Venssa cheats on Ferb and phineas and ferb fix a snow globe and a bracelet

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P: Hey ferb when are you going to that date with Vanessa?
F: tonight why ?
P; because I want build something with you .
F; what did you have in mind ?
P; Well I was thinking of fixing up the broken snow globe and bracelet .
F: o you mean the snow globe I by accident knocked over this morning when I was exploring Candces room .
P; yes. And we got to fix the bracelet of hers that you slipped on . When I came in looking for Perry this morning . Not sure why her jewelry was on the ground. I can't believe Perry was eating the bracelet. It's good thing I took it out of his mouth . He would have choked on it if I didn't take out . Anyway let's fix this stuff before she notices they are gone . Ferb points at Candce who is walking into the yard with a angry look on her face .
P; we are screwed . She is here . We haven't even fixed the stuff yet . O no whst we are going to tell her ?
F. The truth .
P: Do you think she will yell at us for breaking the stuff ? I don't want her angry at us . There is a worried look on Phineas . He doesn't want get in trouble for whst he has done .
F: . We still got to say we are fixing her things . Maybe she will not yell at us this time . I understand you don't want to her to be angry but we can't control the why she reacts to the news we are telling her .
P; I know that we can't control the way she feels about what we done but I rather not see Candce angry today . I don't like it one bit when she yells .
F; I understand how you feel. I feel the same way. Here she comes . Phineas please stop crying.
P; sorry . He hiccups. I can't help it . I am worried we are going to get in trouble for this . I don't want to get punished for what we have done by mom when Candce tells her what we have done. I never have gotten punished before . I know the worst that could happen to us is that we get grounded . I really don't want to be grounded . I am scared for us Ferb .
F : Everything will be ok . He grabs Phineas by hand and brings him to closer so they can talk about the situation more .
P: I am scared to take the fall for what we did . He starts crying harder.
F: Phineas calm down . It will be ok . Nothing bad will happen to us . Trust me . Mom will not believe Candce. So we will not get in trouble.
P: your right . I got nothing to be worried about. Thank you for everything Ferb. I think am feeling better now . Thanks for your help.
F: That's a lie . You are not feeling better. Welcome.
P; how can you tell that ?
F; I am your brother I know these things .
P: That's true .  I still don't think you understand what I am feeling right now.  O my heart hearts from all this freaking out .
F : I am not you but I know you well enough to tell you are still not ok . I know it's crazy but the pain your feeling in your heart I can feel it in mine . We got similar emotions. 
P; that's true .  I understand that you feel the pain I go through because I am the same way with you .  I also admit that I am not fully recovered yet . I am still feeling a little shaken up. He is holding back is tears . His voice is creaking . He was going start crying again soon . He could feel himself falling apart in front of his brother. I feel so bad for what I done . I feel like failed you as brother because I couldn't save you from falling. Instead I watched you fall. He couldn't hold his tears in much longer. He was struggling to control his emotions. They were all over the place today .
F; A little shaken up . That's understatement. Take a look at you self . Phineas your barely holding it together. It breaks my heart to see you so scared and broken. Do you need hug? You still sound upset. You also look paler than before. Are you feeling ok?
P: o please do hug me . I need it badly. Your right I am barely holding it together. I need you to be here with me I will be ok once everything is over with Candce. The boys hug . Unfortunately, their hug is cut short by their sister .. p ; She does not look happy with us . F ; I agree those are not happy sounds she is making . Candce is angry that she can't find her stuff. She stomps into the yard . As she stomps in glares at the boys . She scares the boys with her angry steps.
Candace has her hands on her hips as she talks to them . Phineas has no clue why Candce is in a bad mood. Ferb thinks it has to do with her realizing her things are gone . Phineas is hoping that ferb is wrong because if he is correct. Than they are in trouble for sure . Seeing that they might be in trouble freaks out phiness. He is trembling with fear. He knows that they could get everything taken away from them and that scares him. He doesn't want his summer to be ruined by a stupid mistake they made. Ferb has to hold his hand to keep him calm as their sister approaches them .
C: Phineas. Have you seen my bracelet or my snow globe? They were in my room this morning now there gone . She was freaked out a bit that the stuff wasn't where she had them before . She was also angry she hasn't found the stuff she lost yet .
P: yes I have . C: Where are have you seen the stuff? I hope you guys didn't take from me . If yuh did your busted. No wait your more than busted if you got them because that's stealing. I can call and put you jail if you stole anything. P : Hearing this only made matters worse for Phineas. He was now even more scared of his and ferbs fate . He was debating whether or not to lie to her . F; are you ok ? P : He he was talking super fast because he was scared . Yes yes I am . Candce ferb and I didn't steal anything from you We do have your missing items but that's because we are fixing them both up for you. . We should be done in now time . Please don't call the cops on us . We are trying to get them fixed as fast we can . Ferb can feel his brother tense up as Candce steps closer to them to talk more to them . He can also hear Phineas is heartbeat pounding and he could feels his heart rate increase as well .
F; sorry we broke your snow globe and bracelet. We where looking for Perry in your room when I bumped in to your snow globe and it fell to the ground. If we can't fix them we can make new ones for you .
C : I am not to upset with you boys . I am happy you guys are fixing it . Thank you for being honest with me and saying you guys have it . How dare you go in my room without me telling you it's ok . Whst else did you break ? For the record your still busted but I am not calling the cops on you guys . She was standing extremely close to Phineas and Ferb. She was doing this on purpose to make sure they were paying attention to her . She did realize she was making the boys feel uncomfortable by standing so close to them .
P: Phineas cringed at his sisters yelling . He hated being yelled at . It was scary to be yelled at by Candce. Phineas hesitates to say his next words . He doesn't want to piss his sister off more . He is also feeling intimidated by his sister. P; Calm down Candce . We didn't do anything wrong. Also why are you so close to us ? C: I am close to you guys so I can hear you better. She rolls her eyes at Phineas. She is annoyed with Phineas. He asked a really stupid question in her opinion. Ferb could smell her breath she was that close to them . F; What did you eat for breakfast? C: my usual. She answered ferb with a angry attitude. F: This didn't face Phineas and ferb. They knew that Candce ran out her favorite cereal yesterday. So she couldn't have had it today . F; Candce your breath doesn't smell like cereal. It smells a mix of morning breath and toast . P; he is right sis your breath doesn't smell of cereal at all . I think I smell mint . it's probably my tooth paste yes let me smell my breath . Yep it's me. What is that smell? It smells like eggs. Candce did you eat eggs this morning? . C; I had toast instead of my usual today because we ran out my cereal . Yes , I had hard boiled egg after I ate my toast . P; I knew it. I can definitely smell the egg. You need to brush your teeth . The egg smell is not a nice smell. C: for the record ferb , I brushed my teeth I don't have morning breath sorry I lied about what ate before . I don't get why you feel the need to ask me these things. She was yelling at them again . She was spitting everywhere . She got some spit on Ferb. He was not pleased . It was on his shoe . Unfortunately Phineas got the most of the spit since he was standing closer to her . He had spit on both both of his shoes and some got on his shirt. He was not to happy about it. He is wiping the spit of his shirt. He is also trying to clean his shoes . F: it's fine just don't spit on me it's gross. C; sorry I didn't even realize I was spitting. Ugh I can't believe you said I have morning breath ferb, that's mean to say. Phineas how dare you say the egg smell is bad .
P: Stop yelling at us . We didn't mean to break your stuff. We are sorry. I feel so guilty for letting ferb bump in to the snow globe. I thought he was the most carful one us two. I didn't think he would slip on your bracelet you left on the ground and hit it . I am sorry about breaking the bracelet . I was trying get Perry to stop eating it than it ripped in half after I pulled it out of his mouth. Phineas starts tearing up . We aren't in trouble are we? Phineass was now remembering all the fear he had before about getting grounded. He was now trembling as his fears come back to him. Ferb has hand on his brother's shoulder to try to get him to stop trembling.
C; Phineas come here . You didn't do anything . I don't know why your crying and trembling. Ferb is the one who broke the snow globe. That was gift from Jermey . F; . I fixed the bracelet but the snow globe I can't seem to fix it. Sorry. I tried Candce. C: You will pay for this . I demand you make a new one now . P; we will work on making you one. C; Phineas you still didn't answer my question. P; you . don't understand the fear that is going through my head right now . I know your not going to call the cops but I am still scared that I will be grounded fir what did.
C: well your not getting grounded. You can calm down.
F: well we can work on the stuff tomorrow. I am going to get ready for my date with Vanessa she is taking me out to lunch.
C: well your just going to leave when Phineas is mess , that's not like you
F; well had these plans for while. I can't say no to her . I told her I was going already phiness is fine he just had hard day today.
C: ok . Have fun .
P; wait your leaving now?
F; yes
P: bye then
Ferb walks in to restaurant. He looks to see if Vanessa is there . To his surprise he is there with anther guy. They are laughing and having a fun time . Seeing this makes ferb pissed. The guy was stealing his date . He walks over to table . He clears his voice. F ; Vanessa can I talk to you ? V: o ferb I wasn't expecting you to come until later your early . F; no I am not I am on time. Who is this guy your with ? V; o this Monty . He is a good friend of mine , they kiss F what the bloody hell is going on here? You ask me to to meet you here . Now you are making out with your friend in front of me . You are cheater I hate you . Monty ; Ferb wait it's not like that. I don't like her that way dude. I would never take her from you. F; ok so your not dating my girl? M: nope . V: sorry to make your think that we we're dating. F; I can't believe it. I saw you kiss him Vanessa. Your lying. You are dating him . I am out of here . We are done . I dint want to talk you again Vanessa. You used me . V: No don't leave me . You will break my heart if you do . F. I think your hear was l broken before tonight because what person would be so cruel as to kiss in front them with some one else. V: ferb I am sorry about everything. F: your only sorry because I am leaving you . He leaves the restaurant feeling jealous of the couple and feeling angry that Vanessa set him up . He goes home and cry's in his room . He is heartbroken. He lost girl of his dreams to this Monty guy . Phineas comes in to keep him happy . They talk and play some video games , than they go to bed .

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