Phinabella and phinerb fanfiction

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Ferb wakes up looks for Phineas. Finds a note on his desk . It says Good morning Ferb heading to Isabellas don't foget to feed Perry. I told buferd and baljeet to keep you company while I am gone. Be back soon have a good morning and remember to seize every opportunity you got .  Love Phineas.  Ps dont let Candce. Bother you to much with talk about Jeramy . Keep eye. Out for the mail think i got you a package. It has tools for the project that we didnt have.
F: I  love you too.  I  gess it is just me and you for breakfast today perry.
C:     Ferb Where is  Phineas and why is he not with you like always?
F: at Isabellas  and he wanted to spend time alone with her said he had to tell her some thing.
C: ok then I gess you will do something with Vanessa today .
F: not today she had plains with her dad to go to the movies.   I am hanging out   With buferd and baljeet today. Phineas invited them over so I wouldn't be bored.
Mom: where's Phineas ?

F: whent to Isabellas . He said he would be back soon. don't worry mom.
Mom: ok. I hope Phineas ate something before going over to Isabellas.
Dad: I am sure he did sweet heart.

Cuts to Phineas ringing isabellas door bell .    It turns out phiness was such a hurry to see Isabella thst he ran to her house. By the time he got there he was out of breath.   He knocks on the door. P: I hope she is up .  In his has granola bar that grabbed for breakfast  .   He was able to take some deep breaths before  Isabella Opened the door . But unfortunately he didn't get to eat his breakfast or fully catch his breath for Isabella opens the door right when gets there .

Phineas:   Since he was still out of breath . He was trying to catch it  and talk to her at the same time .  hey Isabella may I come in?   He is finally is able to get so air in to his lungs but not a enough to get his breathing back to normal.  He waits for  Isabella to let him . In he is so hungry  since he skipped breakfast to see Isabella .  He starts eating his food.

I: yes phineas  I will let you in. .  She opens the door and lets him in .    Hey Phineas Is everything ok ? You sound like you got the wind nocked out of you .  Did you run here ? .   She looked at her crush , he was drenched in sweat and out breath..  dam it . Phineas is hot  when is sweaty Issy thought .   Screw that he is hot no matter whst he does.  He was  now brushing the hair out his eyes.  why  does he have to be so cute ? Issy could not stop staring at her crush.  It was great to see Phineas but Issy couldn't help but wonder why he  ran here when it was  early in the morning . The time was  8;00 am . She noticed that he came alone and there was no sign of ferb . That got her excited  .  She squeals with delight as realizes . She would have time alone with Phineas .   She was also a nervous  to be alone with him since she liked him and didn't want to do mess up the friendship they had because of her feelings towards him . They are in her living room on the sofa.   She could feel  the butterflies in her stomach increase  as they make eye contact. Also whatcha doing here at house ? It's funny you come  to my place today. I was going to walk over there soon .  Do you want some water ?
Phineas:    He finishes his breakfast than talks .    Catch's his breath than takes a deep breath than talks .     He was feeling a bit nervous about being with Isabella alone since they didn't really get this time together because of all the building he did .  Isabella has such pretty eyes, he think to him self . How  lucky am I to have such a pretty girl as my best friend . O no I called her pretty . I can't think that. She is my friend. O no I falling harder than I thought for her  this dating thing was not the best idea for me .     Got to get these feelings I got for her under control. I also got to not show her how  nerves I am that  she will hate me after I tell her the truth.  This could ruin our friendship. I can't bear to lose her, love her  to much.   Out loud   He says this dont worry Issy, Everything is ok. . I did run here. Because I came here to talk to you . Yes water would be great .   I feel like I am going  pass out . Maybe I should not have ran her on a empty stomach .I just finished eating a few minutes ago so I am not sure why I feel Like this . She runs to get him water  before he passes out .    She gives him the water .  Thank you Isabella I feel better already. He finish's his drink and than starts talking again to Issy.  I have to tell you something .      Isabella : Now Issy  was more nervous. She was trying to not show it. Spill it . what is it Phineas? She held her hands together to keep them for shaking.
Phineas: Phineas sees Isabella is nervous and that only makes him feel bad about confessing how he feels and it also makes him more nervous to tell her what he wants to tell her.   Phiness takes a deep  breath to try to calm his nerves.  Than he starts talking again .  so lately I have been thinking about us and I think I am not good enough for you , you deserve someone better. I think you should date ferb. He is more of man then me .  It was a mistake to ask you out. I should have just left it as you being my best friend.  Isabella are you ok ? Isabella are following what I am saying? In head I knew it . She hates me there goes ever getting married to her .  I: yes I am ok . I was paying attention don't worry please Tell me more .    P;  ok . I am sorry.   please forgive me for not being the person for you. 

 Phineas x ferb  with little bit of phinabella  and other couples Where stories live. Discover now