Chapter 1: Trainwreck

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Demi's POV

What am I doing to myself? I thought as I grabbed the shiny brand new razor sitting beside me, "I shouldn't feel like this!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face.

My mom isn't home, her and Maddison left for the movies half an hour ago, so I have a couple of hours before they'll be home, which will give me enough time to do all of this and then crawl into my bed.

Why am I doing this? Normal people don't plan when they can cut themself and not have to worry about people walking in, right?

"you're not normal" I said under my breath, digging deeper into my skin than I've ever gone before and dragging it along my wrist, repeating this again, and again and again, my eyes shut tight..

I open my eyes as tears fall down my face, my vision blurred from the tears accumulating, I wiped away the tears with the hand that's still holding the blade, I noticed it is now not shiny and clean, it has got bright red blood glistening on it, I looked down to see my wrist stained red, the blood pouring out faster and faster, I didn't realise it was THAT much until I saw and felt the drips of blood running down my leg, I grabbed the black towel I had readied to clean up the mess, I wrapped it around my arm and tucked in the end to stop too much blood from escaping me.

I sat there for awhile, I'm not sure how long. All I did was cry and cry, overe what? I'm not too sure anymore, I just cry and I've been this way for quite a long time too.

I slowly pulled myself up off the floor, turned towards my dresser, opened it and pulled out some sweat pants and a baggy t-shirt, this will do since my pajama's are in the wash and I'm not leaving my room to go get them.

I opened the door to the on-suite bathroom nd turned on the light "ugh what a mess" I thought as I looked at the clothes and make-up all over the bench and floor.

I slid off my sea-foam green shorts, being careful to not get blood on them from my leg and my left hand, I threw them at the mountain of dirty clothes which has accumulated beside the full washing basket. I walked over so I was infront of the vanity mirror, as I looked at my face the tears had wiped away the foundation and made my mascara run, my eyes red from crying. I looked even worse than I did earlier. I grabbed a clean face cloth from the cabinet and wet it and washed away the make-up and tears.

I stood up straight, still looking in the mirror my eyes moved down my disgusting body and more tears formed, my thighs too big, my stomach not flat enough, the black towel still tied around my arm, the tears started to fall, my eyes stinging with the tears I tried to hold in. I bend down and grab the sweats and pull them on, I take off the black singlet I was wearing and grabbed the baggy black t-shirt I had grabbed I unfolded the shirt to find it's one of my Paramore shirts, I smiled at the thought of Hayley's voice.

I've always wanted to meet her, it's been one of my dreams for a long time, I just love her and the boys. I pulled on the shirt with a faint smile, and walked out, turning off the bathroom light and entering my just as messy bedroom. I picked up the box of metal razors I have and slid them under my bed, before turning around and turning off my bedroom light, I jumped into bed just as I heard car doors shutting outside.

Mom's home.

She'll be wondering why I'm in bed this early,  I looked over at my alarm clock and it read 8:45.

I listened for her footsteps, waiting for her to come in and check on me, waiting... Waiting... Waitiing.

She doesn't even care. I thought as I cried and sobbed with my eyes closed, falling asleep.


Tell me what you guys think!

I'd love to hear your thoughts, and yeah I know this is only the first chapter I have already pre-thought this and have all of my idea's written on my phone, so I'll continue writing it on mah phone and upload it when I find it satisfactory. :)

Unbroken: A Demi Lovato and Hayley Williams fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now