Keeping You Close

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The sun was burning on their skin. People kept firing their guns as others fought each other, escaped and got eaten. Clementine stumpled with Gabe towards the man who put AJ in his car. Gabe heard Clementine sigh. She was sad, angry and disappointed. "We're gonna get him, dar- querido." Gabe told her. Clem looked up at him, noticing the way he switched to Spanish.

Gabriel stood still and quickly switched to carrying Clementine bridal style. She put his arms around Gabe's neck, pulling him closer. Gabe felt his cheeks heat up. Then he started running and when he was next to car it drove off. "Fuck." Gabe muttered to himself.

He stood still moved Clementine so he held her with one arm under her butt. Clementine placed her hands on his shoulders. Gabe got shy but that didn't stop him from pointing the gun to the car. Clementine felt unusual. She kind of didn't mind because if was Gabe but it also felt so strange to her. Gabriel fired the gun three times in a row. He hit the window, back and the wheel. Great, the wheel! It crashed against a tree.

He placed Clementine carefully on the ground. The two decided to walk on their own. "Ready?" "Ready." The teenagers said. Just when they almost reached the car somehow threw a smoke grenade. Gabriel started coughing, covering his mouth. He squinted his eyes, trying to spot people. Clementine drawed her knife in front of her as the smoke started to thicken.

Then someone bumped into Clementine. It wasn't Gabe or AJ so she killed the person by stabbing the knife into his head. Then she turned her head and walked against the car. She felt it with her other hand. The glass was cold and she tried to look through it. "AJ!" The girl harshly whispered to herself.

Gabriel spotted the man and pointed his gun at him but then someone else grabbed both his arms from behind. He took the guess and pulled the trigger. A second after he heard a woman's scream. She probably got hit in her foot. 'Fuck you, you little shit!" She yelled at Gabe, letting go of one of his arms and revealed a machete. His eyes widened and he jumped on her. Firing a gun would be hard right now.

Clementine heard the woman scream. She must be on the other side of the car. "Gabe?" She asked loudly. Then he replied "O-Over here!" He struggled to get hold of the machete. Gabriel then just punched her in the face and ripped her bandana off. The woman groaned but soon laughed when the man threw Gabe on the ground. The muscled man held him down so the woman could stand up. She was ready to slice the boy to death.

Clementine ran to the other side of the car with AJ on her back. "Gabe, no!" She cried as she stabbed the woman several times in her back. She was left in agony, in pain, not wanting to die. "Stay away from him!" She growled. Gabe's eyes lightened up when he saw her with AJ. Then Gabriel pointed the gun at the man and pulled the trigger. He fell on the ground, blood streaming of his nose and mouth. The bullet killed him.

Gabe rolled to his left so he wouldn't fall on him. The boy let out a relieved sigh. "Thanks Clem." He panted. It got a little intense. His crush bent down and offered her hand. He accepted it and got pulled up. "You're welcome, dork." She replied and gave him a smile. They ran to their car as fast as possible.

Gabe opened the door to the passenger seat and sat down, put the backpack off and placed it in front of him. Then Clementine sat next to him and placed AJ on Gabe's lap. She seemed happy but she also a little scared. Gabriel held AJ close to him and put his hand on Clem's shoulder for a second. They glanced at each other and both gave a smile.

Soon, the soon sun would go down and its last sun rays could be seen. Clementine parked the car next to the sign where they found the fishing shack. Gabe thought she could go back to Richmond all the way but it's probably too late for that. He didn't mind it though.

The two opened the doors and got out. Gabe but the backpack on his back and carried AJ. He gave him some biscuits and the last juice box. He passed clem the canned beans. Clem tilted her head as a 'thank you' and AJ started to chew on the biscuits. Gabe was happy. Happy with Clem and that she got AJ back. One last night together at the shack.

While they walked towards the shack they killed some walkers and finished their food. Clementine took AJ which made the boy smile and say "Clem! I missed you." He still struggled with pronouncing some letters. "I missed you too, goofball." Clementine happily told him. She smiled bright. She's beautiful.

Clementine opened the door of the shack and went inside. Gabe alproached the lake and sat down. A lot of branches were laying there. You would find these kind of branches at the beach and in furniture stores. What kind of wood was it again? He took a closer look to them. One of them fitted in the palm of Gabe's hand and had a shape of a heart. He smiled at it, knowing that he wants to give it to Clementine. Would that be stupid though?

When Gabriel stood up after several minutes he turned his head towards the shack, seeing Clementine standing in the entrance looking at him. He smiled at her. Then he reminded the name of the heart shaped branch he put into the pocket of his jacket. Driftwood.

He took steps towards Clementine. He just couldn't stop smiling, revealing his teeth. When he was in front of her they both went inside, closing and locking the door behind them. Gabe stretched and let out a yawn. After that he sighed. "Glad we found him back. I hope we get a few days off when we're back in Richmond." Gabriel said to his crush. Clem nodded in response, holding hand against her lower stomach. She put her red jacket on AJ who layed on the matress. Gabe smiled at that.

After he drank some water he sat down on the other side of the matress. Gabriel glanced at Clementine, not letting anything distract him. She glanced back. "What?" She asked him with a worried tone. I gave her a smile and moved his hand to the empty side of the matress. Gabe knew he was starting to blush. His blood ran and his heart pumped harder. He actually gestured her to come to him.

Clementine slowly approached him, not saying a single word. He noticed her swallow before the bent down to sit next to him. "Thank you for today, thanks for coming with me, Gabe." She said without making eye contact. Gabe chuckled and replied with "No problem, mi amor." She slowly looked at him, into his eyes, wondering what it means. The boy smiled at her without saying anything. He never kissed before but he knew that he wanted to right now.

Clementine stretched her arms as she yawned, touching Gabe's arm. His arms were strong. It reminded her how he carried her which made her realize that she enjoyed being in his arms. These thoughts made her blood run faster. "Gabe." She muttered, hoping she didn't actually say his name. Gabriel turned his face towards Clementine. "What is it?" He questioned her. Gabe noticed she bit her lip. He grinned at it, liking it. "Hm?" The boy asked her again.

'What if he just did it to help her?' Clementine thought to herself. Then she felt Gabe's hand touching her shoulder. She silently gasped, remembering that she needed to respond. "Can I- You hold m-me?" She managed to muttered to the boy next to her. 'Where did the badass Clementine go?' She thought to herself. Gabe's eyes widened and smiled at his crush. "Por supuesto, cariño." He replied to her with a raspy voice.

Somehow that sounded nice to Clementine. His voice. "What does it mean?" She questioned him. 'Ofcourse." Gabriel said. "So much for just one word?" He was silent for a few seconds before saying "Mh... No." He smiled as he gestured with his hand that she could sit between his legs. Clementine moved to Gabe and sat with her legs over one of his. She leaned with her head against his chest. Gabriel put off his jacket en placed it on Clementine. Then he caressed her, quickly moving his hand lower, holding her.

They both were very warm and blushed. If only they knew their feelings about each other for real. They closed their eyes and soon drove off to sleep. Tomorrow, they will be back in Richmond. They will finally be back. Clementine felt like some sort of family with the Garcías. Gabe was different though.

Driftwood - A Gabentine FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now