26. Cassie

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Parker drove me to school that morning, smirking as I got into his car.

"Have a good night?" He asked sweetly.

"It was fucking swell," I snapped back at him. 

"Watch it, Cassandra." 

The bruise on the left side of my face was covered excessively with makeup, since I had forgotten to ice it last night. It was still noticeable, and I knew Ms. G would give me shit for it today. The burn on my stomach looked just like the one on my right wrist, and the bruise on my leg and the bump on my head hurt when touched even slightly. Too exhausted to change out of my jeans, I had only switched my flannel for an oversized crewneck and brushed my teeth and hair. I had spent all morning trying to cover the marks on my face, and had no time for breakfast. As if I had an appetite.

We pulled up to school and I got out without saying a word, and I wanted to punch him for driving me. I told him I was walking and he freaked out and told me if I tried I wouldn't even make it to first period. Part of me wanted to take him up on his threat, and maybe even just plead for him to get things over with and just kill me, but I didn't, obviously. I ignored Andrea and smiled at Sam as I passed them, who gasped and ran after me.

"Cassandra Brooks what the hell happened to your face?" She stepped in front of me to keep me from walking.

"I fell."

"That's the biggest load of bullshit!" Sam never swore, and people were staring at us. She shot a couple of boys a glare and they turned around.

"I got mugged."


"I don't know, Sam. Drop it."

"No! Why are you shutting everybody out?" She let out an exasperated sigh, throwing her hands in the air.

"You wanna know who fucking did this to me?" I smirked. "Ask your fucking friend Parker." 

Her mouth hung open as I walked past her, past Luke and Calum before they got the chance to say anything to me and made my way to first period. I didn't care anymore. I knew I was acting different, like a bitch even, but I just couldn't bring myself to care.  In third period English, Calum sat next to me and slumped in his seat.

"Fucking hell, Cass, you should've called me," he whispered quietly. 

"Yeah? So you could do what exactly?" I snapped. "Andrea would fucking have my head, anyways," I muttered the last part. 

"Don't yell at me, Cassandra, please."

"Sorry," I closed my eyes, feeling absolutely defeated and worn out. 

"Cassie, we should call the police."

"No, Calum, I can't," I pulled at my sleeves.

"Why fucking not?" He seemed angry, but caught himself. "He's ruining you."

"There's nothing left to ruin," I said under my breath, shaking my head as our teacher came in. It was mostly to myself but as Calum stared at me I knew he had heard it. I just smiled at him weakly and ignored him for the rest of class. I practically ran out of the school for lunch, wandering off into the nearby neighbourhoods and sitting on the sidewalk, watching the occasional cars pass by. My phone rang, and I checked to see it was Parker. With an internal groan, I picked up.

"Hello?" I asked quietly.

"Where the fuck are you? With your other boyfriend?" His voice contained such venom I actually flinched.

"I had to see my history teacher. I'm practically failing."

"Why the fuck are you outside then? I hear the cars."

"I took a-"

"Don't fucking lie to me, Cassie," his voice was low.

"I just took a walk okay? Ask Andrea, she's with Calum and Luke. I'm alone."

"I'm coming to pick you up, where are you?" 

"No, I'll come back to school; save you the trouble," I stood up and brushed myself off lightly and hung up on him. I turned into the main circle and saw him standing in the entrance before he notice and approached me. He grabbed my arm tightly and towered over me as I stared at my feet.

"What the fuck did you tell Sam?" He yelled, grabbing my jaw with his free hand and making me look at him.

"I didn't tell her anything."

"Your face..." He trailed off. "I did that?" He squinted his eyes, examining my cheek. I nodded and he loosened his grip, his hand now gently cupping my face. I leaned into his palm and frowned. He seemed so innocent and confused, like a child. I hated it. He had seen me earlier this morning, but I think now what he had done to me actually hit him. He removed his hand quickly. "Do what I tell you then," and all traces of remorse were gone, his words cold once again. I nodded again and let him lead me inside.

We had about ten minutes left in lunch, so we just sat side by side with our backs against a set of lockers. He talked about some party he planned on going to tonight, and how he wanted me to come. I told him no, because I was going to spend time with my mum. He was hesitant to believe me, but just smirked and said alright. Something was off with how easily he gave up, but I didn't let it bother me. I got to stay at home and wallow in self-pity, and that was all I wanted. In math, Ms. G pulled me aside like I had predicted.

"Cassandra, you have more bruises on your face."

"I fall a lot," I shrugged.

"Cassandra, I am prepared to call a social worker."

"It's not my family! And it's not your business!" I practically shouted, earning looks from everyone that had entered the class, including Luke. "I'll talk to my counselor right after this class, okay?" My hands were balled into fists as I made my way to my seat, sitting beside the blue eyed boy who was watching me.

"Parker keeps hurting you," he started, fiddling with his fingers on his desk. "Cassie, I know you're angry with Calum, but what about me? Talk to me, please! Let me help," he pleaded. I smiled at him slightly.

"Thank you, Luke, but there's nothing you can do. I'll be okay," I gave his arm a squeeze and ignored Samantha when she entered the classroom. She tried to talk to me but I shrugged her off and Luke told her to leave it.

Parker drove me home, talking mostly to himself while I pretended to listen and nod along. When we pulled up to my house, my mom's car was there, and I was surprised, but also so incredibly thankful. Parker seemed surprised as well, but pulled my hand roughly to his lips, kissing the top and letting me get out. I entered the house and called out to my mum.

"I'm home!"

She emerged from the kitchen crying, and I bit my bottom lip.

"I'm sorry, mum," I shook my head, letting my hair cover my face. I engulfed her in a hug, not remembering if I had ever seen her cry like this before. Maybe to movies, but never had she cried at her own pain. Everyone breaks eventually, I guess.

sorry guys ok i have really bad writers block and im not proud of this but i just wanted to get you guys a chapter

 the upcoming ones might be kinda short, and I know this one was boring but shits going down next chapter


im listening to lana del rey and bon iver and yass bless lana bc ultraviolence is beautiful wow

dedicated to CalumandMikeygirls because she has sent me the sweetest most inspirational messages. youre great girly

vote & comment! love you 


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