Phineas has a bad dreams

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In the middle of night .phineas was having a hard sleeping. He was having this bad dream where he ran over Issy in his driving way when he was backing his car . He killed her . Now her sprit was coming back to kill him. Phineas wakes up before he dies. He try's to get up to see if he was dreaming . He goes to grab his telescope. He zooms in to Isabella s window to see she is sleeping . Thank goodness she is live Phineas thought . He went back to bed and had a worse dream this time he killed Candce. She was tied some rail road track that Buferd tied her to and Phineas ran her over with a train . What was worse is in the dream he did not feel sorry . He felt that Candce had it coming. Unfortunately there was No funeral for her in his dream , he woke up before he was able tell ferb about the merder he did
. So he was confused by his dreams . he wakes  up ferb to tell him them.   They built something to find out what they mean . apparently there was no meaning to his dreams the muchine was useful, but they couldn't understand the dreams . So they were left wondering what they mean
. The next night phiness had anther bad dream it was about the beak and how he couldn't save Issy in time . This link is what happened in the beak and how Phineas saves issy .
Now lets go back to my story about Phineas. Phineas Had anther bad dream the same night that was about the attack of the living pharmacies episode.

He couldn't save her again . He seemed to have all these dreams about Isabella dying and him unable-to rescue her . He was not sure why the dreams kept happening. He wanted them stop.  They were creeping him out . He keeps waking up ferb when he gets them and sleeping with him every time he had a bad dream . He even had nights were in his sleep yelled things like. I am not losing you Or don't leave me Issy. He even at one point was sleep walking outside the house and walked over to kiss Issy and wondered back to bed. Sometimes his dreams were good but the bad dreams were coming to him more theses days . On theses nights he was afraid if he slept alone his bad dreams would come back. So he went to bed with ferb . Who protected him from the bad dreams. He had one the next day about Perry dying from cancer and the day after that day had one about Ferbs arm getting broken from an invention they made and one another on the same day about him dying from heart attack. Phineas was sure he was cursed with bad dreams, Ferb wasn't sure why Phineas had these dreams. But has sure they were getting worse . Phineas was lacking sleep . He was sleeping through prodjects , his alarms and breakfast. It was bad . But his parents didn't really see how tired Phineas was these days . Isabella knew something was up with Phineas and so did balljett and Buferd . They all were worried  about him they asked Candce why he was acting weird . She was confused as well .phineass friends finally got the truth from him and helped ferb try to cheer him up .  His friends didn't know everything because Phineas only told them about his bad dreams he was having and he didn't tell them that were not stopping.  Only Perry knew how tired Phineas was from not getting enough sleep . Ferb was just as tired as Phineas because he was trying to get him to bed at night,  So Phineas and ferb made a dream catcher to stop the bad dreams Phineas was having . Phineas friends made a invention that helpEd Phineas  not rember the bad dreams . Both inventions worked . Phineas stoped having bad dreams. They were finally able to sleep at night . Phineas stopped waking up in the middle of the night and was able to sleep alone in his bed .

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