Closing The Distance

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As Clementine and Gabe kept walking, the rain would fall harder. More water drops hit the two teenagers and the environment. Gabe glanced at Clementine. He arm was still around Gabe's neck and his around her waist.

Het let go for a second to move his hair a little more to the right before it could fall in front of his eyes. Then Clementine slipped and crashed on the dirt.

"C-Clem! Fuck, I'm sorry!" He said shockingly, reaching out for her. "It's fine." She growled, being in pain. "Are you okay?" Gabe questioned her while he got hold of her hand. It was warm and he felt his blood run faster. "I sprained my ankle." Clementine whined. She didn't let go of Gabe's hand. Then he asked her another question, "Do you think you can walk?"

She looked her friend in the eyes. They're dark and quite cute. Hold on a sec- "I'm not sure." Her answer made Gabriel think of carrying her. "I don't want you to fall again. I shouldn't have moved my arm away from you." His eyes gave a sorry look. "You mind if I, uh, carry you?" Somehow he managed to mutter that out. It just happened. "It does hurt.." She said while avoiding eye contact. He put off the backpack of Clems back and then he put it on.

Being this close to people wasn't her thing. A hug was okay, but more than that or a long hug just didn't feel right. This feeling was different. It still felt strange though. Then she felt Gabriels arm under her knee cavilties and the other one around her shoulder blades. She looked Gabe in his eyes. He seemed so serious about this. "Thank you, Gabe." She told him with a kind smile. He glanced back at her and gave her a smile. "It's nothing, hermosa."

After a while of walking and carrying Clementine bridal style, he wanted to know if they were still walking in the right direction. He moved his eyes towards his crush who seemed tired, resting in the strong arms of her friend. She had her face buried in his chest. Gabe didn't know if she was asleep or not so he decided to stay silent. 'I don't want to wake her up if she's asleep.' He thought to himself.

It was so peaceful. They haven't encountered any walkers since Clementine fell. They might be lucky or they might be in an actual, or almost, safe zone. Maybe they were near AJ already. Don't get you hopes up though.

When Gabriel looked around he spotted a wooden bench. He walked over there and made sure it was safe. Nothing else to be seen. He sat down, Clementine sitting on his lap now with her legs resting on the bench, and put off the backpack. He opened it and got himself the water bottle and the canned sausages. Before he could ask to eat them right now he felt Clementine look up at him.

He gave a kind smile. "Did you wake up?" She stared at him for a couple of seconds before she answered. "I fell asleep but for around fifteen minutes I guess." Gabe smiled at her, showing his teeth, and offered her the water bottle. She seemed so tired that she didn't realize that she was still sitting on his lap.

After she drank some of the water she gave the bottle back to Gabriel, her head against his chest again. "Let's find a place to stay for the night." He said calmly. When he stored the water in his backpack and ate two sausages, he put the backpack back on his back. Yeah.. He moved his arms back to Clem and stood up, still carrying her.

'She seemed so tired.' Gabe thought to himself. She never really is tired. Maybe it's because she once got to sleep the entire night and her body realizes it's just so exhausted. Gabriel himself was tired as well. If he'd lay down on a decent something, he would fall asleep within minutes. He told himself to keep walking and find something to let Clementine sleep in. Even if it's as small as a bus stop. Not like there would be one here but you get it.

When fifteen minutes passed, Clementine said she could walk on her own again. She sure did lean into his chest the entire time. Never really mentioned that. It really warmed up Gabe. He just wanted her that close but somewhere else. In some sort of room or something. Something where they have four walls and roof.

Gabriel carefully placed Clementines feet on the ground, then he let go of her completely. "If it still hurts then I am here to h-help you." Gabe offered her. He stuttered because he realized she might've not fallen asleep and Lord knows what he would've been thinking about or even said out loud.

Clementine nodded, taking back the backpack so that it would be a little less heavier for Gabe. A small flock of birds flew by, chirping joyful tunes. A yawn could be heard out of Gabe's mouth. "Yeah, sorry." He apologized to Clem but she didn't really care. She glanced at him but didn't say a word.

His crush hurried to a vehicle she saw next to a tree. It was rather small and old. Apparently Gabe missed her gesture so he drawed his axe to make sure he would be prepared for anything, well almost anything.

Clementine opened the car door and checked inside. The seats were only a bit bloody but there was no one else in it. There was a walker sitting against the tree, stuck under the car wheel. It was so thin, it looked like the walker could die of starvation. Is that even possible?

Gabe approached the walker and hit the head with his axe. Some blood splattered onto his new hoodie, which was already dirty, and then he dragged the walker away.

"Does it work?" Gabe asks. "I think so." Clementine replied. She found a map under the passenger seat. Then Gabe walked towards Clementine. He mentioned that it would be dark within half an hour. The two teenagers decided to sleep in the car for the night. Clementine wanted to use it tomorrow.

When they were both in the car with the door closed Clem broke the silence. "You should sleep tonight. I'll watch over you, but I can't do it all night long." She offered him. Gabe smiled at her, he was so tired. "Thanks, wake me up when you're going to sleep, okay?" Gabe told her calmly, but with a sweet tone. "Will probably do." She replied shortly.

Then Gabriel moved to the back of the car and layed down. He untied his jacket and put it over him, as if it was a blanket, just like he did to Clem. He closed his eyes and muttered: "Goodnight, mi amor." The brown haired teen doze off to sleep.

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