Chapter 7 - Connor

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Connor curled up on his bed, staring at the wall. His snakes were talking, so he absentmindedly let himself listen in on their conversation.

"He'ssss a nic(sss)e boy."

"He'ssss sssstrange."

"But he likessss ussss."

"Only to an ex(sss)tent."

"Who cares?" Connor suddenly spoke up. "I have one person I can talk to, hoo-freaking-ray."

"Connor, pleasssse." 

"No, seriously, Debby, what's so great about that? It just makes him as much of an outcast as I am." Connor got up and walked over to the mirror in the corner so he could look at his companions as he talked to them. "I just- agh."

One of them moved to his collarbone, her tongue flicking sympathetically. "We know, Connor. It'ssss not eassssy."

He had to smile a little at her. Eden. His first snake. Zoe had named her, actually.

Her scales weren't shiny like they used to be, and she moved slower, but she was always there for him. She understood him better than anyone, better than people or his other snakes.

"Anyway, why do I need friends?" Connor asked softly, petting the top of Eden's head. "I've got all of you."

"We are not proper company." One of them grumped.

"Oh hussssh Lucas." Wyvern batted him with her tongue.

"No, he'ssss right." Eden sighed. "Connor, we love you, but we cannot be your only friendssss. You need human interaction."

Connor looked off towards the window. "Whatever."

She nuzzled his cheekbone. "We love you."

He sighed. "I... I know you do."

"Do you want ussss to be quiet?" One of them asked. It might have been Donnie, he was sort of near the back.

Connor chewed his lip. Eden nudged him and he sighed, stopping himself.

"No, you can talk. I don't mind. Just... I don't know, keep the conversation off of Evan?"

"Of coursssse." They murmured a general agreement. Connor walked back to the bed and grabbed his earbuds. He plugged one in and chose an album on his phone.

Secret guilty pleasure: acoustic covers of rock and metal songs.

Connor closed his eyes and let himself get lost in the music. It helped him calm down.

He always needed to calm down.

"Connor?" Someone knocked on the door. He made a sound of annoyance.

"Be nic(sss)e. Sssshe's your mother." Eden chided gently.

"She's the reason I'm like this." He muttered angrily.

"Sssstop that. Sssshe issss not. Sssshe had jusssst assss little control over thissss assss you did."

Connor yanked his earbud out. "What, Mom?"

"There's food in the kitchen, if you're hungry."

"I'll get it later."

She didn't respond. Connor sighed and stared at the ceiling. He wondered if he just laid there for long enough, would he eventually waste away? That would be kind of nice.

Eden smacked him lightly with her head.


"I know what you are thinking." She said softly. "Don't be like that."

Connor sighed and sat up slowly. "Yes, Eden."

She nuzzled him again, his shoulder this time. "You know I care about you, don't act sssso upsssset."

He grunted and she flicked his ear with her tongue before retreating into the tangle of the others up on his head.

Connor dragged himself to his feet and grabbed a beanie. "Sorry, guys. I've gotta go downstairs and you know how they feel about you."

He pulled the beanie gently over his head, covering his snakes, and put his earbuds in again.

There was a small stack of plates and things sitting next to the door. Connor grabbed them. He usually ate in his room, and no one in his family would come into his room, so he had to take the dishes downstairs every once in a while.

Connor pushed the door open and stomped downstairs, making his presence known well before he came into anyone's line of sight.

"H-hi Connor." Evan was the only person in the kitchen to acknowledge him. He grunted and dumped the plates next to the sink, then grabbed another plate that had been set out with food on it.

Zoe muttered something derogatory under her breath and he glared at her. She averted her eyes quickly.

Connor turned and walked out of the kitchen. No one followed him.

Or so he thought. He'd just sat down on his bed again when someone knocked on his door.

"What do you want?" Connor pulled his beanie off to let his snakes free.

"It-it's Evan."

"Go away."

"C-Connor come- come on, let m-me- can I- come- come in?"

Connor rolled his eyes. "Yeah, go ahead, knock yourself out."

Evan opened the door slowly. "I just- I wanted- t-to make- I d-didn't want y-you eating alone."

He shrugged. "I do most days."

Evan smiled nervously and sat down at the edge of the bed. "Not- t-today."

Connor just grunted.

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