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Ferb wants phineas
P: Hi Candace C: Hi phineas go and play outside with your friends like you allways do and not bug me and Jeremy. Phineas: hi Jeremy Jeremy : Hi Phineas. Candace be nice to Phineas he was only saying hi . Ferb: why are they home ?  I thought they we're going out to eat tonight.    Phineas : I don't know Ferb: we should give them space. Phineas: No bro I want to hang out with them and our friends. Ferb: Why hang out with them when you can hang out with me. Plus our friends aren't here yet . P: Good point. Hey let's just watch tv  f:ok ferb. Phineas why are we watching this  p: because I like to watch action movie s   F: no I wanted to watch something else.   P: like what ferb : like you striping.   P:  ferb they don't have that on tv.  F: I know that . P:Then how are we going to watch it . F: I will show you.  P: Ok ferb starts to take off phineas's shirt. P : Ferb what are you doing ?  F: showing you how to strip . P :If you take my pants off then I I will tell Isabella that you are doing this.   F:You will what ?  She Isn't here and I will do what I want.  P:Ferb please don't do this to me  f:come on phin let me have some action  p:fine but if Isabella sees this I blame you . F:Fine phineas I will take the blame . P:Let's do this thing  f:You are so sexy phineas.  P:No Am not  f:yes you are . You look good without your shirt . P :Thanks Ferb . I don't think Isabella will like this f: please just let me take your pants off . P : Ferb I don't know if we should be doing this.  Ferb  we are safe here. Isabella is not here.   P:Ferb. I don't feel comfortable doing this . F :Why you don't want to do it with me.  P: Ferb I do. Want to do it with you I am just scared to .  Ferb : you have nothing to fear. I am here . Trust me phineas I will not hurt you. I will do it safely and then we can  some more fuck after.   P:Ferb I do trust you it just I promised Isabella I would take her out for dinner tonight. Ferb are you listening to me. Ferb is looking into phineas' s big blue eyes . Ferb I don't think Isabella would be to happy that cAnt go tonight. I don't think she would not want me to cheat on her with you. Ferb this doesn't feel right .  F:Phineas you have Such pretty eyes. P: thanks. But , Ferb I don't think you understand what I said. F:Yes. I do you are saying that you love me. P:No ferb. I am saying that we should not do this . F:Well I gess I will do it with you anyway. P :No that's mean. Ferb get your dick off me.  F:Love me phineas.     P:Go way bro.  F:No we are hanging out. P:No we are not I am going out side for some fresh air to think about what you are doing to me .   He starts to walk way from ferb but ferb grabs him by the arm .  F:Phineas please stay with me. P: No ferb I don't think I can. Isabella wants me. I Need to leave I don't think your  Head is in the right mind today .  This is isn't you Ferb.  F: But Phineas I want you too me with my boyfriend. Phineas: I can't take this anymore I am leaving to go with Isabella and that's it have wonderful night Ferb. He  push's ferb off him and walks out the door .
F: wait stay here I will be good. I am not going to hurt you. Phineas?  Where are you .?
It was to late for Ferb Phineas left him .
P: Hey Isabella I made it. I; Yes you did didn't think you would come. P; Sorry I was late ran into a little traffic coming here. I: Not a problem you are here now that's what matters. She kisses him on lips. I love you Phineas . I love you too Isabella. Hey I have a question to ask u do think Ferb Is trying to steal me from you no Phineas I think he just wants time to hang out with his brother. You understand Isabella he wanted to have me stay here and fuck him today. Phineas you have lost your mind. He would never do that . He likes us as a couple you know that . True let's get home is getting late . Ok sounds good.
Next day good morning perry. Today Is going to be the best day ever. Hey Ferb get up. No you left me yesterday how could you do that you said you wouldn't leave my side . I never said that clearly you are still not your self today let's forget about yesterday and focus on today. .  Hi  Candace Hey Phineas   How had your date last night ?     P : It was good.  We had great time . In fact I think Isabella wanted anther date tonight.      C: That's good any way go build something with your friends like you allways do and not bug me and Jeremy we are watching a movie today in the living room.  P: ok Candace have fun. C: O hi Jeremy  I didn't see you come in .    J; Hey Candace    P; Hi there  Candce , hey jermy ,, Jermey.: Hi Phineas.   C. Hey thought I told you to scram. P: no you did not say that Sis.  C : Phineas get out of here.  Shouldn't you be playing with everyone outside.      P; no one is here yet and don't worry we will not interrupt you movie. Bye Candace . C: o just go already you have wasted enough time as it is.  P : sorry I was only saying hi. Didn't mean to make you mad . C:it's fine just don't come in here again is that clear.    P: yes Candace let's go Ferb . Clearly Candace doesn't want us here. F: yes  I agree let's go To the back yard to have fun.     Don't worry about Candace she will be nice to us one day . P: hopefully you are right.   Outside under the tree.  What should we do today with our friends?    I got it .  Ferb I know what we are going to do today. We are building a giant trampoline.   Hey where's perry?  Ferb: Why hang out with them when you can hang out with me alone like I  wanted to do yesterday.  P: I just realized our friends notcoming today. Isabella had meeting and  buferd is going out on a date with balljet .  F: your point is that we don't need to build today.    P; No we are building something small today like a new table for the kitchen.   F: Ok .   They build the table when suddenly a green ray hits it . They have no clue where it came from.    P: theres go anther invention .  I wonder where they go to every day.   hey look there perry. .    F: That normally happens at the end of  the dayh that's odd. P: Let's go in and watch tv like we did yesterday before I left . F: no Phineas we did that we are doing something else.    Phineas why are we not watching tv this time bro ?  F: I am surprising you Phineas that's way.  P : Ferb I have to go to the store and get some more tools. F:Please stay with me Phineas. P:No ferb I don't think I can this has to be done tonight. I am sorry. F: No I want you to stay here    P:I can't. Ferb. This is the same thing you did yesterday. What is with you?    Let get the tools. F. No you are not leaving you are  staying here with me and We are going to fuck. Phineas:  You are definitely  drinking to much these days. This is something you would never do Bc you know it is wrong . Are you asking for inset ?  I don't want to do that with you ferb.  F: yes I am . P:That's not right. You know better than to do this ferb.   I don't like like you that way.  F:Sure You don't    .  Phineas: no ferb I like you as a brother and that's that. F:No you like me more then a brother. P:No I don't then f:why did you go on at date with me yesterday ? P:Because you forced me too.  F:Well then I will force u to fuck me. P:Your not getting the point .  you can't to do that
That's rape.  F:Good so I will rape you. P:No ferb I didn't tell you that it was ok to do that .   F:Who cares what you said I am  doing it anyway.  Phineas: Well fuck you ferb.   F:When and how.  Phineas:dont you start this again. F: start what    P: you know what ferb. I am done with whatever this is.    F: What you are saying that you don't love me anymore p : no ferb I am saying that this whole dating thing is not working out with Isabella.  F: Well she needs to fuck off. phineas :don't talk about my woman that way.   F: You are cute when you are mad phineas.  P:That's the first time anyone has said that to me .  F:Really phineas no one has called you cute.  P:No Isabella does but she never said I was cute when I was mad. In fact nobody has ever said to me in my whole life. F:Really phineas   P: yes ferb  f:well is to bad because you are cute when get upset.   Phineas: Ferb !     F: what you Are phineas.   P: Stop flirting with me.  F : See I told you are cute when you were mad.  P:Ferb you have a problem because nobody but you thinks that this is cute.  F:What I do . I think you are cute no matter what you do.  P:Ferb you think I am cute when I yell at u.  F:Yes i call that scary cute.  P:Ferb you have to stop having these thoughts about me.  F:Phineas I will never stop thinking that you are cute.  P: Ferb you just want to rape me . F: no I not a rapist. then why did you say you were going to do it . F:Because I like scaring you and I like playing with your emotions. P:What the hell is wrong with you Ferb?. F:Nothing just want to spend so time with you . P:Ferb you are creeping me out bro. f: I thought we were going to fuck  p:no I don't want that .  F: I know you do p:shut up ferb.!f:make me bro  p: I don't want to kiss you f : I don't want do that ether just want to fuck you .  P: o really you were the one who was all for sex f: that's different phineas .  P:how so  f:do  you really need me to explain this  p: no  f: i just want to fuck u all night.  P:ferb stop this . F:No Phineas I will jack off on you. P:No don't do That . F:To bad I am already starting to do that . P: No get off of mybut ferb. F:Slap me in ass phineas. P:Eww ferb put some pants on. F:No you take yours off. P:Screw u ferb  f:shut up and kiss me Phineas. P:No go read a book ferb.  F: No I don't want that . It is sex time . P. No it's not  f:yes it's time to fuck u on the sofa p:no Candace s home she will see us lets go up to our room  ferb: ok .  F;Let's take off all our clothes. P:No ferb :yes no one is in here but us please phineas. Fine ferb u win this time. ferb this is weird fucking your dick instead of Isabella s pussy . lol Venessa can't fuck for her life I do all the work .she just lies down. Lol eww ferb  stop talking to me about venessa  when fucking my ass. Lol ok says the one who was talking about Isabella when I was giving you a blow job. Lol  I love you ferb.  That's all I needed you to say. Bye what  you are not going to fuck my ass again.  Lol you want me to phineas I can. Ok do what you want ferb . Eww this is insane why am I letting you do this ferb.  Ferb get off me Candace ferb Is raping me. C : phineas I am fucking Jeremy don't care right now. .   P: No stop you are hurting me ferb. No Phineas I will never stop. P: what have I gotten myself into.
F: I love you Phineas. Lets do this all the time.
P: I love you too. I don't think we will get anther time to do this With all the building we do .
F: true . Anyway had fun today. I am taking a nap. I am tired from all the excitement today.
P.; same here who would have guessed having sex would be so tiring.

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