Part 2 isabella gets lost in a storm and buferd and balljet start dating

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Phineas : ferb it time to get up and start day.
Ferb: I am not waking up . The alarm didn't ring .
Phineas: if don't get up I am getting Candace and she will wake you .
Ferb: well l don't care if u get Candace I will still be in bed  because the alarm hasn't gone off yet.
Phineas:   Yes it did you over slept . I am getting some water  to pour on you.
Freb; I am going back to bed. I am sure I didn't over sleep. It's too early to be up.
Phineas:  no you are not  going back to bed. He dumps water on him. And it is not too early. It is the time we usually get up.
Ferb:  nope sure it is earlier then we normally get up. Now my Bed is wet and my pjs are too.
Phineas: good now get up. Go on now change out the wet clothes.
Ferb no. Staying in my wet clothes and wet bed .
Phineas: that it I am getting Candace. I don't believe how stubborn you are bing this morning.
Phineas: running to Candaces room
Candace: a sleep in bed
Phineas: Jump on Candace
Candace : phineas! I was dreaming About Jeremy . Phineas : good morning
Candace you need to get up now
Candace: why should I listen to u
Phineas: because ferb is refusing to get up
Candace: well that's not my problem
Phineas: yes it is because u are going to help me get him up
Candace : I am not helping you because I have go back to bed .
Phineas: begging Candace. Please Candace . With big dog eyes
Candace. I am not falling for that phineas
Phineas: come one Candace you have to get up and see Jeremy
Candace: Jeremy is here? I have to get dressed.
Phineas: no he is not here I just have to wake up ferb and need your help
Candace:: phineas u woke me up for nothing I am going back to bed
Ferb; hey bro I finally decided to get up lets go eat breakfast
Phineas: really ferb you get up now. Ferb: I needed to sleep in. I was very tired this morning.

Phineas: yes apparently you were. lets go to the backyard now . They opened the sliding door and walk in to the backyard. The sun is hidden by some clouds making the backyard look dark. Phineas: why is so dark outside?
Ferb: bc it looks there is a storm coming.
Phineas: We should build something before the weather gets worse. I hope it doesn't start raining. F: We might have to move this project indoors soon. P: true, It so dark out I can't see anything. I don't know when are friends are coming today? But hopefully they are going be here soon.
F: yes I think they are coming now
P; how do you know that  it to  dark to see if anyone is coming. 
They here the gate opening .
Phineas:I forgot we had a noisy gate. That should be able to tell us somebody is coming. But we don't see who they are . How do we know it is not a stranger.
F: it Is not a stranger. I may not be able to see but I can tell that it is one of  our friends opening the gate.
Buford : Hey phineas whatcha doing?
Phineas: Isabella is that u?   Your voice sounds terrible. It sounds raspy.
Buford: nope it is me . Fool you lol . thanks I spent hours screaming in the closet to get it like this.
Baljeet: I am scared of the dark.
Buford: nerd shut up no one cares.
Phineas: guys where is Isabella?
Buford: don't know don't care
Phineas hope she is ok not like her to be late
Baljeet : mabe she is not coming today
Buford: let's start with out her
Ferb: looks like it's going to rain soon.
P: o no i hope not. . It looks like you were right bro it is pouring outside.
Baljeet: o no we shou go inside
Buferd : rain doesn't bother me I can stay here all day.
P: Let's jump in puddles
F: ok
Buferd: I love the rain.
Baljeet: why are not inside ? it not safe out here. Guys did you here me? Ugh I am being ignored by my friends. I am not liking the odds of getting hurt out here.
Meanwhile At issy's place
Isabella: mom I am going to Phineas's.
Mom: nope you are staying in with me sweetie this storm is bad. I: please mom m: fine be safe I : I will . It started raining really hard . Issy shivers.  The rain is cold.  The rain getting worse . Drenching poor Isabella.  She is wearing her normal outfit on .   He  hair was soaking we and so was her dress. I don't have a jacket on. O well I be with phineas in no time She runs over to his house. O no my outfit is so wet and my hair looks terrible today. Get together Isabella go in there and talk to him . who cares about my stupid clothes and my frizzy hair from the weather. By the time she. Got to Phineas  fence . She was freezing.  She  had goosebumps on her arms and legs. And. Shivering like crazy .  The rain was slowing Down. But isssy was still cold . Her teeth chattered  she nocks on his gate . Issy desperately wanted a warm hug from phiness . She was freezing down to her bones and she couldn't feel   Her  toes.  Her bra was wet . She could feel  touching her breasts .  She shivers as  lookes down to see her nips were poking out a bit from her bra ,. They hurt so badly from the cold rain hitting them, Her shoes were we and made noise when she walked them , there was water in her shoes and her socks were wet ,  she could feel her body getting numb with cold as she wanted for Phineas to open the the gate . Unfortunately he hasn't seen her yet.  So he thinks she is not there yet .
Phineas : the rain is clearing up . That means more building for us ferb. Also Issy is not here still. Maybe Buford is right maybe she isn't coming . I am starting to think she is sick or something bad happened to her . Ferb help me I am freaking out herE . I am so worry about her my stomach hurts. I will not forgive myself if she is hurt or what if she needs my help . No storm getting bad .  Don't worry Isabella I will be here waiting for your arrival.
Ferb: phineas calm Down please she will be here don't worry . Baljeet: we have to hurry things up here . I heard thunder. It feels like is going  start rainfall again soon .
Isabella: hey guys sorry I am late. Whatcha doing ? She was still cold . She was barely able to say her  famous words that Phineas loved to hear her say.
Phineas: I can never stop loving you saying that . It makes my day to see you here with a smile on your face . hey Isabella I was worried u were not coming today .  You look cold Issy.
I/ I am cold from the rain.
P;  well come here . I will warm you up a bit .  They hug for bit than Phineas ends The hug after a bit . Since ferb was smiling at them and Buferd was laughing and balljett was giving them a look that said it's about time .  This made Phineas feel weird , so he just pretended the hug didn't happen.    P; you feel better now ?  I; yes .  P; good , we are going to start soon building things . Just got to dry off my tools that got wet in the rain first .

 Phineas x ferb  with little bit of phinabella  and other couples Where stories live. Discover now