Phineas and ferb get kidnapped by mitch

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It was a normal day in Danville . The boy's were building there invention when suddenly a blue light from the sky grabs them . They are now in a space ship. Phineas joked with ferb yesterday that Candce would not know if they ever disappeared . Ferb was determined today to prove that joke wrong . F , Candce will find us phiness P; you really believe thst . I thought. She didn't like us . F; no I know she will save us , so will our friends. P; well I am still scared we might not make it back . F: ferb laughs at his brother . Phineas glares at him insulated that he is laughing at him for being concerned for their lives.   P; that's was not a joke.   I am really am worried abut us bit making back .  F; sorry I was laughing before because your being so silly Phineas.  you should not be scared.  Mitch said he doesn't want to kill us. Plus we are Phineas and ferb we can make it through anything together. Mitch just wants to use us as bait ti get meep here . P: I get that but why are we tied up to Togther . F; that's a good question. He never did say why he was doing that . P, ferb . It might be just you getting back home , The lack oxygen is causing me to see things . I feel  dissy I see Issy she needs me . O no we got to turn the ship around . I see Candce ferb she needs our help too .  Perry I see him. He is stuck under a rock we got to go home and save them all  ferb.  F : ferb knows Phineas can some somtimes predict what will happen in the future but this was definitely not one those cases. He was losing his mind  and seeing things that were not really there. Mitch don't listen to him his losing his mind . Mitch ; kid I was not going to listen to him , we are funding meep . P ; Wait a second you used us . you did this on perpose . Took me away from my family amd friends so I could go crazy with out them near me , you are a evil person . F; I know your not making much of what is going on here . But I know we will be safe soon , everyone else at home is safe . P;; you don't know thst , they  need our help. F ,  every one is safe trust me Phineas .   P, ok . I trust you ferb .hey look over there . I see meep . Let's get off this ship it's boring here . F;  look. Mitch is fighting meep p: Well that's not fun . F at least he is winning.. meep . ; now let's go home . The battle is over  . The boys are safely at home. The rest up for thier big day tom .

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