Colorado: Present Day

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Jay was in town at the lumberyard with Jonathan picking up lumber to rebuild all of the pasture fences. "This is a lot of lumber Jay. How are you going to rebuild all of the pasture fences with stronger wood?" Jonathan asked as he helped Jay get all the lumber into the flatbed of his truck. "I believe it's called the beauty of having ranch hands. Mal and Jonathan are out herding the livestock into temporary holding pens until we get all the fences knocked down, and put the new ones in." Jay said. "I got to hand it to you Jay, you make a great Ranch Boss." "Thanks Jonathan." Jay said smiling. Jay and Jonathan continued loading lumber when Eli came out of the lumberyard building, toting a grain bin roof vent and handed it to Jay. Jay thanked Eli and he put the vent in the back seat of his truck. "So, Mr. Swag, what you got planned for your 2 year anniversary with Malonia on Saturday night?" Eli asked. "First of all, my last name is not swag, that's my attitude, and second of all, I'm planning on taking her to a tractor pull and demolition derby that starts from 10 and ends at 2, and then a hot air balloon ride, and then at night, sitting outside on patio, roasting marshmallows, and watching the sun set, and the stars take their place." Jay said.

"Oooh." Eli and Jonathan said together and Jay rolled his eyes. "Hey, it's what Malonia would want. She's not into that big fancy date stuff like watching romantic movies." Jay said. Eli nodded and he said he had to get going. "See ya round Eli." Jay said before a body knocked into him. Jay didn't flinch, as he expected a kid from town, but when he looked down, he saw a head of blue hair. Jay's eyes widened, and he pried Evie off of him. "Oh Jay! I can't believe we found you! I've missed you so much!" Evie cried. "I can't say that I feel the same." Jay said stepping closer to his truck before 4 young boys with blond hair came running over to him. "Hey guys. What are you up to today?" Jay asked them with a smile. "We're just playing a game of soccer, you want to join?" One of them asked. "I wish I could guys, but I got to get to work on building the fence at the ranch." Jay said. "Neat! Is Malonia lassoing the cows again?" A boy asked and Jay laughed. "She wishes. She'll be sorry she missed you, but she's out herding them up so we can rebuild the fences. Are you guys all ready for the baseball game Friday?" Jay asked and all four of the boys shouted yeah and pumped their fists in the air. Jay smiled and Evie watched him with confusion in her eyes. Since when did young kids idolize Jay? And who was Malonia? And what was a Ranch? Evie questions were all interrupted when the four boys left after waving goodbye to Jay.

Evie went to say something to Jay, but she was interrupted again by his phone. "Yeah? Oh, yeah. I'm in town still. Yeah I'll grab some. How many? Okay. What about the leather polisher? Okay, how much of that? Okay. And what about saddle straps. Are any of them in need of replacement? Right. Yep. See you at the house." Jay said putting his phone away. He walked back over to his truck, and he caught a glimpse of Carlos holding a little girl that looked around 5 years old. Evie saw him looking and he asked, "That your kid?" Evie nodded reluctantly and Jay nodded. He couldn't stand the sight of them, but he forced himself to be nice. "I'm assuming you all are going to follow me back to my ranch anyways, so you might as just well. I have to make a few more stops, and then I'll be going home." Jay said before climbing into his truck and backing out and driving down the street, going further into town.

"Well, that went well." Carlos said rocking Alessia in his arms. They climbed into their car, and followed the lifted truck down the road. They followed Jay and Jonathan into a grocery/general store, where Jay and Jonathan each grabbed a flat of Budweiser and Mountain Dew. "That should last us for the week." "Should we just grab more?" Jay asked and they agreed they should. Jonathan grabbed a shopping cart, and Jay put in three more flats of Mountain Dew and four more flats of Budweiser. They got 6 bottles of leather polisher for their boots, and Jay got 2 saddle straps. They paid for everything and on their way back to Jay's ranch, Evie said allowed, "Why does Jay need to buy so much beer and Mountain Dew?" Ben shrugged, even though he knew perfectly well.

When they arrived at the ranch, Jay backed his truck up to the barn, where the sliding barn door was wide open. He parked his truck, and Evie climbed out of the car along with Carlos and Alessia. Jay and Jonathan put all the Mountain Dew in the barn fridge, and the all the Budweiser in the house along with the leather polisher. They put the saddle straps in the barn as well, before Jay came out to stand in front of the group of nine from Auradon. "Well, tell me. What are you doing here?"

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