The Real Calypso

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Chapter 10

Oh my god. My friends look at me confused.

Then they see me glowing red.

Blood red.

"Calypso,"Annabeth says,"Stay calm. I know what's happening. You're being chosen by a god. You're godly parent is Ares, god of war."

I try to digest this."But I'm a daughter of a Titan!"

"Why don't we all get cleaned up," Hazel suggests.

"Good idea,"Annabeth replies,"I need to tell you guys a story."

We all shower and put on pajamas.

Annabeth and Hazel make cups of tea and hot chocolate. They pass it around to warm us up.

"There's a myth,"Annabeth starts,"About Calypso."

She turns to me. I wonder what this is about.

"When the Titan war started,"Annabeth continues,"Calypso was on the gods' side. She was the daughter of Ares, one of his bravest daughters. Then one day, she was taken as a prisoner by the Titans, and was possessed by an eidolon. She was forced to fight on the Titan's side, although she hated them."

She paused, waiting for us to digest that.

"Ares spent a long time searching for you during the war,"Annabeth says to me softly,"But Zeus found out first, and he imprisoned you in Ogygia, where the eidolon finally left you. Zeus also made you immortal, because he wanted an eternal punishment for you. And Zoë Nightshade, is not your sister."

I grasp that. I just couldn't imagine it. Zoë took care of me. She loved me.

"Zoë found you when you were small,"Phoebe says. All eyes turned to her."She nurtured you and took care of you. She loved you, Calypso. But you were never her sister."

Phoebe looked like she was going to cry. Thalia and Delilah put their arms around her.

This was a lot to grasp. But somehow I grasped it.

I knew that Atlas wasn't my father. I knew I had a different dad.

My hot chocolate was now cold and untouched in my shaking hands. Leo puts an arm around me, to stop my shuddering. A tear rolls down Piper's cheek.

"I think this is enough for a night,"Frank announces.

"We should go back to sleep,"Percy says and adds under his breath,"even if we won't get any."

I lay on my bed, awake fully tonight.

Someone knocks on my door.

Then it opens. It's Leo.

"Drink this,"he tells me quietly."It'll help you sleep, you need a lot of rest. We're arriving at Olympus to morrow morning." He hands me a cup of sweet tasting juice. I drink all of it, and put the cup on my desk.

"I'll see you when you wake up,"Leo says, and kisses me goodnight.

Sleep takes over before I know it.

Then dreams.

I am wearing battle armor, sweat trickling down my forehead and neck. A sword is in my hand, and I slash through a monster. War is raging around me. Then the war stops all of a sudden. And then Ares is trying to stop something. He yells,"CALYPSO! BEHIND YOU!" I turn around, and something collides with my body.

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