Chapter 8~ La la land

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She patted the bed beside her gesturing for me to sit, I shook my head and looked down to the floor, I pulled my legs up to my chest and buried my head, muffling my cries.
I’m so confused.

“I’m so sorry Demi” She sniffed, sobbing out loud.
“I shouldn’t have gone with him” She added reaching over and grabbing my hand, I looked up at her tears running down her cheeks as well, if she sounded drunk before she sure as hell didn’t now.

“I completely understand if you’re mad at me, I would be too” She dropped her head, and let go of my hand, I wasn’t mad at her I’m just confused, I don’t know what to think.

“I was scared he was going to hurt you Demi” her head shot up again, her eyes locking with mine, that same pleading look from my dream, my vision blurred from more tears.

“I’m sorry” she whispered, burying her face in her hands, sobbing once again.

“Please say something” She added, her voice muffled by her hands over her face.
What was I to say though? That’s why I haven’t said anything!

I leant forward and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, embracing her in a hug.
She gasped at my sudden movements, but soon after wrapped her arms around my waist holding on tight as if I was going to float away.

I pulled away and she reluctantly let me go.
I pushed her hair that was in front of her face behind her ears and rested my good hand on her cheek; I kissed her forehead before sitting back down, on her bed.
That kiss was probably one of the hardest kisses I’ve ever had to do, I just wanted to feel her soft lips on my own, and never have to move.
But I think me kissing her forehead was me trying to protect myself from any further hurt.

She turned around bringing her legs up onto the bed so she was cross-legged, facing me she smiled faintly, but all I could see was the hurt in her eyes.

I mirrored her, sitting in front of her
“I’m not mad, I’m confused” I spoke, my voice coarse because of the amount I have cried in the last 24 hours, not to mention the singing.

“I understand, I’m confused too” She said, grabbing my hands I winced in pain as she pulled my sore one, she let go immediately looking from my face to my hand waiting for an explanation, but when I didn’t speak, she knew.
“Chad did that, didn’t he?”

I nodded as the hurt look in her eyes was replaced with anger, I stared at her in shock I’ve never seen her like this.
“Yeah, when I said he should let you come with me”

“I should of Demi! Why’d I go?” Whispering the last part, and staring down at the duvet cover on the bed.
“Because you love him?” I spoke, more of a question than a statement.

“No.” She stated bluntly, looking back up at me.
I probably shouldn’t have been happy about that, as she seems rather upset about it, but I’m glad she doesn’t love him.
Am I selfish?

“I don’t” She said again, in an angry whisper

“Oh bu-“ I tried to say, but she cut me off

“I can’t love him” She whispered her teeth clenched.

“Wha-“ I was cut off again..

“I…H… He raped me, Demi” She looked up at me, the hurt back in her eyes.

I stared at her, pure shock written all over my face, I pulled her into a tight hug, not knowing what to say and with what words can’t explain hugs definitely can.
“I DID love him, but not after that” she said into my shoulder, sobbing and crying along with it.

Unbroken: A Demi Lovato and Hayley Williams fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now