Ferb gets drunk at bar.

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One day Ferb goes to the bar alone . He wants to have champagne night out alone . He is drinking so much champagne. He sees buferd there and joins him  Buferd is drinking beer . He can stop laughing at the girls at the table next to them . They were dancing on the table and taking thier shirt. One girl dropped her drink on buferd and Buferd lost it . ferb laughed as Buferd got a drink and threw it back at her. Unfortunately the girls would not leave  him or ferb and spent a lot of time trying to make them kiss them . Ferb was drunk and didn't realize that the girl kissed him . He was sure she kissed like Vanessa . He had to be dreaming. he opened his eyes to see Sure enough it was Vanessa who kissed him . She was there with him  smiling and laughing and ferb could not stop smiling .  They were both wasted. Buferd was dRunk and had go home since he wasn't feeling well. He called baljeet to pick him up . Balljett was not to happy to see him . He grabbed Buferd and dragged him to the car . They had a long ride home . Balljett was not pleased that Buferd threw up in his car . He was now sure he was never picking him up from a bar again . Vanessa went home to shower so that left ferb alone to drunk with random girls. He was dancing with them.  One girl was drunk singing young and wild and free,. Ferb was singing the rap part. The girl passed out on ground after drinking more drinks . Ferb Starts singing champagne night  And dances with some more chicks . There was one chick smoking and drinking in the bar . The owner was not pleased with her and kicked her out . Vanessa got home but remembered she left ferb behind. She called Candce to pick him up she said she was dealing with something and to ask Phineas . Vanessa knew Phineas would be pissed to pick up ferb .so she told ferb to call phiness to give him a ride since she was drunk and didn't want to go pick him up .    When Ferb does this . This the conversation that happens .  F; hey Phineas.  I need a ride . P; of course you do . Candce said something about Vanessa leaving you at some bar. I will not drive there to see you drunk.   F; lol o Phineas I Am not drunk . I just want to go home . pick me up . Not feeling to well .   But I think thst after I drink more I will be ok . He ends up throwing up his drink he got . I am ok but maybe I should sit down . Apparently he is to drunk to seat at the bar stool amd falls off it . He some how is still holding the phone. Now he is back on the seat he was seating in, P; Phineas hears ferb throwing up and falling . He curses under his breath. ferb . Are you really that drunk you can't walk ? If so I a,m carrying you to the car . F, well I am not that drunk lol . I can walk . He falls again when he try's to Walk . P; dam it . Ferb. when are you Going to learn drinking is not healthy. I may not physically be  there but I can tell through the phone you are drunk .  I can definitely hear your drunk . Stop lying to me and saying you are not .  you already drank way much tonight . I will not go get you if you are  messsed up amd holding a drink . If your drinking  stop it right now before things get worse .      F;  calm down Phineas. I am only tipsy.  He drinks some more . P:  I knew it . You better realize how much of a risk your taking by drinking. You should not be doing this you could die . You mean a lot to me . I can't afford to  lose you for a stupid reason like this .  You also have some nerve calling me drunking . I am coming to pick you right now  .   This your last drink of the night . You better enjoy it while you can . It's not cool  you are drunk .  You think  drinking makes you cooler.?   F; well yes . It also makes me happy   And. Makes me more tough . You should try it . It's not as bad as you  think it is . Hell I even would text and drive and be drunk . It's fun drinking! Love this bar . Give me other drink . I need to feel buzzing in my head. Man this stuff is good  . I don't see why you hate it so much.  I am in love with this beer . It tastes like Heaven, i think it's called blue moon but I am actually not  sure what I am drinking. . We are definitely getting this in my house . P; well there are other things you can do keep happy. It doesn't it make you cool . It's mess you up bad . Now I know your not thinking straight because your starting to make no sense ferb   . It's not good you don't know whst your drinking.  F: hit me up with whatever this .  I wish you would stop yelling and drink with me instead. We could have fun at this bar .  P;  ferb stop it . I don't drink . You could die if you drink to much.  If that happens than it's on me . I am going to be the one to tell you to quit drinking .    F;  I didn't realize could die .  Well I am not dead yet . So I gess this is a safer drink than I thought. Well I honestly don't know how much had to drink, but I can't stop drinking. It's so addicting. I can't breathe . Some one call 911 . I am dying.  Got you phiness . Lol . P; you think is this some type of joke ?  Ferb ; of course I do . It was great to hear how quiet you got . Like you believed I was dying, p; you almost gave me a heart attack. That's not funny ferb .  One is your limit from now on.    I am taking my inhaler with me today incase you try to scare me again .  He hangs up the phone and drives to get ferb . Phineas gets to the bar and finally finds ferb .he is still drinking his last drink he got . Sitting at the bar with girls around him who are drunk . ferb is flirting with them . He loves being a ladies man, when  Phineas comes to get him, he doesn't even realize it is him because of how drunk he is  P;   Phiness is wearing sunglasses so people don't realize that him . He hates bars .  Last thing he needed was to be noticed by someone he knew.  He quickly Gets ferbs attention by clearing his voice. P; I am here to take you home like you asked .    What's the matter ferb ? You don't recognize your own brother ?  He takes off his glasses so ferb can see him better. Are you really thst drunk you don't remember calling me ?  F; no I remember calling you .  I was sober when I did  that .  P; bull shit .  I know you were drunk when you called . F; well let me  drink , than we can go .     P; no . You will not drink in front of me .    Drop the glass now . F;  no way . I am not letting it go to waste. I can drink in front of you if want . Your not the boss of me . P; no I am not but I am your brother . I know what's best for you . You should listen to me . Now put the drink down before I yell at you . You're avoiding the whole issue that drinking is dangerous and you could drop dead . If you don't stop drinking . You are addicted to this drug . This addiction of yours ends now . I should send you to rehab, you can't stop drinking , you will kill your self drinking . You got no limit. You are not drinking safely. F ; o really?  You think you know what's best for me , you think I will not drink in front of you Watch me . He chugs the rest of his drink down .  We can leave now Phineas .   Um never mind I will take a drink to go . Then we can leave. P; you are really disappointing me ferb.  I am shocked you drank that  in front of me.  When I said no.  You should be ashamed of your behavior.  I am not letting you get more beer we are going now .   F ; please one more drink. P; you said that before , I am not letting you do it .   Ferb is now drinking some more beer .  Phiness grabs the glass out ferbs hand and throws on the ground. The beer gets all over ferbs clothes. F; you made me spill my beer . You will pay for the next drunk I have . Ferb grabs anther drink ,   This one is on you Phineas he says as he starts drinking it .  Phines yells him to hand it over ,  p; ferb I am not paying for that drink . but ferb doesn't  give the drink to his brother . he just drinks it more .  Finally phiness has had it , he pulls out a pin he has and stabs him self with it in frustration that Ferb is not listening.  Than he throws his used pin at ferb . That got ferbs attention,  he drops the drink in his hand the second he turns around and sees a trail of blood leading to Phineas .   He was definitely drunk still, but tried to help phiness take care of his mess he made.  .  P; now your helping me clean . I should  not have to hurt myself to get your attention .   F; ugh ,I think I had to much to drink today.  Sorry about before .    P;  your sorry ? You should be . I wasted my time with you . You never listen to me about drinking. I am not happy with you . Get the car now .  F; ok . no need to  yell . They did not talk the whole way to  Phineass place . He let ferb crash on the couch for the night and went to sleep upstairs with Issy. He promised him self to never deal with drunk ferb again. The next morning phiness dranged ferb out of his house . He really smelled like achoel and he needed to shower. Vanessa let him in and phiness left to clean up the mess Ferb left in his house .  He was surprised to find a can of beer where ferb was sleeping last night. He drank behind Phineas s back  and phiness was never letting him crash at his place again. He w@s so mad he didn't hang out with ferb today. He let him self have space from him . He didn't feel bad for treating ferb the way he did , he knew ferb got what he deserved .  So he went the rest of day ignoring ferbs calls and ingnoring. Candces taxts and just watched tv with Issy the whole day . The next day Phineas said sorry to aLl the people he didn't talk yesterday . The rest of the day was normal. But phiness was stil keeping a close eye on ferb who was drinking Some beer and building at the same time , Phineas wished his brother would stop drinking. He was sending him to rehab. If he didn't stop soon.  That days got worse and ferb was drinking more phiness was stabbing him self so much he was running out places to due it. Phiness finally found a new spot for today . This time it was bleeding more than normal but Phineas didn't care . He even grabbed a razer and started cutting him self more in the bathroom . Not caring about the pain. He walked out like nothing happened.  Issy knows Phineas cuts him self was trying to get him to stop . Ferb was the reason that phiness w@s cutting and he would be the reason if phiness died from cutting .lT would be ferbs problem. Since he was the reason Phineas was doing it . Issy is Realizing how  things are not going the best . Some how she convinced ferb to stop drinking . Things finally go back to normal.

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