Keep Moving Forward

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The sound of chirping birds, rustling tree branches and foot steps woke up Gabe. It was an early morning, yet he overslept. Should he be sleeping at all? Once Gabe opened his eyes he looked around and found his own jacket on his lap. Didn't he give it to Clementine? Speaking of that, why isn't she laying on the matress? He gave a confused look. Then he glanced at the right, looking at the one he was looking for.

"Hey there, sleepyhead. I thought you were looking over me." She told him playfully. It probably was a micro aggression though. "Ng.., Hey there Clem. S-Sorry, I was just so tired.. Thanks for looking over me." He told her with a raspy voice. You could hear he is really tired. Clementine chuckled. "Hah, it's okay. I noticed you did." That sentence made Gabe smile. "How exactly?" He jawned with his hand covering his mouth. "I put it back on your lap once I woke up." She told him. Gabe glanced at his jacket and then back to his crush. "Thirsty?" She asked him, offering the water bottle. Gabe nodded and took the water bottle. He touched her hand which made him even happier. It's in the little things, you know.

When Gabe stood up he noticed a plastic bag under a bedside table. He took two steps and opened the bag. Who thought that there would be clothes in it? He grabbed a wine red hoodie out of the bag and a military green t-shirt. "Look at this. I really needed that hoodie. Do you like that shirt?" He asked Clementine with a relieved tone. She took a look at it. "Last time I got a shirt from a strangers' place, well car, it didn't end up well but I'll take it. Thanks Gabe." Their eyes met and he could read that she liked it but somehow wasn't sure of something. "There's something else for you in here as well," Gabe told her. He handed her the bag and he saw that Clementine found it a little awkward. Yes, still. "Ah, thanks." She said with an uneasy smile.

Then she gestured him to turn around. "Oh, ofcourse." Gabe said while turning around. Clementine turned around as well and undressed the upper part. She put on the sport bra and t-shirt she got from Gabe. He saw that in the reflection of the window. He only saw her back though. Nothing 'naughty'.

Gabe grinned at that sight. He then put off his white t-shirt, revealing abs. He dropped his shirt on the matress. Clementine turned around when she heared that sound when she was fully dressed again. Gabe saw her eyes widen for a second. "Oh, sorry." She muttered calmly. "I never asked you to turn around." Gabe told her with a smile. Did I mention that his blood ran faster? Then Clementine turned around again with an embarrassed smile on her face. "Hah, you dork."

Gabe put on his new hoodie and tied his jacket on his middle. "This feels refreshing." He said to Clementine. "Yeah, it does." She picked up the backpack. "I think we should leave now though," She added. Clementine recieved a nod as response. That's when the two left the shack when they dubble checked their belongings. The two teenagers started walking back to the dirt path they were following yesterday. "It should be around half past nine." Clementine told Gabe when she looked at the position of the sun. Seeing the sunlight in her caramel colored eyes made him smile. He couldn't really describe it, in his mind, they are just so beautiful. Just like Clem herself. Beautiful.

Around two hours of walking they decided to take a ten minute break. The walked towards a tree and then Gabe untied his jacket, placed it on the grass. He gestured for Clementine to take a 'seat'. "Well thank you," She said in a funny way, acting to be a royal person. Gabriel chuckled at that. "You're welcome, mi amor." Clementine moved her head a little to right, asking what it means. Gabe gave her a wink with a smile and kept silent. That caused his crush to widen her eyes and open her mouth for second, but there was noting to be said.

Clementine muttered something that Gabe didn't hear well while she offered him an energy bar and a juice box. "Gracias." He said cheerful, knowing that she didn't know what it meant even though she could easily guess it. "No problemo" She replied to him being lowkey irritated but enjoying it. She looked up when she heard Gabriel laughing. "That was amazing." He told her joyful. She smiled and called him a stupid dork.

When they finished their energy bar they stood up and walked again. A minute later Clem turned to her right, hearing Gabe slurp his juice. "God, Gabe, stop it." She told with a disgusted look. Gabriel glanced back at her and stopped drinking, he gave her a smile. "It's almost empty, one second. "Sur-" She was cut off by Gabe's extremely hard slurp. He laughed as he pressed the juice box together. "Where did you learn sucking that hard?" She jokingly asked him with a smirk on her face. His smile faded and he widened his eyes. A second later he gave her a bigger smirk back. "Hm, I, uh, could teach you how to do that as well." He told her, moving his head slighty down, pointing at his crotch. He chuckled at her when she covered her face with her hand. Gabe heard her sigh. "And I won't mind." He added with a big smile, waiting for her response. Clementine playfully punched his shoulder and laughed a little. "Ugh, oh you!" Was all she replied with.

Gabriel enjoyed every second when he looked at her. He couldn't get over the fact how gorgeous she is. Then they heard rustling in the bushes next to them. They both drawed their weapons in front of them. A couple of walkers exposed themselves, groaning while approaching the two teenagers. Clementine kicked the knee of a walker, then stabbing her knife into its head. Gabe went to the other bush, slamming the walker with his axe into its head. He finished another off, a 'fresh' one. "There could be people nearby." Gabe informed Clementine.

Immediately after that he heard her fall on the ground, she was surrounded by three of them while having one on herself. "G-Gabe?" She stuttered. "Clem!" He called back at her. Gabriel ran towards his crush, throwing the axe in the head of the walker that crawled on Clementine. He pushed another walker away and then he pulled out the axe. He swinged it to the walker pushed away, right into its face. The boy let out a groan. He felt the third walker grabbing his arm. "N-No!" He exclaimed right before Clementine kicked his leg, causing the reanimated person to fall. She stood up and killed it. Gabe muttered a "Thanks" when he murdered the last walker.

They panted lightly and their eyes met. "Does your leg or any other body part hurt?" Gabriel questioned his crush. Clementine looked down at her right foot and said "My ankle hurts a little. It's fine. Thanks Gabe." Gabe gave her a worried look. "I don't think it's 'okay'." He insisted to let her walk on her own. "It's really nothing." Clementine told him again. He gave a look to put her arm around his neck. She did as he signed her. "See?" He told her with a raspy voice while his blood ran faster. The girl chose to keep silent. When they started walking Gabe put his arm around Clementines waist. He might seem confident with this but he was blushing a lot.

Then, rain started to fall.

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