The First Letter

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Chapter 1


It's been a day since we set sail on the Argo II, course set for Ogygia. I remember that beautiful island I crashed landed into. The way the waves gently washed up to shore, the sand soft and white, the trees and birds and cave and everything calm and elegant. It might as well be a resort.

"Leo!"Coach Hedge yells."We have some horrible waves coming."

I rush to the wheel. "Percy!"I shout."Jason! Everyone!"

My friends sprint to the front deck.

"Leo,"Piper says concerned,"What's going on?" Then she looks at the waves and her face pales.

"Percy, Jason,"I say,"Could you two control the waves from killing us?"

They nod."We're on it, admiral,"Percy replies. I smile, I like it when they call me admiral instead of Repair Boy.

"The rest of you," I say,"Go below deck. It's safest. I need to steer us out of trouble." They don't argue. Soon I'm left on the front deck, steering the ship away from the towering waves.

Percy and Jason are combining forces to settle down the waves.

"Leo!"Percy yells,"Can you make this thing fly?!"

I shout,"I could but I'm kind of steering right now."

"I'll do it,"says a voice.

Oh gods, I think, it's an intruder. I turn around, my fists ready to shoot fire.

It's Thalia.

I relax.

What's she doing here? It didn't matter this second but I'm glad she could help. Thalia races over and pulls the switch that would let us fly. Soon enough, we feel us being lifted, into the safer sky.

Yes! It worked.

"Thalia,"I say,"Could you tell the others it's safe? Thanks by the way."

"No problem,"she says and races below deck. Soon, Piper, Frank, Annabeth, Hazel, and Hedge come up with the daughter of the sky god.

Suddenly, a bird lands gracefully on the front deck. It's an eagle. Zeus' animal. It drops a note off. Typical Roman messaging. I pick it up.

"Don't let the Mist trick you,"I read,"Remember what you and Calypso first talked about, and what you thought her name was. Look there. Xo-Aphrodite. Ps. The council is not very happy about you guys finding Calypso, but I'm the goddess of love, so I'll be willing to help, kisses."

"Do gods and goddesses know how to not speak in riddles?"Jason asks.

"Last time Aphrodite gave help,"Annabeth says,"Percy and I were separated for a year, because love had its'ups and downs.'"

"My mom can be tricky,"Piper says,"But it seems like she's actually willing to help."

I ignore them. I need time to think. What could she mean by names? I close my eyes, our first conversation.

Then it hit me.

I know where to go.

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