "I'm sure you can but you better come back here, buddy." Gabe nodded and stepped forward.

Then the two teenagers waved him goodbye and followed the dirt path.

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