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Chaeyoung's POV

"Where is your brother?" I shrieked when I heard someone speaking right behind my ears, my hands landing on my chest as I tuck my feet forward while I sit on the couch in the living room.

Soft chuckles escaped his pouty lips at my reaction.

"Ahhhh, you really are so cute," he whispered before pinching my cheeks.

"Aaaawww!!!!" he chuckled as I swatted his hands away and tried to push him but instead of leaving, he literally jumped right beside me and pulled me for a hug.

The loud beating of my heart was distracting me too much yet my brain tells me to disregard every fucking signal it gets.

No Chaeyoung. Don't.

I was startled when he suddenly cupped my cheeks while smiling, his face a little too close for my liking, or not.

"Yah, Chimchim!!!" I heard my brother's voice and Jimin smiled at me.

"You really are so cute..." he whispered before standing up.

He should have just gone away. But before he did, he had to mess up my hair, with his huge smile that made my heart melt every time.



"Ahhh! Yahhh!" I scowled at Jimin who suddenly jumped right beside me as I walk my way home. My classes just ended and I don't have the time to hang out since I have a lot of deadlines to make up with.

Of course, he will do the exact opposite.  I'm pretty sure he, my brother, and the rest of their friends will simply hang out.

I felt him hang his arms around my shoulders which didn't bother me since he does it like it's the most natural thing to do.

"Tell your brother I won't make it tonight. I have a date," he mumbled and I turned my head towards his direction, the sound of my heart breaking so loud I wonder if she heard it too.

He was smiling cheekily and my heart skipped a beat when he gave me a wink.

He was smiling at me cheekily, totally unaware of how he was hurting me a million times.

I was about to say something but I heard someone calling him.

"I'm coming babe!" he mumbled and my eyes caught a very beautiful girl wearing a uniform from some other school.

I'm not even surprised. My heart shattered into pieces but I can't deny what my eyes can see.

They looked so fucking good together.

And just like always, Jimin would kiss my cheeks, in a brotherly manner.

"Go home pumpkin. Don't go on any date. You're too young for that. I'll beat your boyfriend if you have one,  okay?" he messed my hair once again before he started running towards his girl.

My right hand reached for my cheek.

Jimin, he can easily make and break my heart.

A long sigh escaped my lips, my eyes focused on their diminishing form.

I'm so fucked up.


My hands were shaking.

I've decided. I will tell Jimin what I feel before I head to America tomorrow.

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