That night

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I've never had a professional do my makeup. I imagine it's what the celebrities feel like.

"That eye shadow looks amazing on you," Karsen says from her seat beside me.

I knew Karsen would be a part of the music video. She is Kidd's fiancée. Of course she is going to be included in the video.

I turn the page of the bridal magazine I have been looking at and study myself in the mirror. "It's not anything I would ever wear but I like it." The black eye shadow and the dark lipstick make me feel beautiful in a different kind of way.

Not only am I a woman, I am also a witch. I am also going to be a bride.

"You really need to find a dress," Karsen tells me. She says it every day of my life now. "If we are going to pull off a double wedding you need a dress."

I roll my eyes. "I will find a dress. When the time is right I will know it is the one for me." That and I have all the money I could need to buy the perfect dress when I want to.

And for once I am excited about something going on in my life. Karsen and I are getting married on the same day at the same time. To the most amazing guys we could ever ask for.

She fluffs her extensions staring at her blonde locks in the mirror. She scrunches her nose when her makeup artist starts adding red lipstick to her lips. "I hear this stuff stains."

I shake my head at her. And once all the finishing touches are added to my hair and nails I stand up and take in the girl in the mirror.

"Holy shit," Kidd says behind us. "I think it's safe to say we have the hottest soon to be wives I have ever seen."

"I look like a dominatrix cockatoo," Karsen says blowing at the feather and leather cuffs on her wrist.

Kidd comes up from behind and wraps his arms around her.

I look around. "Where's Slade?"

Kidd throws a thumb over his shoulder. "You know him. He's back there reading over the lyrics."

I smirk. He is forever trying to perfect everything he does. I follow the long hallway past the winding cords and equipment.

It's hard to walk in the big heels I am wearing but I do my best to remain graceful and hold on to the wall for added support.

"Hope," someone says. But when I turn around I realize I am the alone in the hallway.

I hear my name again, crossing my arms because my arms are covered in goose bumps. And if I am not mistaken I just heard my dad's voice.

I trip over my own feet and almost smack my face on the ground. I steady myself and stand back up. A shadowy figure slips past my sight and disappears around the corner.

I sigh, I'm not in the mood for jokes of any kind. Or to be scared to death but I follow after the shadow. When I turn the corner the aroma in the air takes me back to every day of my entire life.

I can smell Jack Daniels, my heart races and my knees shake. I kick off my shoes and chase after the shadow as it rounds another corner. I know I am supposed to be on set but I need to know I am not losing my mind. I know I saw something. I know I smell my dad's favorite drink.

It's a dead end. I'm staring at the parking lot through the glass doors. And it's dark. I step a little closer searching for anything. And just when I am about to turn away and go back I see him. In the reflection, against the moonlight, I'm looking into my dad's eyes.

Fading Magic (Book 5 of the Ink Series)Where stories live. Discover now