Monday Blues

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I wake up around 5:45,the next morning.

Great, today is Monday. I have one friend back but the other is pissed at me. I'm now living with a Gang leader, and I've too joined the gang. I really miss my parents...

"Carson? Umm, I've got to go get some things for tonight's mission, get up and don't skip school"

I can't skip school, I have to get my scholarships.

"Okay, luis". I say.

I drag myself out of bed and head to the shower. I try to not think about what has happened in the past few days.

I realize I had taken a bit long in the shower, so I jump out and head to my room to get dressed.

I get my faded skinny jeans out, along with a red t-shirt. I wear my timberlands, since basketball season doesn't start for another month.

My phone lights up with a text.

Alexa❤💯: I'm sorry about yesterday. Still meeting up?

I ignore her text, and leave my hair down for the day.

Driving to school in my own car, really did feel great.

"Hey, Carson, wait up?" A guy says.

I didn't notice that guy was Luis.

I thought he had to do something for the mission tonight?

"Are you coming along tonight?" He asks.

I shake my head no, "I'm new and I haven't trained yet. I'll pass."

Luis looks around, and then just nods.

I walk towards my locker. Cherish, the cheerleader was beside it.

"So, I heard you joined the vipes. Got any to sell?" She cheerfully asked.

"No, and if I did it wouldn't be here where I would sell them to you."

I slam my locker and head to my first class, Psychology.

Dj had saved me a seat beside him.

I grinned, and was glad to have him back.

As soon as class started, "Carson, the counselor would like to speak with you."

I look wide eyed at Dj, then make my way to the counselors office.

"Mrs. Reed? You asked to see me?" I ask, cautiously.

She looks up from her chair, then smiles.

"Yes, yes, dear. Come in and close the door. We have some important things to discuss."

I walk over to the oh so comfy chairs and plop down. Last time I had been in the counselors office out of the blue, without it being my GPA meeting, it was my parents death.

"Ms. Brooks, I have looked over your records, and you are in fact a sophomore correct?"

I nod, and she continues.

"Alright, Carson. It seems to me that you have taken extra courses over the summer to graduate early, and the school board has approved to move you up a level. The only requirement for this to happen, is your signature and your guardians, along with $1,250, Now I understand that you are under the care of the young, Luis Martinez, would you like me to call him to the office, and you two discuss this issue?"

I think for a moment. Last time I called him out of anywhere he got mad, and slapped me, but this is a very important issue.

"Yes maam. You can call him into the office."

Since he did decide to show up for school today.

Luis walks into Mrs. Reed's office, and suddenly they smile and give each other hugs.

Close family friends maybe?

"Okay, Mr. Martinez, like I've explained to Carson, she had taken a few extra courses over the summer in order to graduate early, and the school board has approved and recommends that she be moved up to the next grade level, which will be a senior. Now this only requires both yours, and ms. Brooks signatures and  $1,250. I will leave you two to discuss this among yourselves. "

She exits the room, and Luis looks over at me smiling.

"You're a smart one, huh? Well this is up to you. Like I said, I have your bills covered, including anything you want, Princess."

Pheww, I get moved up to senior year. I'll graduate before my friends, and I'll get ahead on my career. But, it will also change my schedule, because every senior has to have at least one career guidance class in their last year.

The door clicks. I look up to see Mrs. Reed has came back into her office.

Luis speaks, "we will move forward with her being bumped up to her senior year. I understand this will change her schedule just a bit, may we see what her schedule is now, and what it will look like afterwards please." 

Mrs. Reed looks ecstatic. She is so excited that I'll be moving up. She prints off my schedule, for what it looked like to what it will look like.
Since it was only the second day of school, it wouldn't affect me any.

1st semester
1st Block: Psychology
2nd Block: Trigonometry
1st lunch.
3rd Block: Gym
4th Block: Chemistry

2nd Semester
1st Block: English 4
2nd Block: Chorus
3rd lunch.
3rd Block: Film and Literature
4th Block: study hall.

New Schedule
1st Semester
1st Block: Psychology
2nd Block: English 4
2nd lunch.
3rd Block: Trigonometry
4th Block: Study Hall

2nd Semester
1st Block: Career Guidance
2nd Block: Chemistry
1st lunch.
3rd Block: Film and Literature
4th Block: Study hall.

She said that since I have enough electives, gym and chorus weren't necessary. Also since I had already completed two courses of each, I had extra electives that I didn't need.

"Thank you, Mrs. Reed." We say as we exit the counselors office.

Not only did I only have one class with my friends, but now I have many with Luis. Great.

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