Phineas and ferb turn evil

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The boys were outside under the tree this idea that Candce always tells the, thier inventions are dangerous and they are evil people.  They want to prove her wrong . They try to  build something that will change Candces mind when  suddenly a purple ray hit them .  They boys dropped to ground and are uncontious .  The  boys friends were confused, they all wondered where this ray came from . Feeling concerned about her crush , Isabella runs to get Candce. Balljett and Buferd notice that Phineas is waking up they call Isabella and Candce to tell them .  Phineas wakes up his eyes are red.   That's not a good sign . Says balljett.  P, I will kill you all .  If you don't join me.  I have cookies.  He comes out the a tray of cookies he got from his mom . He places the try on ground so his friends can eat if they want .  This friends take a cookie . P;This better mean your joining me and not just eating the food.  All his friends drop the food when he says that . No-one wants to be a part of Phineas s evil plot . Phiness is upset they didn't  finish the snack he gave them . Now he has a gun in hand.    He starts singing this song . I am going to take my gun to  Danville and shoot it  untill I can't no more .  I got a bulletproof gun. nobody  going tell me anything not even Candce . I am going shoot more things and not care about she says . He is grinning evilly when he finishes the song .   The song is in the tune of old time road.  I; when DId Phineas get a gun Candce?  C: I don't know.  I didn't think he had one .   Balljett; Well apparently he does own one  . He isn't normally this crazy.    I ; I think think there is something wrong with Phineas .  Buferd: He seems to be acting Like a psycho . But looks normal it's weird. Phiness is shooting birds with gun and laughing evily .  P : I feel so good , I should have done this years ago.   Man I should kill things more  often.   Balljett; that can't be good .   Phineas simply smiles at Issy and asks her to kill birds  with him .  Issy never thought she say no to Phineas but today she did .  Phineas doesn't like this answer and try's to kill Issy with his gun . He is yelling some friend you are . You are just like Candce a lier that needs to die .  Buferd stops Phineas from shooting the gun . Phineas gets angry.  P; how dare you do that Buferd ?    Buferd:  I didn't do anything .  P; You are looking for a death wish Buferd .  You stopped my plains and no one stops Phineas Flynn . I am a force that can't be recked with .  One day I will be the ruler of the dri state area . Doof hears this from his home  .  Doof : Hey that's my line .   P; Buferd you better pay respect to me or you will die like the others .  Buferd: the others ? You killed people?   P: yes , Irving and his brother it had to be done they were bothering me .  They can probably be brought back to life like god does when brings back the dead . I; I am sure god doesn't do that . No one can bring back the dead .   P; I have not killed anyone yet .  Or have I ? Even if I did find away to bring back the dead . I would definitely not tell you guys .   I know that  some one will die today whether you guys help me kill more birds or not . Buferd you can't excape me . You are dead to me and so are the rest of you in this yard . I want you to know that you can all revenge irvings death if you join me . You can run but you can't hide from me for long Balljett. I am coming for you  next Buferd.  He now has knife with him. He got it from kitchen. He is holding it one hand and in the other he had the gun . It was fuLly loaded . P; you can't escape me . Balljett : ok now he sounds like thst tower the that they built once . I : no . he doesn't he is nicer than the tower.   Buferd: The tower they made was rude. It had a worse attitude than me . P; I will get you all with my gun. All the other kids with your pumped up kicks you better run better run faster then my bullet . Man I love that song . It's called pumped up kicks. I can finally relate to it . I know where you' all  live . Don't you runaway from me Buferd.  Come back here ,  o please I am not that scary .  I have fake blood on the knife relax . I am to nice to kill anyone. Irving and his brother aren't really dead . I was just saying thst to get your attention Buferd. It worked . I feel so evil . none one is leaving  this Backyard .  You are all Trapped here with me and ferb that means Buferd you have to listen to me and ferb at all times when In this yard. This is my yard I make the rules you follow them is thst clear?  Buferd . : yes .  Well so much for being friends with you . P:  I never said I wasn't your friend . I am still all your friends just more evil than before. Buferd Your making some bad choices today  by still running from me . I am not happy with you ,  Buferd  I said no more running.   Do you want me to shoot you ? , Ferb wakes up hearing Phineas yelling at Buferd . His eyes are black .  He glares at Buferd. He picks up a rock and  throws it at him  and says your next .   Join us . P; I got more cookies for you if you do . F; You will never leave here alive. Come with me the dark side . Ferb has a creepy smile on his face after he says this and grabs the knife from Phineas and chases people with it .   Phineas is watching his brother do this .  He is drinking some fruit punch .   While sitting under the tree to reload his gun . Get them ferb ! I want them all dead .  Since they will not work with us . Wait a second this is not Star Wars . We are all friends here trying to do something evil together . Ferb did the sith get in you again ?  I will fight you again if it is . F; You got be kidding me you can't fight for your life , I don't have the sith in me . How did you remember that ? That was years ago , in a anther demotion where Candce was a storm trouper . P; well I am glad I don't have to fight you again, I remember that becouse it is only fight I ever had with you . I can't forget that day no matter how hard I try . F; true . P; Now go back to getting rid of those friends we have , they are stubborn and anoying . F; ok , I am on it . Buferd; I am officially creeped out by Phineas and ferb ,  they are scary evil.      Balljett; I agree . Why is Phineas drinking fruit punch ?   It looks like blood  and is gross.  O no now ferb is drinking it too . I; I want the old Phineas back she starts crying.   Candce tries to stop Phineas from killing more things by grabbing his gun . This makes Phineas angry and he picks up a stick and throws it at her .    He yells at her , give me my gun back ,  I want the power to kill others  in  my head.   Ferb seems upset that she took the gun too . He is glaring at her .   He comes near with his knife and says Give that back to Phineas. It is not yours to take , Now Candce has had it with the new Phineas and ferb and wants her old brothers back .  Candce try's to get Phineas to change his ways. She tells him killing is bad and he should stick to building things that are not weapons. It turns out Phineas was building more guns as she was talking to him .  Candce also told him that his inventions aren't stupid and that she has always been jelllous of them and that's why she try's to bust them,   She cry's thinking she is the worst sister .  After learning the true meaning of why they were  being yelled at all the time . Things are back to normal for the boys   Because the ray that hit Phineas  and ferb did not effect them any more.  The reason to this was perry destroyed the muchine doof made .     Candce does not know this so she made a invention with Phineas and ferbs friends that will switch them back to normal .  She is still upset about everything.   Candce than brings the boys to  invention And tells them to use it .  They try to help her build it but Candce tells Phineas  no your both  evil . Phineas is confused because they are not evil . He has no clue why Candce wanted them to do this .  There inventions are definitely not made to hurt people.    Ferb sees that Candce is truly the evil one not them .  And he refuses to try out the invention she made .  Phineas is still confused by everything and he  is not sure why Candce touched the muchine they made in the first place . She had no idea how hard they worked on it . The fact she ruined it to make something new was cool to Phineas. But it also made him pissed . They were not to happy about Candce touching thier project. This time they didn't talk to Candce about it they just let it go  and went on with rest of the day had .  Candce was still crying because she thought she lost Phineas and ferb. She didn't know they were back . The boys see Candce crying and  says everything is ok sister  we are ok and you are doing a great job for being our sister . After this they all hug and celebrate that Phineas and ferb are alive and not hurt.  After  a few minutes Phineas  faints and ends up being carried inside by ferb . Balljett: I think Phineas had to much sun  today. So he passed  out . Ferb knows that Phineas is not well and that balljett is wrong. He grabs a cold press and puts on Phineas . That's should make him fell better . He thought.  Phineas woke up with no more fever. The rest of the day was spent inside since no one wanted Phineas passing out again . The bad thing was ferb felt this  feeling to kill Candce so the effects of machine didn't fully wear off of him . But Phineas  was back to normal. He made a machine that turned feb back to normal .  Phineas was able to go outside to build the thing since he was feeling better. Than they went back inside for snacks.

 Phineas x ferb  with little bit of phinabella  and other couples Where stories live. Discover now