The barn

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"Is Slade going with you?" my mom asks from her spot on the floor of my bedroom. She's been sitting there watching me get ready for the last hour and it feels good.

I've grown up since I left and having her opinion in my life feels much needed. "Slade and Kidd are going out to find work. He says he needs the money."

She sighs giving me a motherly frown. "The barn can get crazy. I hear things."

I apply some lip gloss and study myself in the mirror. "I can handle myself."

"And I believe you," she says standing up. "I'll leave the door unlocked."

There is so much left to say because we threw a blanket over our mess and moved on. And when she leaves the room I feel it weighing on me. I don't know how to approach any of this.

I'm better at dealing with her at a distance when we aren't talking. I never expected to be back in this house pretending everything is okay.

I spray some body spray and grab my shoes and hurry down the stairs. Karsen is waiting for me in her cute little black dress. She looks beautiful and way better than she did when we were in Cherry.

I can't believe what Karsen went through. I still have the moment etched in my brain when she found out Kidd was alive. It was the top moment of any of our lives. It put her back together and made everything right again.

"You two have fun," Gary says standing in the kitchen while my mother cooks. He isn't a bad looking guy and from what I can tell he treats my mom well. It's hard to hate him when she is so happy.

"Thanks, Gary." I say, for once I am directly acknowledging him and I can tell it means something to him.

My mom smiles at me, I can tell she's thankful as well.

"Yeah, Gary, thank you." Karsen says. "Don't stay up, I am not sure when we will get back."

I follow Karsen down the stairs to her car. The same one her brother drove back when he was young. It's not in the best shape, but she loves it almost as much as she loves Kidd.

"Your mother seems happy," she says climbing in on her side.

"That's because she is," I tell her, buckling up.

Before she starts the car she does one final hair check. "You seem happy."

I nod. "I think I am."

"And I know I'm happy." She smiles. "And Kidd is happy. And I am pretty sure as long as Slade has you he is happy so for once I can say everything is going good."

I can't say she is wrong for thinking our lives with these guys are amazing.


I love Georgia, it's where I belong. I love the weather, the trees, and the stray cats that lazily sunbathe outside wherever they want to.

Karsen covers her face with her red solo cup and groans. "I can't believe I am looking at John Redcorn."

I look up trying to find him in the crowd. "Radcom." I don't know how many times I have to correct her before she understands John is not the Native American from a tv show.

"Radcom, Redcorn, his name doesn't help the fact I do not want to be in the same place as him," she groans again.

I take another swig of my beer. "Why are you freaking out? It's just some guy you once slept with." I don't see the huge deal.

"He's coming over here," she says pushing me in front of her as a shield.

"He's kind of old," I say under my breath.

Fading Magic (Book 5 of the Ink Series)Where stories live. Discover now