Octo boy x reader

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Requested by Lucyyao ^-^

Today was a special day for EVERYONE. It was the day inkling and octolings made peace and got along well, a lot of people didn't really mind some were happy,some were angry but you were glad. As octolings made there way to the lobby you decided to play a turf war. You were in a random team and you saw this very charming octoling. His little smile and his eyes were perfect. 3..2..1.. GO as soon as you heard go you inked and inked trying to be in charge. As you got closer to the middle of wahoo world you saw him. He really stood out. He was in a team of people who squid bagged but you managed to kill them and squidbagged once. There was 1:20 seconds remaining on the clock and you saw the boy inking bits no one seemed to inked you thought it would be a good idea to go over there and try to talk to him, he seemed like the kid of boy who would have fun in turf wars and not kill everyone. As you went over you and this random squid girl started to say " boohyah " and you even squid bagged. The boy looked at you confused. You felt like a idiot but he stated to squid bag as well and a cheery smile formed across his lips. Instead of saying " boohyah " they said something different like voomy or something. Pretty similar. You and the octoling were having fun even tho he was on an opposite team. Your team mates got annoyed by this and they all splatted him. You got angry at them and death glared them " why did you kill him?! He wasn't a threat!" You yelled and got splatted, you got angrier. There was 22 seconds left and you splatted everything in sight apart from the octoling with the octo shot repela. Time was up and you won by 1.6% you felt happy but you tried to find the boy and tell him sorry that he got splatted and lost the game. As you found him he was holding hands with a octoling who looked really pretty. You felt hurt by this so you stopped and stared, you saw him look you in the eye and he got confused. You smiled and walked up to him " Hey um sorry for the others who splatted you and that you guys lost, it was fun playing with you we should do it again sometime" you smiled and he smiled back " Sure I had fun to don't worry I don't care if I loose or win" he replied with a cheery tone" well I Best Be off it was fun meeting you" You said a little bit sad " hey wait here's my phone number call me and we'll play together " he wrote down his phone number and his name " oh um I'm y/n " you said shyly " cool you can call me octo it what's a lot of people call me" the girl he was with left in disgust " were done " she said and walked away " you saw him become happy " wanna hang with me " he said in a shy tone " sure it's really hot I'll buy us ice cream " you said  I love you already..... y/n thought

I will do part 2 on this I couldn't think and I started writing at half 1 in the night so dearest apology's if it's bad (:

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