The Pool

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Chapter 9

Piper plays music off her iPod and we all dance to it.

Calypso surprisingly dances great for an immortal girl.

Thalia and her friends are as far away from boys as possible, rocking out.

Piper is busy taking loads of selfies with us.

Then we changed into swimwear, the girls took off their makeup, and we took turns throwing each other into the pool that I recently added below deck.

"Leo,"Calypso says unsurely,"I dunno how to swim."

"Don't worry,"I say. I take her hand and we jump in together.

Calypso is spluttering, but laughing.

"That was fun!"she says,"But the water tastes horrible."

"You're not supposed to taste the water, Lypso,"I laugh.

She splashes water on me. I splash water back at her.

Then the weirdest thing happens.

Calypso's aura shines red.

And she screams.

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