Phiness and ferb find the myterious force

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One normal summer day , Phineas is wondering what he should build . P; I can't decide wether we should build a trampoline in the house or build a ballpit in the backyard yard . For some reason I can't make up my mind .   They they see some kids plays with balls near the street , some how this reminds phiness of the time the kicked a ball around in the yard so hard it went into the street and a car ran it over . He sighs brushing off his flash black . Then goes back to think about what to today. Ferb. Clears his voice to get Phineas to listen. To him . This scares phiness who was in deep thought about what to do for the day . F; let's due your second idea. . HearIng ferb say yes to his idea made Phineas jump up from his spot under tree where they were thinking and yell ferb I know what we are going to do today. . They build a ball pit but this time Phineas and ferb are not playing with thier friends. They are instead talking to Candce about how there inventions disappear . They are thankful because it helps with the clean up but still want to know where everything goes. They see a green light . The boys follow it . They ended up a dr doofs house .. Vanessa lets thim in . They look at the inater doof made and fix it so it works since perry destroyed it . They were able to find away to keep theier invention for disappearing. The next day they made a bathroom for Candce . They knew she hated sharing one with them . They got to build the bathroom fast . They even made sure it didn't go away when mom came home by checking it every few mins .  They had a red button that phiness keept in his pocket incase they wanted to get rid of invention. They were so proud of their work they showed theier friends it . Their friends could not believe their eyes.  The invention was still there. .. than somthing happens unexpectedly, by accident Phineas pressed the button then the whole room the kids were in exploded. There was little time to save everyone. There was huge hole where the invention was.  Phineas didn't believe  what  he did .  Thier invention was gone and this time it was his fault .   He could  help crying.  Well  our invention s always disappears.  So this is not new for us .  Phineas don't be disappointed nothing ever stays permanent for us bro ferb it's just how life is . Things come and go we can build something elses    tomorrow cheer up ..   Phineas is looking at the mess left from thier inventions. Isabella starts cleaning up the mess with Buferd and balljett.   P;   Ferb you know that's not the same . nothing can replace what I did . I messed up big time .  I let you down . I am sorry ferb . He cry's some more .   I thought this time would be different since we found a away to stop the force . I thought I finally get it right this time .  I gess not . . I really wanted Candce to happy with new bathroom. Can't believe it is gone like every thing else make . Candce is right I ruin everything.  I can't get one invtion to stay .   I  failed you my friends I am sorry. I feel like such a loser . Why you bother to be around me I don't know . I dint deserve you guys. I can't even fix my own invention with out it exploding in my face .   Some times I wonder if Candce is right . Maybe our inventions are stupid and not worth making  ,  maybe they are  to dangerous to be made . Maybe I could jhave  killed you all with my invention exploding. . Maybe I should just give up on this whole idea of building a  new bathroom for good . . F;   Stop crying .  don't  say those things Phineas . We did our best to save over product. Somtimes everblooming our best isn't even enough.  We might have messed up today but tomorrow is bran new day we can start fresh . Carpie dium .well tom we cabn make her a new one . P: ok . But this time I am getting rid of that botten . So it can't dissaper . I; your invention is Not gone you can press reverse and it is back you don't need to spend time tom rebuilding it . P; Issy your genus . He hugs her . Than He presses the button and every goes beck to the way they built it . Candce can't believe thst the boys did this for her , she loves the bathroom amd hugs them both . C: you guys are the best brothers ever. Thank you Phineas P : no thank you for telling us about the bathroom issue, you are the  best sister . We look up to you . F: thank you sister for letting us help you out and not busting us . C; your very welcome boys . She smiles at them and runs off to tell Stacy she has a new bathroom. The parents see whst Phineas and ferb did amd r are thankful they don't have to spend money getting one for Candce. P; hum maybe she doesn't hate us after all . F, that's true Phineas . I don't think anyone can hate us. P, so true ferb . I mean what's not to like about us. F: that's tricky question. But I say there is nothing not like about us . P: I couldn't have said it better my self.

 Phineas x ferb  with little bit of phinabella  and other couples Where stories live. Discover now