Chapter 4~ Don't Forget

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Woo! I don't leave for my brothers for like a couple of days so I shall try upload as much as I can, till then.

I don't know how long I will be gone, BUT as soon ass I'm back I shall update.

I can't believe people actually like this, but I love that you guys do!

Vote, comment, fan!

I'm sorry this is slightly shorter than the last but that's cause I did only just update like a few days ago.

So yeah.


I got into the waiting car and started talking to the driver

“Carnie said I didn’t have to be at the venue till 4, what’s the time?” I asked the driver, not knowing his name yet. He’s a new guy, I’ve never met him before.

“It’s 11:32, Miss Lovato” He said looking in his rear view mirror.

“Ugh time zones” I said under my breath.

“You can call me Demi by the way. I don’t know your name, are you from here?

“Yeah I am, I’m from Wellington though, oh sorry I’m Wayne”

“We’re almost at the hotel.. Mis…. Uh Demi” he said smiling.

I just smiled back and unlocked my phone and went into messages.

-Hey Hayley, it’s Demi can you meet me in the lobby? I don’t have a key card! :P-

I waited for the reply, the car stopped in front of the hotel and Wayne got out and opened my door.

My phone vibrated and I checked the message.

-Hey Demi! Yeah, I’ll be down soon! :D-

As I stepped out of the car, thanking Wayne I saw her, the bright orange hair of the girl I’ve listened to for years.

I walked through the hotel doors and when she saw me a huge smile formed on her face, I waved as I walked up to her, I couldn’t help but smile, she's so beautiful, even more in person.

“Demi! I finally get to meet you!!” she said hugging me and laughing.

“The same to you, I’ve been a fan for quite awhile! Why haven’t we met before?”

She laughed as she handed me a key card.

I am quite a bit taller than her, mind you I am still wearing heels.

She was wearing a plain black t-shirt with ‘minor threat’ written on the front, and some dark blue jeans matched with black converse.

We walked over to the elevator in a comfortable silence, as the doors open I was embraced in a big hug by two big, muscley guys. I shut my eyes instantly. It’s gotta be Taylor and Jeremy.

“Demi Lovatooo!!” They said in unison, while still hugging me.

I heard and felt a giggle come from in front of me, I opened my eyes to see a squished Hayley pushed up against me, which made my cheeks flush bright red, our bodies so close gave me butterflies.

She looked up at me and our eyes met, we just stood there together just looking at each other until we were released. I smiled at the guys and said my hello’s, the ride up to our floor was just filled with laughs and smart comments exchanged between Taylor and Jeremy.

Hayley nudged me and I turned to look at her.

“I met these two girls before, and they offered to show us around, should we make it a girls day, without the guys?” she said whispering and gesturing to Taylor and Jeremy who were in a deep conversation as to whether or not garden gnomes are real people that have been frozen.

Unbroken: A Demi Lovato and Hayley Williams fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now