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It was currently 3 days before Christmas. I finished packing up my suitcase. It had been a hard job to fit everything in it. I had packed everything that might me necessary for a vacation on 2 weeks. My parents however had already left and now they wanted me to take a plane to Los Angeles on my own. It would be alright right?

It was almost Christmas but I didn't had got the time to go gift shopping yet. I didn't had the money either. I wasn't poor, I just wasn't rich either.

I carried my suitcase downstairs and put my shoes and jacket on. I carried my suitcase outside, turned the key and locked the door. I turned around to see my Uber. I smiled friendly as I sat in the back of the car.

"Hi." I smiled

"Hi. To the airport right?" The driver asked and I nodded.

He pulled out of the driveway and started to drive towards the airport. The airport was bigger than I remembered. Last time I was here I was 8. Now I'm 14, almost 15.

"Thank you." I smiled to the driver and paid him for the drive. I walked into the building and walked to the check in. I got my suitcase checked in and was now in the gate waiting for the stewardess to open the door to the plane. I received a text from my mom.

From: mom
To: Mackenzie

We will wait for you in the airport, have a great flight.

I smiled to myself and put my phone back in my pocket. Finally the stewardesses opened the doors and I walked in and found my seat. I put my phone and laptop on flight mode. I buckled up and leaned against the seat. I slowly drifted to sleep without noticing.

I woke up to the stewardess speaking over the intercom.

"We are landing in a few minutes, please buckle your seatbelts." She spoke in her kind and friendly voice. I already had my seatbelt on since I fell asleep with it on. I felt a small amount of turbulence as we rushed over the ground. I got slightly dizzy but I was alright.

We all stood up, grabbed our bags and left the plane eventually. I went to the luggage carousel. This was always the boring part. I felt like I had just waited forever when there wasn't anymore luggage back. But where was my suitcase? I went to the reception.

"Excuse me?" I asked quietly.

"Yes?" The receptionist asked.

"My suitcase didn't came out with the flight? Where is it?"

"Oh I'm really sorry. It must have been loaded to the wrong plane." She said.

"What?! So it's somewhere in Africa or what?!"

"I'm sorry..."

I huffed and dashed off. I walked out of the airport empty handed. I went to the pick up place where my mom told me she would get me. I sat on the ground and waited for her to come. I pulled my jacket tightly over myself as I felt the cold winter weather get worse. The freezing temperature was making my cheeks sting. After 3 hours I found out that she wasn't coming. It was now 8.50 PM. It was already dark and it was snowing hard.

I stood up and started walking. I had nowhere to go. However I thought it was better to walk than stay so I at least could warm my body up a bit by moving.

I pulled my grey beanie further down so it covered my ears completely. I walked in the snow in Los Angeles' streets. A van drove by and honked harshly at a biker who was riding in his lane. I flinched and let out a small scream before I squirmed and made sure that I was staying in my own lane.

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