Chapter 2~ Catch me

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I'm sorry for the wait for this chapter! I've been away and sadly no Internet. :c But I promise I have quite a bit coming up for this story, and I know I said it was a Hayley and Demi Fan fic story, well Hayley WILL be in it, I just have to lead up to it!


You're awesome if you actually read this.

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~2 weeks later~

"My therapist told me I should keep a diary, just to let my feelings out, she told me that I didn't have to show her and that she thought it might help me.

So here it is my first diary entry. Ugh, I don't like that word... 'Diary', it makes me feel like a 13 year old talking about her first kiss. This isn't my fucking 'diary', I'm gonna call it a journal. What am I doing? Writing to you like you're an actual person? Whatever I'm pathetic, I know.

I don't even know what day it is, so fuck you I'm not writing the date. I'm sorry for my offensive language... It's.. My way of.. I don't know, expressing myself? Well, apart from singing... And other things, we'll come to that later. Bye? I guess?"

I just finished reading that diary entry I made a couple weeks ago, right after my last breakdown, I haven't written in it since, I just couldn't be bothered.

I only came across my journal 'cause I'm packing for a show I said I'd do, it's in New Zealand and I've never been there so I guess it should be fun.

As the procrastinator I am I decided to write another entry for my journal, I turned the page over and rummaged around to find a pen.

"Okay, so I know it's been awhile, I'm sorry, I just forgot about this silly thing.

So my old therapist wanted me to do this, but I stopped her service, I led her to believe that I'm okay now, of course I'm not. I don't think I ever will be buuutt I do have to act okay so I don't worry my family or fans.

I know I said in my previous one that I was pathetic for talking to you like you're an actual person, but now I find it easier to write like you're an actual person, so I should probably introduce myself, right?


Well hi, I'm Demi. Demi Lovato, I'm an actress and a singer, more of a singer than an actress.

I have quite a few problems, you see in 2011 my family and close friends held an intervention and I was admitted into a rehab centre for 'physical and emotional issues' they call it.

Well there they helped me (duh)

I was diagnosed as bipolar, which was a huge help because I'm not as messed up as I thought!

I'm currently 19 years of age and I will be 20 in August aand that's me I guess, you'll find out more about me as I write in you more.

HA. That sounds weird. Okay I have to pa-"

I stopped writing and pushed the book under my suitcase under the clothes that were already piled in there, as my mom walked through the door.

"Hey you almost done packing?" She asked while scanning my bedroom, and the huge mess that has accumulated in my efforts to pack.

"Uh yep, I'm almost done" I lied.

I'm no way near done.

"Okay hun, but we have to leave for the airport in a few hours so finish up" she said smiling and exiting my room

I sighed and continued adding clothes to my pile of 'maybe' clothes that was next to the suticase I was taking.

Wait, what's the weather like?


I have no idea. I grabbed my phone and typed in google 'New Zealands weather' I scanned a few links, and booyah I was right, it is summer.

I tipped out the clothes I had already put in one of the suitcase, onto the floor the journal and clothes fell to the floor with a thud, it has such a boring cover, it's just plain black. Oh well I will buy some thing's in New Zealand to decorate it with, I placed it in the bottom of my suitcase and started folding my clothes and putting them on top of it.

I opened my drawers collecting up some 'summer' clothes and adding them to the rising level of clothes in the suitcase. I stood up and reached across my bed, grabbing my sunglasses and some jewelery that I had left on my bedside table, adding them to the suitcase as well.

I trudged my way into the bathroom, grabbed my tooth brush and other necessities I will need.


~2 hours later~


I sighed zipping up my rather full suitcase, as if on queue my mom opens the door looking at my suitcase then to me, smiling.

"Time to go" she says sweetly

I nod, placing the suitcase by the door after she had walked downstairs.

I grabbed my phone, it's charger, my wallet, tickets and passport and put them in my handbag, pulling it up on my shoulder and accidentally pulling up my sleeve with it.

Shit, I need to cover my wrists.


Short chapter I know. :(

But I promise the next few to come will be much, much longer.

Give me feed back!

I'll try upload more, I promise.

Unbroken: A Demi Lovato and Hayley Williams fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now