Chaptet 15

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Kaitlin's POV

We made it back to the hotel room, cameron was so happy to see me! I got him a new Vans at the mall today! they are one of the Christmas presents I'm going to give him, he also got a nice shirt and some pink, blue, black, and red nike socks. I put my bags in the closet and jumped into the bed, I was so tired, I had a long day shopping with the girls. we only have 8 days left until we have to go back to Cali. Cam and I turned on a movie and I fell asleep in his arms.

Cams POV

When Kaitlin got to the hotel I was so excited, I had missed her! she told me all about her day.Kaitlin told me not to look in her bags that she put in the closet, I wasn't going too anyway. we watched a movie and she fell asleep in my arms. I can't wait to take her to dinner tomorrow night!

~Next day~

Kaitlin's POV

I woke up and Cameron was gone...I looked at the clock and it said 11:45. I went to the bathroom and found a note that said I have to find something nice to wear to dinner be back in a little bit, text me what you want to eat and I'll bring it back! I went to the bathroom and crawled back into bed and checked my twitter.

Texting conversation

K- hey babe!

C- hey, are you feeling okay, you slept kinda late?

K- yea, can you bring me taco bell?

C- yes!

K-thanks, I love you

C- I love you more! see you in 15mins!

Kaitlin's POV

I waked back into the bathroom... I started thinking about the last time I had my period. OMG, I missed this month... weird I thought. then I remembered... I had sex with cameron the night before we got an the plane. that's impossible I thought. I walked to the nearest pharmacy and got a pregnancy test. I went to the hotel and... the thing said positive I checked again... No...No...No... why is this Happening? Cameron knocked on the door. I can't tell him... I'll tell him at dinner.

Cams POV

I went to the mall with nash and he helped me pick out a nice shirt and a pair of skinny jeans! I left Kaitlin a note and told her to text me when she's up so I can bring her food. when I got back to the hotel she was acting all weird and she looked really worried. "Kaitlin what's wrong" I asked her. "Nothing" she said. I was worried about her. "here's your food" I told her.

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