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    Danville  is a home to the flynflecher family. Even though phineas and ferb never know why the things they  build disappear .  They still love danvelle. Their city is special to them.   For the many reasons . First reason was that Phineas has made his best friends  in that city. Over time he and ferb learned to deal with their friends problems by building what they wanted them to.  Phineas is always making sure the group has fun .  He noticed that Ferb   was warming up to the group. He noticed how Ferb enjoyed building things every day him and with his friends .   Phineas was sure ferb was the best brother and ferb  felt the same way about Phineas . Phineas made sure ferb was a part of what project they did every day . Phineas pushed ferb to get out of his comfort zone and talk more to other people other than him . Even though ferb was shy and didn't like rest of the  group as much Phineas did . Phineas was still was able to get him to interact with everyone and be  friends with them. Ferb didn't like to talk much  and would see Phineas interacting with others and want to join but didn't know how to with out talking . Ferb only spoke when it was necessary to . He felt being silent  made his brother shine more .  He know he should not have to have his brother talk to people for him But  he was not the social type .    He only felt like talking to Phineas most of the time. He was happy Phineas was able read his mind and he could talk when it was needed .  He really didn't like to talk in  general. He thought  talking wasted  his voice so didn't talk much to save it . Ferb saw  Candce saying  to Stacy on the phone that . He  didn't talk much because  he is scared of his friends opinions  and what they will say when you answer them.    She was was kinda  right that's is how he felt some times .   He also felt  the friendships he made were because of Phineas . He was the one that got him out the house everyday . If Phineas didnt set the alarm every morning he would have missed many of their cool inventions they made together over the summer. Ferb was interested in reading books and was trying to  get Phineas to read them after he did. Phineas would read the book then show it  to rest of the group .  Ferb did try to be more social on his own but oftentimes he thought his friend group didn't really like him becouse he was quiet. So instead of talking he would let his brother talk and listen to him and help out building . He was sure that all his friends thought it was odd he didnt talk much. He felt like the only reason why he had those friends was because he was Phineas 's brother. He knew his friends liked Phineas better then him. He felt phineas was trying to hard to get the group to like him . It wasn't really working even though he did get one conversation with Isabella but besides her no one really noticed that he was there. He wanted to leave the backyard and go back to reading his book in his room . He wanted Phineas to tell everyone to go home . He wanted Phineas to say let's end this project and hang out alone. He rather read books with Phineas instead of feeling left out when they are discussing the plan they are building. He rather it be him and Phineas when came to building . Buferd was bing lazy and was sleeping on the job . He was no help to the team . Balljett could not pick up the wood with out dropping it . It was to havy for him . He was barely helping the gang. Baljeet would also complain a lot . That would annoy buferd and he would get a wedge. Isabella was to focused on Phineas and was really not helping ether. Ferb felt that Phineas was to focused on the project they were working on to notice he was upset. It felt to ferb that no one realize that he was feeling left out . What made things worse is that he was waiting to hang out with phineas alone and so was Isabella. But Isabella was hogging his brother now ,  ferb was going to talk to Isabella about this when suddenly a acorn fell on his head from the tree he was seating under. Ferb saw a squirrel in the tree . It was seating on the branch above him and the gang . Ferb was staring at the squirrel.    He wanted to make sure the squirrel did not drop any more nuts on his head . Phineas was so focused on the project and was talikng his friends about what they were doing today that none of them saw the squirrel jump out the tree . It it scared  him and his friends. Ferb was laughing so hard . he saw the squirrel coming out of the tree .  Phineas smiles at ferb he knews his brother saw that squirrel coming towards them and didn't tell anyone about it .  Phineas laughs at ferbs expression on his face . He looked like he was saying really Phineas with is eyes. P ; after he finished laughing. He says Bro come here we want you to join the group.       F: ok I will be right there .  Ferb comes over to the group . Phineas sighs . He knows ferb isn't really liked by his friends.  They think it's weird he doesn't talk much.  Phineas felt it was his duty to make sure ferb is having fun like he was and would often check on ferb and make sure the invention was going well . He loved is friends but loved ferb ,more than them . He noticed that that ferb was not really connected with the group and realized his friends aren't really paying ferb much attention and he didnt like that one bit . Phineas found him self thinking about this a lot lately. He saw that Ferb was left out a lot and was pushing his friends to hang out with ferb more, nothing worked ferb was always left out of group by his friends. No matter how hard Phineas tried his friends always seemed to not notice Ferb was there. Phineas felt bad for ferb .    He made a point to mention this to his friends. And finally his friends all made sure ferb was interacting with them.    Somthing besides having fun the backyard the boys did was be with family.  Family is important to both boys.  Their parents are loving to them , they loved Candce and she did love them but had a odd why of showing that she cared for them.  They also loved perry and their house very much . It was yellow house with a big back yard . They loved how roomy there bed room was . But not every thing at home made the boys happy . There were things that  happened at home-that gets  phineas mad. One thing that angered him at home was his sister . She never listens to what ideas phineas has when they build things out side. This got ferb annoyed.   Phiness hates it when others didn't listen to him and so does ferb.  Phineas realized there was a pattern every time they built something she would come  in to the backyard and yell " your so busted. I am telling mom". At first this didn't fase phineas or ferb they ignored it then over time she kept doing it . Then that's when it started to be irritating to phineas. She would bother them when they are working on projects and she started yelling at them when they were not bothering her . She even blamed Phineas for things he didn't do. He hated that he was treated this why by her . He also didn't like-her busting obsession. Thats when phineas started thinking to him self where did I go wrong ? I must have messed up to get  Candce upset other wise she wouldn't be angry all the time with me and ferb. He was a good brother wanted to make things work out between him and Candce but his sister would never listen.  Over all Phineas has not been the happiest person theses days . Number one Candce didn't stop insulting their prodjects and trying to show it to their mom . The second reason was Candce was making fun of him and Ferb for being nerdy . Getting insulted this much was driving  Phineas and ferb crazy . Number three She used their projects against them to bust them . At Times like this phineas wondered what exactly was going on with her and why she was so mean to them . When they were not mean to her . Ferb was going try to see what was up with her. Because he felt he should talk about the issue with her. When ferb approached Candce to talk to her about things she was not sure what do . he told her everything phineas said last night. She didn't think ferb s was telling the truth about phineas .  But she was wrong he was telling the truth . Ferb warned her what would happen if she didn't listen to them. Phineas was outside sitting under the tree waiting for his  brother to return. Looking at blue prints . Meanwhile  Candce was  thinking about what ferb said and was wondering how a happy kid like phineas could want to end his life so soon. Her brother phineas was willing to kill him self to show his sister what could happen if she didn't stop busting . So she said this to ferb I am going to join you instead of trying to get you in trouble.   No busting today your free to go now . Ferb cant believe his sister had  said this and runs to tell phineas the news.  Ferb enters the backyard, with grin on his face : Phineas ;   He drops the blue prints in surprise that ferb is back so soon . Ferb is reading a book on the ground next him . P ; Hey ferb your back . What did she say ? Ferb him what she said . P; I am confused . candce really said this ?  you messing with me  ferb. Ferb shakes his head no. P; I don't believe you ferB . She normally wouldn't agree so easily to build with us. Unless she wants something from us than she is nice and joins. F: well that not the case this time . She just said she would join us nothing else. Not even asking for anything from us. P; Ok ferb so your not messing with me.  Well then I am not sure why she choose to  her behavior all the sudden .  You also said she was excited to build with us that  makes no sense . She  has been busting all her life then now wants to join us on her own . She ether wants us to build something for herself or is really board and wants to do something to get us in trouble. F: no she seemed happy to join us . P; Something smells fishy here and not in a good way. In other words ferb . I dont think Candce is telling the whole truth to us . F; well she told me . She is not busting us today .  P: like i said before I am not sure what changed her mind to act this way. I do not think this behavior is not normal for her .Wait a second did she change her behavior because I threatened to kill myself  if she did bust ? Ferb nods his head . P : So i gess i was the one that changed here mind after all .  F; Whooo , go phineas.    P;  thanks bro, But I would like to see how long it takes her to realize she said that to you.  She breaks promises all the time to  us . I doubt she will remember she told you that . F: Well hopefully she does. In the mean time lets think about what we can do today.   P: you are changing the subject ferb . We were not talking about inventions here.  We were talking about Candce and how she treats us unfairly. F; But if we were talking about what we were doing today i was thing of climbing up the Eiffel Tower. P: thats is it . Ferb . I KNOW WHAT WE ARE GOING TO DO TODAY.  We are going to make a huge model of the effle tower .we can make it look like we are there with  a green screen we built behind it.  We are going to need a blow torch , some nails. , some peanut butter,   remote to control the green screen and some string to to help  us climb up the tower . Ok mabye not string maybe rope is better but you get my point bro. And for the green screen you  can change the setting on the back-round to other places too.   F; sounds like i was able to change the topic  and I  found the blue prints you dropped before he hands them to Phineas .  P; thAnk you ferb .  I was wondering were those went,. Let's do this thing , Hey where's perry? f : i Got no clue . I: she walks in the backyard . She didn't knock on the gate before entering like she normally did. Hey Phineas what cha doing ? phineas ; O hey Isabella. you scared me . I didn't hear you come in . any way we are making a tower . Isabella : sorry I scared you . Can we help ? She brought her troop with her today . Phineas : it's ok . Sure you can all help out. I: Ok , girls lets get our tower climbing patches and help the boys. Gretchen : going get  a drink of water be right back. Holly : well i think i was going use the rest room chief. I: ok the the rest of you lets go build something with phineas and ferb. Adsen: we do this every day I am bored . Kate: yes  i love building come on ginger. . Ginger: yes balljett is here . Whoo. Miley : lets see where see where he is. Ginger : I found him. Hi baljeet ! Baljeet : Jumps and turns around and looks at at ginger . Ginger ? what are you doing here . You scared me   Ginger:  sorry about that . I came to hangout out with you . She pulls him into a hug.   Buljett : well. Glad you could make it. You are just in time for the final touchs . Phineas : ok . everyone that's the last pice . Thanks everyone for your help. Who wants to try it out first ? No one well i gess i can first . He puts on his gear and is going to have buferd  hook him up so he can climb . tBuford; well this better work.  F: Here you go phineas. Balljett; that doesn't look to safe. Phineas: it definitely is safe . I am going to be back soon . Sadly he trips on the rope that buferd was suppose to hold on too. I : buferd ! Buferd: sorry phineas . I : are you ok. P": it's fine buferd. i think so Isabella . F: This why I am safety testing on the tower so things like this a doesnt happen . Phineas : ok be safe ferb. He picks up the rope and pulls his brother up the tower. Ferb  is climbing and having fun .  until  a gust of wind comes out of nowhere and Ferb falls off the building . He hits his leg on the side of building. He seems to be ok but will not stop falling because Buford pulls him back to fast and falls over .   Phineas trips on the rope buferd dropped again and loses balance . Isabella gets distracted by phineas falling and comes to help him up. Balljett drops the rope because it is to heavy for him, and fire sight girls are just there watching the show go down and laughing at everyone falling . Phineas : says as he gets up. Omg ferb no one was holding the rope for Ferb.  he picks up the rope but is too late ferb is already flying in the air and lands  safely in the grass .Phineas; ferb are you alright. He helps ferb up . i got you bro. This was not our best invention.    The tower falls down. Because of perry with a Helicopter knocking down by accident.   Doof: curse you perry the platypus . Candce is happy in her room . Looking out the window and yelling I pushed the red button. I did it . They are busted. Whoo mom is going to  see it. There going down down i say down wait . I can't bust them today I told ferb I wouldn't darn it.   I told ferb Would join them  today . O well.   There is always Tom to join their plain.  I will watch them still for now .  I wish I could tell mom what they are up to . They would be so busted.  Jeramy is calling ,  omg  I would love to see a movie Tom . She screams.   Outside the boys here this .  P:  sounds like like she is having her own fun.    F; Well the building is gone. Looks like now else go climb it . P;  o There you are perry . F; Candce didn't came today . I gess she didnt want come and see me falll/ p; well lets get some snacks mom is waiting inside glad your ok ferb, Ferb; not sure how i fell in the first place., p; well then i think i should see what exactly happen with the new machine i made it called the back tracker it back tracks to a curtain point of the day . They Press  the button and. See candce outside. While their were talking to etch other she was. Chanting  i am getting them once And for all.    She is on the screen with a grin on her face as she pressed the button that says no touching. She Giggles creepily. I am sure  i helped mom see what a mess They made in the Yard . They are so busted. Calling mom : mom look what Phineas and ferb did. : Wait I cant bust today o shoot i forgot about that . Phineas; i see the problem here candce pressed A butten that shouldn't been touched and then the green screen went went Wacky and  then some greeen light came and blinded buferd cousing him to drop the rope  Then that started a chain reaction because i fell after he did then the baljeet did. Then it was too late you were already falling by the time i got up. Thats how you were dropped . But not sure why candce pressed the button . We have to get rid of that next time we build something. F; well at lest we know who is at fault now . i almost died today because of her. Phineas; why was she even touching the machine ? Well it's a good thing you didn't die today ferb. . Candce can not do this to our stuff. When was she was even in the backyard? I didn't see her come in. F: no one saw her. That's how she got away with it . I ; well then Candce should clean up this mess in the backyard. The kids look at the back yard . They see a mess . The parts of the grass is messed up from ferb falling . The tower was broken in half and some nails were scattered around. There was rope on the floor too. There were also tools scattered everywhere on the ground because Candce  tripped on their tool box  on her way out of the yard. Lucky for her .nobody heard her fall . They were to busy talking about the activities they were doing . Back in the present day ; the children were definitely going to get Candce back in the future for what she did . Buford; well i thought it was something else that made ferb fall. Not good she hit the button on purpose. That's rude of her to to ruin your invention. P; well I don't think she meant to ruin it . I think she didn't know what then button was capable of . Bulljeet ; O boy this is some mess. P; Well better get Candce to clean this mess now because it looks like mom is coming .   Balljett: I am heading inside to get water.    Ferb : well i am cleaning this mess up.  Buford:  I THINK CANDCE SHOULD CLEAN THAT. Isabella: I couldn't agree more . She looks at phineas who is trying tell ferb to stop cleaning . P: Bro come on its her mess not ours lets go in side now its starting get a bit chilly out out here. I didnt bring my jacket today. Didn't think  think it would this windy outside. Buferd : nobody is cold but you phineas . Its summer time the wind feels good. Bsaljheet : i must say. Phineas is right it's kinda cold out . Buferd : Shut up nerd. he pushs balljett s cup of water he got out his hand and gives balljett a wagie.   I:hey Phineas. I will take you inside if you want. She batts her eyes at him . Trying to flirt with him. Phineas didn't seem take the hint she was flirting with him . This made Isabella angry . She growls in frustration that he didn't understand that she's was trying to get his attention. P: Isabella that's too kind of you . But i cant leave ferb out here so you go inside i will; meet you there . Why don't you go in too buferd and you too baljeet . And the reset of firefight girls should  go inside.  i can handled it from here. I ; she try's a second approach to try to get him to notice her . She flips her hair than bits her lip a before talking to Phineas again . I : phineas your cold still so come on in with us . She even added a smile at the end . P ; you have no evidence that i am cold . He noticed Isabella smiling and smiles back . I am not cold anymore the wind stoped. I am staying here with ferb and that is final. Go inside like the others Isabella. I; i am not leaving you out here phineas .   I will be sad if don't join me inside .This time she tried a third time to get his attention she pouts her lips. Ferb see how  Isabella is trying to get Phineass attention and elbows Phineas to get him to notice her .  It worked .  He got a reaction from him  .   P;  .   What is it ferb ?   Ferb points to Isabella.    Phineas looks at her .  He finds hard to say the next words to her .  please go in Isabella i can handle the issue from here . I love how cute you look today Isabella.   I ; thank you Phineas . I  will go inside and let you deal with this  . Come inside when your done . Ok?  P; we will Issy. See you soon .  I : bye Phineas. She kisses his cheek and goes inside.   P; Phineas watches her go in.  He has smile on face for he can't believe she kissed him . P : Come on ferb i will help yo Clean this up . F :   That was a cute moment you had with Isabella. Thanks bro P;  yes it was .  You know Ferb our friends are right .  This should be Candce cleaning this not us. F: i am cleaning this up because we both know she will not . yes its her mess but our sister is not one to clean up things . I am not leaving it out here so mom can see it and have a fit because the yard is mess .  I know she will refuse to clean this mess. If we tell her too. P; we were are almost done cleaning. bro don't stress about it. Let's go inside now we finished and the wind is back and its cold again F; well looks like some one forgot to bring their jacket . Let's see o no the screen door is locked. P: o shut up . I told you before I forget my jacket.  Please stop messing with me . lets head inside before i get hyperthermia. It's get more windy, and you know i don't to great. In the cold . Ferb came one find the key for the front door already i am freezing my butt off here F; you really cant get that cold unless its winter . This is summer not winter what are you complaining about this weather isn't bad. P; come on now stop playing round and find those
Keyes because it is windy out and chilly even thought it is summer It gotta Be there somewhere keep looking bro. He shivers . Ferb sees this phineas i am sorry. It took me while to find where dad put the extra key for the house. You look cold lets go in bro. Phineas : ferb you know i been telling for a while i was cold and you are  just realizing it now .  F; I guess i was busy looking for the keys and didn't hear you sorry   Phineas : you heard me load and clear you were making a big deal and saying I was being all dramatic.  F , I shouldn't have said that sorry.  P, its all good bro. At lest were are inside now i don't know why it was that cold outside for the summer. F;It was odd weather. Out today P; i must say ferb. If it is like this Tom i am taking my sweat shirt out side with me . P; Ok glad you learned your lesson. Bro. P; why are you giving ,me that look you think i will not forget it again because I will not this time . Fer: sure you will not . you forget a lot of things Phineas.    P;  don't be sarcastic now . that's not true ferb I rember most things .  P, I will remember my jacket next time ,   why did dad have hide the key on the to shelf . I had a hard time getting it .  F , That's because you were to busy  complaining about how cold you were to try to get it .  You could have used a ladder to get it . P: Not my fault it was cold  outside.  Are you making fun of  me for being short and cold .. that's not cool bro .I sure am glad to be inside now .   F': rolls his eyes at Phineas . i am sorry insulted you . But  truth hurts sometimes . You  are small bro and you are under wight that why you thought it was colder out . You got eat more . P., who are you to say that ,  I can eat when I want . How want and what want you . You got no right to talk to me like that about me being under weight . You know I didn't like  talking about that .   F : you right I shouldn't have said that. Even though it's the truth . I was trying to help you out bro. If you eat more meat you will not cold all the time. P; Ugh stop talking to me about this . Phineas takes off his sweatshirt he was wearing and ferb saw that he was right his brother did need to gain more weight. His clothing wasn't fitting him right. And worse was he could see Phineas ,s bones. Through shirt he was wearing , ferb knew Phineas didn't want him worrying but this was to much not worry.    Phineas; yess ferb I see yours staring . is something you want to say.    F; Phineas. I think you need to look at your self in the mirror and take your shirt of before you do that . P : Um ok bro . F , Tell me what you see . P, I see me. F, Wrong  Phineas you know what I see . I see a boy who hasn't eaten well for a long time. I can tell you aren't happy with Candce still busting us but you got eat ok . Phineas, puts his shirt back on and ferb smiles at him he smiles back at him dont worry ferb I will eat at dinner. Ferb , you better Phineas i think you need new clothes. P you know mom will not get us new clothes until they are to small on us. ..  f; well. I know mom doesn't have much money or time to get new clothes for you so I will do it my self. . P: thank you ferb . he hugs him .  F: welcome. We can get you new clothes tom .  P; ok . Thanks again .  F, it's no problem . Maybe you should tell mom about all this . He points to Phineass bodY.  P: some other time I will .  F; you promise, p; yes I pinky promise I will tell mom and dad when I am ready.  F: I would do it soon .  P: ok .  I will think about it .  I am still mad at you for what you said  earlier. F; I understand that . Mom : Phineas ferb dinner time. Coming.   At the dinner table mom; so  who has some good new to tell us. P; just pushs his plate of food away from him and  looks at the ground . He still hates that ferb said that about  his weight he didn't feel like eating.    P : I am sorry  but today was a bad day mom rAther not talk about it . no good news today.    P, mom can  I be excused  . I  don't feel like eating. Mom, no seat down and eat  you need to eat .      F: must agree with Phineas.nthere is nothing good that happened today . I made a mistake and hurt someone close .   I am sorry I did what did bro . I feel bad about it . Phineas ,   I dont forgive you . I am sure you knew what you sad would hurt me . Ferb you got to stop telling what do .   F; I wasn't doing that , I was just trying to help Phineas.   P; well maybe I don't need your help .    F: you know you do need it , eat something.   P; I don't take orders fro you ferb. . He crooss his arm on his chest and glares gat ferb .  F: well I thunk you should eat .  P: what happened to not forcing me to eat .  M: no one is forcing to do anything ,  you should be eating like rest of the family .  F; Even Candce is eating . She hates moms food .   Dad;  You got no excuse not to be eating your meal .       F: You need more protein in you .  Look I am eating the food. You should eat as well . Your the only one at the table not eating.  Your making mom upset .  Try to eat something,  p: I don't want to eat anything after the day I had .    D ;  well you should be able to at lest try to be a part the family and eat .    F; I think it will help you gain more weight if you eat , plus you told me you  would eat at dinner .     P: I don't remember saying that .   Mom; come Phineas eat something. Stop fighting us .   F; you must be  hungry , you didn't eat much today .   C: come on eat the food . It's good Phineas  m: come on Phineas you  got to try the food I cooked.
  P: mom I  can't eat After what ferb said to me about my weight .  C, I had exciting news . I am going out on date with my boyfriend Tom .      M: Candce now is not the time to say that .   Phineas, : well someone having a good day then .  unlike. Me. Ferb looks guiltily at Phineas and mouths the words sorry. P, he smiles at ferb . Are you sure you want me to eat everything.    Dad, yes eat all your food you are growing boy .     P. No way  am I eating everything.  did you  guys here what ferb sad before ?  F; I said sorry already Phineas . P; I know you did but can't forgive you for it yet  .  F,: I think you should realize I am sorry for hurting you. You can't be upset about the issue forever. You got to forgive some day .  P: I will never forgive you . You crossed the line.    You pissed me off and you made me feel like I was useless .  F:  sorry you feel that way but was trying to help you and make things worse .  I understand your upset but please eat .  P: not going to listen to you ferb.  I am done  talking to you about eating .   F :   Well I am not done trying to get you tired eat .  So  Eat up now  .  I am almost done with my food.   C, Yes have to eat it's important to Phineas, fine  i a,m eating . He eats his food .    Mom can leave now that  ate .  M, yes you may.  He goes up stairs .  Ferb leaves after him he grabs perry and heads upstairs.  Phineas, I think you owe me a better apology then what you did . Ferb your right I do .  Sorry phineas  shouldn't have brought up that The table .  Phineas, I forgive you . Going to bed now . Good night .  F, night. P, love you bro , f , love you 2.

 Phineas x ferb  with little bit of phinabella  and other couples Where stories live. Discover now