Chapter 3~ Give your heart a break

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Okay! So this is a longer chapter because I'm going back to my brothers (No internet WAA) I will write more while I'm there and then post them when I'm back.

So I know you've ben waiting for Miss HAYLEY WILLIAMS.

But it's coming. OKAY.

I love you guys already and I'm barely into my story.

Give me your feedback.

Can I just say that I taught my nephew who Demi Lovato is (he's 2) and he was running around the lounge when "Give your heart a break" was playing and he was just yelling LOVATO LOVATO LOVATO.

It was ultra-mega cute.

Sorry, I'm ranting.

Vote? Comment? Fan?

P.S the song is in the thing over there ----->

Oh and I'm not very satisfied with my cover, so if any of you darlings would like to make me one, I will fan you and dedicate a chapter to yooou?


I dropped my handbag on my bed and walked back into the bathroom, I opened the cabinet beside the mirror and grabbed the thick foundation I use to hide cuts, I pulled up my sleeve more, making the three other healing cuts further up my arm visible.

Why did I do it there?

I picked up the sponge, with already dried foundation on it and re-dipped it into the foundation, I spread it along my arm being careful not to get any on my clothes, I finished spreading it on the ones that were mostly healed and the other scars and made sure that there was no foundation marks that were really obvious.

I then started on the deep ones at the base of my wrist, I’m surprised I didn’t bleed out, I must have just missed my veins by the look of the angle and deepness of the cuts. The one that is the worst has split the skin and has scabbed around the edges, it’s shallower at the ends, which has already healed and turned to scarred skin.

How am I gonna cover this one?

I sighed putting more foundation on the sponge, and dabbing it on the cut.

It’s not working, you can still clearly see the scab mark and the obvious opening in my skin.

Plan B, I walked out of the bathroom and over to my dresser and I picked up a gold, thick bangle. It’s one of my favourites and covers cuts really well, it has a shiny gold outside with red and green gems in the middle, it has this gold link chain that clips onto the other side as like an extra safety, so if the actual bangle un-clips the chain will keep it on my arm.

I clip it around my wrist and wriggle my arm, checking to see if it moves.

Thankfully it doesn’t, I walk back over to my bed and pick up my handbag.

“Demi, we have to leave! Otherwise you’ll miss your flight!” I hear my mom yell from downstairs.

“I’m comiing!!” I yell back. She can be impatient, so i better go.

I roll my suitcase out of my room and shut my door, I make my way down the hall and stairs to see my mom at the door with her keys and handbag, she’s tapping her foot as if she’s been waiting for hours, I don’t show it but some of the little things she does impacts me and makes me feel bad.

Why do I feel bad for making her wait?

It’d be me that would have to pay for another flight, and be late to my hotel check on deadline.

Unbroken: A Demi Lovato and Hayley Williams fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now