Day 1 and 2 as a Demigod- The Truth in Mythology

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          The first thing I saw when I could see again was the boy wearing the black hood. His face was right up close to mine, and his arms were wrapped around me tightly. "Let go of me!" I shoved him away. "What the heck?  What is going on, where am I?" The boy recoiled, and I glared at him.

        "Slow down feisty," he laughed.

        "Don't tell me to slow down! What is going on?" I demanded. Even though I was shouting, my heart was pounding out of my chest. The only reason I had the guts to shout was because I came to realize that the boy wasn't threatening.

        "Calm down, I'll explain everything," he sighed. I gave him a hard glare, trying to ignore my panic and relentless rapid heartbeat.         "My name is Cole," he introduced. I was glad to put a name to the boy who kidnapped me. He also saved your life, a voice in the back of my head said. I told it to shut up. I studied him. He had shaggy dirty blonde hair, and fair skin. His face was a sharp narrow shape, elvish looking. His eyes were dark brown, and a smirk seemed to be stuck on his pale face. He had a small scar, it went from his lower jaw and down onto his neck. Just by looking into his eyes I could tell he was a deep person. He was dark and intimidating. "And I'm a son of Hades, the Greek god of the Underworld."

        I stared at him for a few beats. "I'm sorry, what?"

        "What do you know about Greek Mythology?" he asked.

        "A bit, there are twelve major gods that all stand for something we don't have power over, like the sun or the ocean, or whatever. The Greeks believed in them." I shrugged.

       "All of the Greek legends are true," he said sincerely.

        I didn't want to offend him cause he knew where I was and I had no idea, and he was probably my only way home, so I listened to what he had to say. He is just a teenage boy on too many drugs. But that doesn't explain Mr. Lukens transformation. "Go on."

        The boy raised an eyebrow and continued. "All of the Greek gods live in America in Mt. Olympus, don't ask where Mt. Olympus is. The Gods have children with mortals, and they are called demigods. Where you are now is called Camp Half Blood, a camp for demigods that trains them to fight monsters, and protects them from monsters with a magical border."

        "Monsters?" I asked. Although I don't believe him, it is an interesting theory.   

      "Monsters from Greek legends."

        "I don't believe you," I said.

        "Then what was the werewolf? Your imagination? His name is Lycaon and he was cursed by Zeus to become the first werewolf, and the wolves were his followers."

        I kept staring, thinking back on the attack. Lukens, Lycaon, Lycanthropes. I shuttered. "Why am I here? And how did we get here? Did we teleport?"

        "I can... shadow travel. Were in Camp Half Blood, Long Island. Shadow traveling is a gift sons of Hades have, it's like teleporting through shadows. And you're here because you're a half-blood."         "No," I rejected that immediately.

        "Yes, you could see Lycaon, and Lycaon hunted you carefully. If you were mortal, he would not have pretended to be you're teacher for a year just to get killed before getting to kill you. He wanted to kill you badly, and he is not a normal monster. Something is special about you," Cole frowned.

        "Not only am I the daughter of a god, I am a special daughter of a god, and special monsters try to kill me. I'm so honored," I retorted. I was terrified still. Everything I was hearing had truth backing it up, and I didn't want to believe any of it.

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